Sunday 15 February 2015

Shopping For Suitable And Affordable Dresses

Sometime in the middle of last year, I found out that my tailor was very sick and no longer able to sew anymore. She has been my tailor for many years and her charges have been very reasonable and lower than most tailors in my area. Since then, I have tried a few tailors but their charges are very high and the workmanship not deserving of the high rates they are charging. 

I finally gave up looking for the right tailor. Especially, now that the cloth is not cheap and it will be a waste if it turned out that the dress does not fit properly even though the tailor has taken all the necessary measurement. 

Well, nothing is permanent and things cannot remain the same forever. I have to change with the times. I have heard of friends purchasing electronic gadgets, clothing, etc. online. Looks like I have to prepare myself and get used to the idea of doing the same whenever the need arises. I have to change my mind set about online purchases and learn the know-how, the proper and safe way of doing online purchasing.

I have been wearing the same old dresses for wedding functions or special occasion for quite a while and it is about time that I buy some new dresses. So for a start, I too went online to search for some suitable dresses at affordable prices. After a few clicks on the mouse, going through the dresses on display, jumping from one website to another, I came to this website to find that the dresses are worth considering even for woman at my age. And considering the big discounts they are giving, I might just commit and place my order for one dress for a start. After all, its about time for me to get a new dress.

Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins.
If they do, the skins will burst,
the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined.
No, they pour new wine into new wineskins,
and both are preserved.
(Matthew 9:17, NIV)

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