Sunday 31 May 2020

Home Made Pineapple Jam

We didn't go for the morning walk because I woke up late. I slept late the previous night because I was eager to watch the ending of another Singapore Chinese drama.
 Curry noodles for breakfast.
Hubby went out to town to buy our favourite noodle with thick curry gravy. We had chicken curry and bbq pork. Hubby doesn't like mint leaves, so I had them all.
After breakfast, I went out to the garden to water the plants and harvested the above snake beans and red okras.
 Later in the morning, my neighbour came back from her shopping and blessed us with 2 papayas. Whenever she buys papayas, she will always remember us.
I finally got down to making my own pineapple jam.
The recipe for the jam is very simple (makes 3 mini tubs).
I kept 1 tub for myself and gave 2 tubs to friends.
  • 1 pineapple (I bought 1 pineapple with the skin removed + cut it into big pieces)
  • Place pineapple pieces in food processor to chop (smoothness according to your preference)
  • Slow boil the chopped pineapple + sugar (amount according to your taste) over low fire
  • Stir frequently until sugar melts and mixture starts to thicken.
  • Add in lemon juice from 1 lemon.
  • Slow boil over low fire until jam thickens to the preferred consistency.
  • Test taste and add sugar if required.
  • Let pineapple jam cools completely before scooping into containers.
  • Keep the jam in the fridge.

I deep fried 2 types of stuffed bean curd sheet with fish paste.
Steamed snake beans and red okras.
The red okras turned pale green when cooked.
Simple dinner for 2 people.
We finished the left over black vinegar pig's trotter.
Steamed multi grain rice for hubby and no rice for me.
The above mangoes are ripe for eating. 
Delicious sweet and sourish mangoes for dessert.
Will keep my eyes open for these mangoes the next time I go shopping.

Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.
(Psalm 119:18, New Living Translation-NLT)

Saturday 30 May 2020

Home Cooked Black Vinegar Pig's Trotter.

Thank God for another lovely morning on the 73rd day MCO. I took along my smartphone on my walk in case I come across something interesting for snapshots.
Morning view of the Kledang Hill at 7:00 am just before we set out on our morning walk.
We saw pigeons on the roof as we passed by these 2-storey houses.
Where there is food, these pigeons will gather.
Hubby went out to buy fish noodle for breakfast. This time he bought an extra pax for a friend who will be delivering the organic eggs we ordered through her.
Hubby and I sharing 1 pax fish noodle. He added 4 big prawns to the noodle. We kept 1 prawns for our friend.
10 organic eggs for RM7.
I bought 3 mangoes from a roadside stall for RM8.50
I bought this banana walnut cake from a bakery shop in town while hubby was getting the insurance and road tax (annual vehicle registration fee) for my car.
I was lazy to queue up at the shop to buy pork. Our regular pork seller has not opened his stall yet but is now temporary supplying through delivery only. Hubby called up to order 1 pig trotter, 1 stomach, 1 tail and ribs. First item to use is the pork trotter and the rest went into the freezer.
Black vinegar pork trotter - our 1 dish dinner.
Hubby had steamed rice while I ate the hard boiled eggs.
Ingredients used: pork trotter, black beans, wood fungus, old ginger, garlic, 1 bottle of black vinegar and some hard boiled eggs. I like to eat hard boiled eggs instead of rice. The hard boiled eggs were added when the pork trotter is almost done. When the dish is done, I packed some to share with my friends in return for their blessings.
Jack fruits, anything blessing from a friend.
Sun setting behind the Kledang Hill.
After an early dinner, we took a short leisure walk near our house.

