Thursday 26 February 2015

Gopeng's Mini Lakeview Garden, Jalan Tasik, Gopeng, Perak

This is a continuation of yesterday's post - "In Search For Authentic Kopisan Lai Fun (rice noodle) in Gopeng.

After we have finished our breakfast, my hubby drove through Kopisan village where he once stayed for a few years before his family shifted to another part of Gopeng. He had many fond memories of his school days. Even though we have been passing through this place many times, he never fails to share his school days stories with me. He would point out to me the school he had attended and his friend's house, etc.
This is part of Kopisan village where we drove past. A very quiet and peaceful place. The time was about 8.40 am.

As we came to Gopeng town, my hubby pointed out to me the school he had studied in. It was National Type Primary School Gopeng (Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Gopeng). He took a left turning from the main road to look at the school building. The school is no longer there and we noticed that the building is now occupied by GiatMara Gopeng, a training centre. Hubby was driving on Jalan Tasik and we passed by the Welfare Association for the Disabled Gopeng (Persatuan Kebajikan Untuk Orang Cacat Gopeng).
After the Welfare Association building, there is a 90 degrees turning to the right. I saw this scene on my left and I told hubby that I wanted to take a look at this place. I remember reading an article some time ago, highlighting this mini project but have never check it out even though we have been to Gopeng many times.
We both got down from our car. As I looked up, I do not know what to expect until we reach the top of the top. Hubby has already gone up the flight of steps and hidden by one of the trees. I was taking my own sweet time following behind.
On my right, I saw 2 structures. There was no one there, only hubby and I.

On closer look, we noticed that the slide has been burnt (circled in red). Someone must have vandalized this children's equipment. The whole place does not look neglected because we can see that the grass has been cut and the place quite clean even though deserted.
First sight of the lake. Isn't this beautiful? I didn't know there is a lake here, no wonder the road is named "Jalan Tasik" (meaning Lake Road). Is this nature's gift or was it a used mining pond turned into a lake? The time was about 8.50 am.
I love the reflection on the lake, reminded me of Taiping Lake but not as beautiful. So serene and quiet and can hear the birds chirping around me.
I can imagine coming here in the early morning or evening, settling down on one of the benches with a book. I can even bring some of my plants to brighten and beautify the place. What a nice place it will be for picnic gatherings with ice-breakers and games for both young and old to enjoy. was just my wishful thinking.....
There is a pebbles track for feet massage. Bared feet walking on the pebbles to massaged the feet to encourage blood circulation for the body.
This view is taken from where I was standing, looking down Jalan Tasik before me.

Right side view of Jalan Tasik after coming down the steps from the Mini Lake Garden. We do not know who initiated and continue to maintain the garden but we appreciate their good deeds in maintaining and keeping the garden in good condition. We do hope the public will also appreciate this place, even though a simple one and not vandalize it.
In the same way, good deeds are obvious,
and even those that are not cannot be hidden.
(1 Timothy 5:25, New International Version-NIV)


  1. So nice of your partner to take you for paktoring every now and then.. this is called LIFE!!

    1. Hi Claire, yes, must enjoy life when we still can...age is catching up ma..hahaha

  2. Nice park. So sad about the burnt part you circled. What I hope is that the community living there really make full use of this lovely park. It would really make it meaningful if the park is filled with the young and old exercising in the morning. Thank you for sharing these photos about a small taman. Must be very peaceful to live here.

    1. Hi Mun, like you, I do hope this park will be fully utilized by the young and old staying near there, just like the one in my area...

  3. the lake reflections are beautiful! the pebbled foot paths are neat! i'm sorry that someone vandalized the children's slide. such senseless waste.

    1. Hi Tex, thank you. Must have been done by a thoughtless person.

  4. Your photos are gorgeous, Nancy. I am sorry that somebody vandalized the slide, this is very sad.

  5. Except for the burnt part, this place is beautiful! The gorgeous palm trees, and the water. Plus so many memories for your husband! The memories may not be too long ago, as I sense you are both young.

    1. Hi Ginny, thank you. Both hubby and I are already senior citizens, but our hearts still

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Sharon, if only the place is filled with more plants and flowers, I am sure it will be a very nice, comfortable place.

  7. Nancy, that was a very nice outing! Wish I had a chance to do the same :)

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong. Yes, it is...I am sure you will get your chance soon.


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