Thursday 12 February 2015

Making Crispy Fish Bundles For Chinese New Year

Two weeks ago, while I was buying some groceries at the sundry shop, I saw many variety of Chinese New Year cookies and snacks for sale. Those on display were mostly sweet cookies. The rest were the crispy snacks that my family like to eat, e.g. Meat Floss Rolls, Crab Stick Strips and etc. Out of the whole lot, one particular item caught my eyes. I went closer and picked up the small container to take a closer look. I did not know what it was, the price tag said MYR 15. I put back the container, paid for the groceries and left for home.
On Tuesday afternoon, we had a gathering at my sister's house. A friend gave us each a container of the same item that I saw in the sundry shop. We tasted it and we all like it. After having tasted the snack in the container, I more or less knew what it was. I wanted to make this. I took out one piece and examine it closely to see how it was secured as a bundle.
On the way home, I stopped at the supermarket to buy 2 packets of Dried Fish Fillet. That night after dinner, I started tying up the fish strands into bundles.
On the first try, I took out 3 fish strands. Later I used 4 strands. You can use 3 strands or 4 strands according to your own preference.

Fold the strands into half (1st folding).
Fold the strands into half except for 1 strand, leaving it free at one end.

Then I folded the strands into half again (2 folding), not touching the free one.

After the 2nd folding, I used the free strand to go round the bundle to secure it.

Then I inserted the end as shown above and pulled (not too tightly) to secure the bundle.

These are fish strand bundles before frying. Finished tying all the strands before frying. Then get ready the frying pan and heat up the oil. To test the oil, I used a chopstick to dip into oil, if it bubbles, then the oil is ready for frying.

Since this is my first try, I test fried a few pieces first. The fire must be medium low because they brown very fast. I used a stainless steel sieve to take out the fried pieces, rest it on the half-moon rack and allow the oil to drip back into the frying pan. For this snack, the frying time is very short.
I increased the amount for frying after the 1st trial. While frying, use the chopsticks to stir the pieces in the oil for even frying and colour.

This is how the fried fish strand bundles look like.

After I have finished frying the two packets of fish strand bundles, I went to the supermarket in my area to buy the dried fish fillet again. This brand is different from the first. This brand has 3 flavours, 1 is original, another one is Barbecue and another is hot and spicy flavour. 1 bought 2 packets of original and 2 packets of hot & spicy to try.

Actually, I have another project in mind, but dare not commit yet. Will need to see if I have the time or not. I have not started on my house spring cleaning yet. These few weeks, I have been very busy with many other projects.

We hear that some among you are idle.
They are not busy; they are busybodies.
Such people we command and urge
in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down
and earn the bread they eat. And as for you,
brothers, never tire of doing what is right.
(2 Thessalonians 3:11-13, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Wow, this is so new, that I have not seen it yet. You are really diligent, Nancy to go make the bundles to deep fry them.

    What other ready-to-eat snacks will they deep fried next I really wonder.

    1. Hi Mun, it all started because of my curiosity. But it turned out exactly as those sold by the shop. Making the bundles takes some time, frying is short and easy, frying is the fastest hehe.

  2. I have never seen anything like these! They are very fancy and I know they must have tasted so good!

    1. Hi Ginny, oh, they tasted very good and very addictive too.

  3. yummy and thanks for the guide on how to tie it. I was wondering how they tie it :)

    1. Hi Elin, you are most welcome. Now you can make your own bundles.

  4. Thanks for sharing the tips on how to tie it..

  5. Oh this is nice! And as always, anything new is interesting. :)

    One auntie taught me a trick with this fish fillet thing before. Pour onto a plate and spread loosely out, then microwave short while. It'll turn crispy and nice. But fried will always taste nicer la.

    1. Hi Stacy, the microwave method will be for the health conscious ones. He he of course the fried ones are nicer but not so healthy.

  6. I have never seen anything like this, Nancy....lovely and creative. :)

  7. OK, Nancy I am coming to your house hah..hah... Thanks for the tutorial. Now we don;t have to spend RM15 for a small bottle of crispy fish bundles!

    1. Hi Phong Hong & Kathy, You both are most welcome. By that time, I do hope I have some for you both...ha hahah.

  8. First time year la I baru fry....tutup gerai liao.....

    1. Hi Kathy, next can tie these bundles early and fry them later. After all these frying, I am very lazy now.

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Tex, yes, and part of our tradition is preparing and eating all these goodies and snack during festive seasons.


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