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

I am the LORD, and there is no other;
apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me,
so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting
people may know there is none besides me.
I am the LORD, and there is no other.
(Isaiah 45:5-6, New International Version-NIV)

Friday 29 May 2020

Lovely Sunrise On 72nd Day MCO

This is one of the days that I woke up feeling fresh and energetic. And when I stepped outside for our morning walk, the sunrise was bright and beautiful. It seemed like the sky was smiling down on us.
Sunrise at about 7:00 am.
7:30 am
That morning, hubby needn't have to buy breakfast.
Friend A blessed us with the above steamed yam cake.
And friend B blessed us with 2 steamed buns and all I have to do is to warm them up and made a pot of Sabah tea without sugar.
Hubby and I took a walk to the nearby food court to buy food from the Indian stall.
Social distancing seating arrangement.
We bought 1 packet of Indian rice to share. The packet consisting of white rice, prawns sambal, cabbage, fried fish and 2 fried chicken drumsticks. This stall is known for its fried chicken.
I boiled corn soup with carrot, wolf berries, and chicken breast meat.
This is left over stewed chicken with chestnut and mushrooms from the previous dinner. It tasted just as delicious after being kept in the fridge overnight.
Small portion of steamed multi grain rice for hubby and no rice for me.
Simple home cooked dinner for 2 people.
My Bauhinia Kockiana vines covering the front of my house.

Linking to Friday Bliss and Skywatch Friday.

No one lights a lamp and then covers it with a bowl or
hides it under a bed. A lamp is placed on a stand,
where its light can be seen by all who enter the house.
(Luke 8:16, New Living Translation-NLT)

Thursday 28 May 2020

Blessings On 71st Day MCO

I have not watched television for a long time but because of the MCO, I have started to watch Chinese dramas. Whenever I have the time to spare in the evening after dinner, I will either watch drama/movie on the TV or Youtube. Currently, I have been watching Singapore dramas and I have finished watching dramas such as "The Last Madame" and "Titoudao".

"The Last Madame" tells the story of the last brothel owner in Singapore in the 1940s. "Titoudao" is about the true story of a popular Chinese opera performer in the 50s and 60s in Singapore. One evening, I stayed up late to watch the last few episodes of "Titoudao" and I only went to bed at about 2:30 am. After 4 hours plus of sleep, I woke up about 7 am in time for my morning walk with hubby.
Sunrise at 7:13 am before we set out on our morning walk.
Self-propagated Cockscomb and Balsam plants outside my house.
These do not need much care.
New plants will sprout out from the ground after the old plants are removed.
Very soon these cockscombs will grow big and heavy.
A friend called to inform that she will be sending something over for our lunch.
This is homemade noodle and fried by her partner.
Delicious lunch for hubby and I.
After my afternoon nap, I woke up to cook dinner.
Stewed chicken with dried mushrooms and chestnuts.
Other ingredients used: sesame oil, garlic, black soy sauce, light soy sauce & oyster sauce.
Home grown snake long beans sauteed with garlic and roast pork.
I added in one home grown red okra harvest from the garden. 
Dinner for 2 people.
Hubby had steamed rice and I had oat porridge.
After dinner, another friend called to inform that she will be sending the above taro or yam cake to my house. We will be keeping the yam cake for the next day's breakfast.
Thank God for blessings us through our friends.

Yes, God will give you much so that you can give away much,
and when we take your gifts to those who need them
they will break out into thanksgiving and praise to God for your help.
(2 Corinthians 9:11, The Living Bible-TLB)

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Update From My Garden 70th Day MCO

Yesterday (70th day MCO) was rather mundane, no lovely sunrise and no interesting food to share. We started our day with a morning walk. After that, hubby went out to buy his breakfast. He bought a packet of fried sticky rice or "san chow loh mai fun" in Cantonese. I forgot to take a snapshot of the sticky rice.
I had 2 pieces of toast with peanut walnut butter and kaya plus a cup of plain Sabah tea without milk or sugar.
Update from my garden.
New batch of Snake bean plants with snake beans hanging from the vines. 
White eggplants waiting to be harvested.
An oblong dark purple eggplant
We had leftover lemang with beef rendang plus barley ginkgo nuts sweet drink (tong sui) bought from the same stall that hubby bought his breakfast.
Dark red Caladium from my garden.
Hope it will continue to stay healthy.
Hubby went out to buy rice porridge with minced pork and pork liver. He ate the porridge with leftover fried dace with salted black beans.
As for me, I pan fried 2 frozen chapati to make wraps.
Dark pink Balsam from my garden.

Then he prayed again, this time that it would rain, and down it poured,
and the grass turned green and the gardens began to grow again.
(James 5:18, The Living Bible-TLB)