Monday 9 February 2015

Enjoying Indian Breakfast @ Buntong Village, Ipoh

On Monday morning, my friends and I had Indian breakfast at Buntong Village. It has been a long time since we last had Indian breakfast. The place that we had our breakfast is a small canteen just outside the fence of Sekolah Kebangsaan Guru Kalgidhar (Guru Kalgidhar Primary School), next to the Buntong Village Police Station, Jalan Sungai Pari.
We all are to meet at my house at 9 am. When everyone has arrived, we got into 2 cars and reached the canteen at about 9.30 am. I have not been there for a long time. The last time was a few years ago, I came with my ex-colleagues. We used to sit at the table placed by the roadside. The canteen looks so much neater and cleaner now.
Mrs S who is one of our friend, is a regular customer of this place, showed us the way where we can sit down comfortably to have our breakfast. There were six of us, so we got ourselves a big table, shaded with a big parasol to keep off rain or dried leaves and twigs from the big shady trees. At first it was quite comfortable, shady and with natural breeze but after I started drinking my hot black coffee, I started to sweat.

This place also serves as a canteen to the school. While we were waiting for our food, the school bell rang for recess. The food for the school children were placed on the other side of the fence.
This is one of the food items being sold there. I do not know the name of this food and I have not tasted ithis before.

These are Idli, to be eaten with curry gravy. I have tasted this before.

These are Wada or Vade. It is savoury and can be eaten by itself or with curry gravy. This I like especially when it is still hot or warm. I usually eat this by itself or with nice coconut or tomato chutney.

The ones at the back is Appam. It can be eaten by itself, or with coconut milk or with curry gravy. I think the piece which was over darkened was rejected. The ones toward the front is Thosai. This is usually eaten with curry gravy. Besides the above food, the canteen also sells fried noodles and other items, etc. Below were our orders for 6 people.
I do not know what these are called. They are 8 little fried balls. I think I ate one but I can't remember how it tasted like.

These are the different curry gravy. Our favourite is the sambal sardine gravy on the top left. On the top right is another tasty curry gravy. On the bottom left is the coconut chutney gravy and bottom right is the parapu gravy.

A piece of Thosai for our youngest friend. She said it was really tasty.

1 piece of Appam each, Total 5 appam. Appam is sweet, can be eaten by itself or with curry gravy. My friends are all such small eaters. 1 Appam is enough for them but not for me.

After eating 1 piece of appam, I felt like I have not eaten at all. So I ordered 1 piece of wada or vade. This was still warm, slightly crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. This can be eaten on its own or with curry gravy.

I ate this with all my favourite curry gravy, specially with the sambal sardine gravy. After I ate this, at least I felt a little bit satisfied for the time being. Our drinks - 3 black coffee, 2 hot tea with milk, 1 iced tea with milk and 6 wada/vade packed for take away. Total breakfast costs MYR 18 for 6 people.

The LORD will guide you always;
He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
(Isaiah 58:11, New International Version-NIV)


  1. These all look very good. If this is what the school children get, they are lucky!

  2. It is so fascinating to see what others eat in other places. Thanks so much for sharing, Nancy.

    1. Linda, it is very fascinating to see and also interesting and fun to get to taste them too.

  3. Nancy, I would never say no to an Indian meal. I love Indian food so much hah..hah....

    1. Phong Hong, I love Indian food but not all of them. I don't like the sweet stuff.

  4. No thank you to Indian foods, not to my liking...

    1. Sharon, I understand, some of my friends too do not like Indian food.

  5. I love to eat Indian food too - idli, vade, tosai, appam, all I like to eat.

    1. Mun, all that you have mentioned, I like them too.

  6. (regarding your question on how to tell the male and female woodpeckers apart, with the red-bellied woodpeckers, the male has a complete red stripe from beak to nape of neck. the female has a gray forehead interrupting her red stripe.) :)

    1. Thank you Tex, for answering my questions. Now I can see the difference.

  7. Hi Nancy,

    You are always posting very nice local food in your blog... I missed eating thosai and appam!


    1. Zoe, you can't get these food from where you are staying?

  8. Wah you and your friends know where to look for food! Vadai is the one with lentils inside right? Never tried it with curry before.

    1. Stacy, you got it right. There is also onions added. I usually eat vadai with chutney and curry.


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