Saturday 15 November 2014

Garden Plants: Begonia Flowers

Wonderful Grace!
This flower plant belongs to the Begonia family. It is a succulent plant with
bright glossy leaves and the flowers are sweet sparkling pink with a yellow centre.

A few years back, my soul mate and I went on a short holiday in Cameron Highlands with some very close friends. We had a very relaxing time there, enjoying the cool, fresh air and good fellowship.
It is during one of our morning walks in Cameron Highlands that I saw these little pink flower plants growing along the roadside. I was so captivated by these little flowers that I wanted to get two or three plants for my garden. My friends told me that these will not survive in the lowland. I replied that there is no harm trying.
Upon reaching home, the first thing I did was to quickly plant them into a pot. The plants remained healthy and well, probably because of the cool, rainy weather at that time. But once the weather started to turn hot and humid, my lovely plants started to dry up and died.
Can you see the dried up seeds?

Surprisingly. these plants never fail to sprout by themselves during the rainy season. It must be due to the dried seeds that fell onto the ground, remaining there waiting for the next rainy season. From the three plants that I brought back from the highlands, now I am blessed with so many.
Looking at these lovely plants, a verse from the bible in John 12:24 came to my mind where it says that "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." How true it is.... if the seeds from the initial plants did not dry and fall to the ground (died), I will not be able to have so many of these plants in my garden today (manifold blessings).
See them neatly lined up along the pots of flowers?

The thing that amazes me is that, these plants will only sprout in a neat row, just in front of the row of flower pots. It seems like there is an invisible hand helping to beautify my garden. Is this coincidence?
To me it is "The wonderful grace of God!"
Bright Pink Begonia. Can easily grow from cuttings.

Pinkish White Begonia. Can easily grow from cuttings.


  1. Wow.... they are sweet and beautiful little pink flower. you are truly blessed with green fingers ;) God really bless you

    1. Elin, once you start your retirement, I know you will also have a beautiful garden of your own.

  2. So pretty! PTL that they can grow in low land too. Are they sold in Cameron Highlands?

    1. Thank you, Mun. I think many variety of the plants are on sale in Cameron. Some hardy ones are also on sale in the lowland.

  3. Another green post created!! Yes, save the greens,... Very nice and getting more pro now!

    1. Thank you Claire for your encouragement. Am very motivated.

  4. Nice flowers you have, i do not have green fingers, no fate with them...

  5. Nancy, these flowers are so captivating! Aren't you glad you gave it a try? I would have done the same but not sure if mine would have survived hah..hah... Yes, it is amazing that your Begonias grew in a straight row. As if you planted them that way. God works in mysterious ways!

    1. Yes, God always surprises us with His mysterious ways.


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