Saturday 24 January 2015

Lunch At Cafe Hot Jack, New Pasir Puteh, Ipoh

Toward the end of December 2014 school holidays, I invited my ex-colleague who is also my good friend to accompany me to Kampung Kepayang, which is near Gopeng town for a home visitation. I drove to my friend's house and together we started our journey to Kampung Kepayang, reaching there about 10.45 am. It is about 30 minutes drive, depending on our speed.

Our purpose is to visit an elderly lady, aged about 70 plus years old. She is suffering from renal failure and is house bound. Her only past time is watching TV. She is very weak and only able to walk short distance. After our visitation, we said our goodbyes and we left for Ipoh. Our initial plan was to have lunch in Gopeng but somehow we changed our plan and drove all the way back to Ipoh. We didn't want to go to Ipoh town centre for lunch because of the heavy traffic, so we went to Pasir Puteh area where my friend is staying.

Finally, we ended up in Cafe Hot Jack, New Pasir Puteh for lunch. My friend who is staying nearby, had only recently visited and ate there once. I have heard of this place but have never tried its food. I was told that this eatery has been in operation for about 5 years or more.

Inside, it is quiet and comfortable. It was not very crowded probably because it was a weekday. After our orders were taken, I have time to take some pictures in the cafe from where we were seated.
A big painting of 3 world's famous towers on the wall.

... the counter area.

A glass of green tea for my friend.

A glass of Jasmine green tea for me.

A side dish - a set of 3 chicken wings, very crispy skin and very tasty.

Another side dish - Spring roll with mayonnaise sauce.
We were disappointed with this order. We were thinking it was something like "popiah" style of crispy spring roll. It was our mistake, we should have sought clarification before we order.

A plate of Baked Cheese Spaghetti with chicken chop for my friend MYR 14.90 (approx. 4.14 USD)

Tomato Concasse, Chicken Bratwurst with red wine cream sauce for me MYR 15.90 (approx. 4.41 USD). Total cost inclusive of 6% GST - MYR 55.75 (approx. 15.47 USD)

Overall, both my friend and I quite like the food and the place. Will keep in mind for our future fellowship meeting, one extra place to choose from.

Oh hearing this, Jesus said to them,
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
(Mark 2:17, New International Version-NIV)


  1. I agree that once we find a place with food that we like, we should note this down and consider going there again and again.

    1. Especially the places who are friendly towards their customer and where the food is good.

  2. You are so sweet to go and visit that poor old lady. This place looks very good. And some of the food looks surprisingly American. Like the chicken wings, spaghetti, and bratwurst meals.

  3. You are quite adventurous in food hunting too. All the food you order looks great. Love them all.

    1. Irene, now that I am a retiree, have more time to go round trying new food..hahah

  4. The food looks alright and I am eyeing the chicken wings hee..hee...

  5. the baked chicken spaghetti looks good. bless you for visiting the older woman who is housebound.

  6. love the look of the chicken wings


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