Thursday 29 January 2015

Curry Mee, Prawn Mee & Lam Mee @ Sun Seng Fatt, Ipoh Old Town

Few weeks ago, my ex-colleague and I, together with our husbands had our breakfast at Sun Seng Fatt. Initially, this business was operating from an opposite shop. Those days we were much younger and still working. My ex-colleagues and I used to frequent the old place for the famous curry mee and lam mee. Those were the days when we enjoyed going out for breakfast together during our tea break.

After our retirement, we seldom come together to this part of town for our breakfast. On this particular morning, we wanted to show our friends around to see the wall murals, the changes and happenings in old town. So before sight-seeing, we must fill our tummy first. It so happened we found a parking lot near Sun Seng Fatt. Since its has been a long, long time we have not been here, we decided to get a taste of our old favourite noodles.
Curry mee/noodle - yellow noodle with BBQ pork slices, prawns, bean curd ball, crunchy bean sprout, mint leaves in curry gravy.

Prawn mee/noodle - yellow noodle with hard boil egg slices, BBQ pork slices, prawns, crunchy bean sprouts, water spinach, crispy fried onion slices.

Lam mee/noodle - yellow noodle mixed with rice vermicelli, BBQ pork slices, prawns, crunchy bean sprout, thin egg strips in non-spicy soup.

Workers peeling prawns.

MYR 5 (approx. 1.39 USD) per bowl for all types of noodles.

Restoran Sun Seng Fatt, 32, Jalan Market, Ipoh Old Town.

I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all Your works
and consider what Your hands have done.
I spread out my hands to You;
my soul thirsts for You like a parched land.
(Psalm 143:5-6, New International Version-NIV)


  1. I'm not a big fan of curry but prawns! I can eat them all day!

    1. All day? Oh no, not me...I have to watch my diet.

  2. The price of food in this part of Ipoh is more like KL, no longer around RM3.50 for noodles.

    1. Yes Mun, it is catching up with KL...only very few place can find cheap price and also depends on what food.

  3. I like the yellow with the vermicelli the best. Love their decor, the big pictures of food hanging on the walls.

  4. My son loves their curry mee and never fails to have a bowl or two whenever he is back ;)

  5. My son loves their curry mee and never fails to have a bowl or two whenever he is back ;)

  6. Gotta bookmark this place also, hehe...

  7. 3 consecutive days I have been well fed with noodles and today post on curry mee, prawn mee & lam mee is as good as the others.

    1. Irene, hope after all these noodle, you won't be tired of noodle.

  8. Nancy, that is a very hearty breakfast and would give lots of energy for sight seeing :)

    1. Phong Hong, yes, we did walk around and use up some of the

  9. aiyer...i wanted to makan there last round I went. But full up . cant get parking. Holiday season like that la

    1. Small kucing, hope your next trip, you will get to eat in this place.


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