Saturday 22 November 2014

Chinese Honeysuckles Flowers

Sweet Scented Chinese Honeysuckle Flowers
If you want to have a decorative plant climb over the arch or trellis in your garden or over your gate, Chinese Honeysuckle or Akar Dani (in Malay) will be a good choice.
It blooms all the year round and the flowers are a mixture of white, pink and dark pink to red colours, and will give you sweet fragrance day and night.
My garden is too small to have a trellis or an arch, so I let them climb over the awning of my side window. Whenever the fresh flowers blossom, the sweet fragrance will fill my whole house.
Chinese Honeysuckle grows well in tropical climate with well-drained soil and blooms well in full sunlight or at least a few hours of sunlight. It is a twining climber, blooming all the year round. Some Honeysuckle are used for their medicinal value but not all Honeysuckle are edible.
The flowers are in clusters, producing sweet edible nectar. The sweet scent and nectar from the flowers attract birds, bees and butterflies.

The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.

The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous.

They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold;

they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.

(Psalm 19:9-10, New International Version-NIV)
The seeds are found inside the oval-shaped, reddish to black berries. It has woody stems or vines. Propagation is from seeds or cuttings.
How sweet are Your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
(Psalm 119:103, New International Version-NIV)


  1. I must try cutting when my plant is big enuf ;) thanks for giving this plant ;)

  2. I like this flower. I know it as drunken sailor and its scientific name is Quisqualis indica.

    1. I like the name "drunken sailor". Ha ha...I can imagine the flowers swaying in the breeze...looks like a drunken sailor. Thanks for providing the scientific name.

  3. Honeysuckles.... the name alone sounds so sweet....

    1. Yes Claire, not only sounds sweet but looks sweet and smell sweet too.

  4. I always envy those with plants, as i do not have green fingers, can only admire...

    1. Its okay dear, you don't have to dirty your hands in the garden like we get the admire and enjoy the plants and their beauty...I welcome you to my garden to admire my plants anytime.

  5. Nancy, these flowers are very beautiful! I have seen these in neighboring houses but because it is a climber, I don't plant it.

    1. This plant needs to climb up high to display its beauty...I tried limiting its climbing vines by cutting it short and it won't flower.

  6. These are beautiful, and your bush is large and showy. We have different kinds of honeysuckle, but not this kind. Do they still smell like regular honeysuckle, that sweet smell?

    1. Yes Ginny, it is sweet and will fill my house with its sweet scent.

  7. You really have green fingers. All the plants looks beautiful & healthy. Would love to visit your garden.


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