Sunday 22 February 2015

Chicken Rice For Lunch At Restoran Winner, First Garden, Ipoh

This post should have been posted earlier but somehow it was given the miss until now. On this particular day, we had a very early breakfast and by lunch time, we were feeling very hungry. We wanted to eat Indian fried noodle (mee goreng) but the stall was closed. There were only two stalls opened. One was the prawn noodle and the other was the chicken rice. We had just taken prawn noodle for breakfast, so there was no choice but to order from the chicken rice stall.

We could see that the chicken rice stall was very bush with their orders and there were also a handful of customers waiting to pack and take away their orders. As we looked around, most of the customers in the place were eating chicken rice.

One of the young lady helper took our orders and our food arrived in a short while.

Hubby's set was a portion of oiled rice (yau fun in Cantonese), a fried chicken wing and sambal belacan wing bean and served with a few slices of raw cucumber.
It has been a long while since I have last eaten Sesame BBQ Chicken Drumstick. I ordered a sesame bbq chicken drumstick, wing bean stir fried with chili prawn paste (sambal belacan kacang botol in Malay) and 1 portion oiled rice.

Everything tasted good except that I found the chicken drumstick a bit too sweet. The chicken drumstick meat was very tender and the wing bean crunchy. The total cost of both sets was MYR 9.90 (approx. 2.71 USD).
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
(Philippians 4:12, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Hey Nancy! Back to normal already? No cooking in the house? Sorry ah, didnt have time to stop by for comments... have been so busy busy like a bee! Now I am down south already.. hope to catch up with you ladies soon!

    1. Hi Claire, not really....still busy, busy Will meet up with you after you are back from your trip.

  2. Never seen chicken rice served with this type of vegetables before. I refer to the wing bean as four angled bean.

    1. Hi Mun, actually it is a side order. Yes, you are right, it is four angled bean but found this new name when I googled, something new to me ..hehe.

  3. I love chicken with rice!! And gravy.

    1. Hi Ginny, very yummy especially with gravy. Thumbs up!

  4. mine was different, but i just finished eating chicken and rice for an early dinner. :)

    1. Hi Tex, I am sure your chicken and rice must have been very yummy too.

  5. The first dish looks like my kind of meal!!!

    1. Hi Linda, that dish is indeed the original chicken rice dish with addition of the veggie.

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Sharon, it is...very, very tempting hahah.

  7. Nancy, I will not say no to chicken rice! It is rather unusual that it is served with sambal wing bean. But I would not mind one bit!

  8. Hi Phong Hong, the sambal wing bean is an additional order to the chicken rice. Yes, I never refuse any sambal veg or veggie acar he he.


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