Wednesday 21 January 2015

Teochew Porridge For Lunch At Restoran Jack Fah, Ipoh

Last Sunday, my hubby was down with sore throat, so after church we drove to town for porridge at Restoran Jack Fah. It has been a long time, I think it is many years we have not been here. This place served Teochew porridge (watery porridge boiled with sweet potatoes) and lots, lots of savoury dishes. The place now looks brighter and cleaner than before.
Rows of assorted dishes to choose from. Too many to name them all.

Variety of meat, seafood and vegetables dishes.

Dishes like braised pork rib with preserved beans, etc.

Braised tofu, eggs, preserved salted vegetables, etc.

Deep fried "cooked" fish, and diced "lup, lup" i.e. diced french beans with salted radish, peanuts, archovies, chilies, etc.

Salted fish of different types, salted meat, Chinese sausages, salted eggs, etc.

Initially, we picked 3 dishes to go with our porridge.

Very tasty braised white radish with dried octupus and spices.

Deep fried salted pork belly meat.

Mixed vegetables - cabbage, bean curd, etc.

Later we added Braised Pork Rib with preserved beans.

4 bowls of watery sweet potato porridge. After we have eaten on bowl each, it was as if we have not eaten at all. So we ask for another 2 bowls of porridge. There is only 1 piece of sweet potato in each bowl. There is rice for those who do not like porridge. Total cost less than MYR 30 (approx. 8.40 USD).

Restoran Jack Fah, Jalan Russel, Ipoh new town (parallel to Jalan Masjid, formerly Hume Street).

Do not repay anyone evil for evil.
Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you,
live at peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my friends,
but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written:
"It is mine to revenge; I will repay," says the LORD.
(Romans 12:17-19, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Sometimes, too many variety, i will take sometimes to choose what i want, hehe...

    1. Sharon, I agree with you. Not easy to choose from so many variety.

  2. Spoilt for choice. Makes me craving for porridge now.

    1. I love this teochew porridge, especially during hot weather.

  3. Ya, eat porridge will not be full so easily as there are more water than rice. I just had this the other day. One bowl of porridge with some pieces of sweet potatoes in it costs RM2 here.

  4. Best porridge in ipoh!!!
    I have my lunch everyday at there!!!
    It is already 50 years history!!

    1. Hi Nick, thank you for visiting and so nice of you to leave a comment. So are you still staying in Ipoh or have moved elsewhere. Thank you for this info, I didn't know that it has such a long history, 50 years of good business.

    2. i stay in ipoh. I have been to this restaurant for more than 10 yrs. this is one of my favourite restaurant. Recommended especially for tourist~!!

    3. Thank you, Nick. I hope more tourists will get to know of this place and make their way to enjoy the porridge there. Have a happy week!

  5. yumm...
    seeing those dishes makes me craving for the salty meat

    1. Hi BF Fong, thank you for visiting and leaving behind your comment. I appreciate it. Are you from Ipoh? Salty meat with porridge always stir up my hunger.

  6. Agree with all the comment above. One of the best Teochew porridge in town.

    1. Better go for lunch when the dishes are fresh.


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