Saturday 2 May 2015

Dinner At Restoran J.J.Fatt, Lawan Kuda Baru, Gopeng, Perak

Last Sunday night, our friends came to pick us up from our house and we had a leisure ride to Lawan Kuda in Gopeng. We started about 6 pm and to avoid the after office peak heavy traffic on the main road, our friend drove through the kampung (village) roads. It is the longer route but we didn't mind as we were not in any hurry and it was a nice cool evening.

Our friends have tasted the Snakehead fish herbal soup and they enjoyed it very much and they invited us to try out the dishes at this restaurant. Thanking LCK & wife for a yummy dinner and good fellowship.
We ordered one fresh Snakehead fish for cooking 2 dishes.
Dish #1 - boneless fish slices stir-fried with ginger slices and spring onions.

Dish #2 - after removing the meaty part, the rest of the fish was used to cook herbal soup in a clay pot. This dish was advertised in the local Chinese newspaper.

My bowl of herbal fish soup.
Steamed Yam with Pork Belly dish (kau yoke).

Stir fried sweet potato leaves with garlic.

While waiting for the food, many customers took advantage of the free wi-fi.

Newspaper cutting pasted on the outside wall near the entrance.

Two air-conditioned shop lots.

This was taken just after we got down from our car. The sky looked like threatening to rain. It started to drizzle after our dinner.

This photo was taken from the back seat where I was seated while the car was moving. I love the tall swaying coconut trees.

All the trees of the field will know that I the LORD
bring down the tall tree and make the low tree grow tall.
I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish.
I the LORD have spoken, and I will do it.
(Ezekiel 17:24, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Your country is nice. In Poland also customers took advantage of free Wifi. The world is global village now

  2. Oh my gad. Everything look super delicious.
    Would you like to follow each other?
    Let me know if you want and I will follow you back.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, let's follow each other.

  3. It rains every evening here starting this week. The scary part is the lightning and thunder. I hate driving in such condition.

    Yummy and nutritious dishes especially the snake head fish. I cannot remember I taste this fish before or not. Maybe I did. Haha.

    1. This piping hot fish soup will be good for a rainy evening.

  4. Nancy, one day can you take me and go? :)

    1. Sure, any time you are ready to go......

  5. Hello Nancy, as always the food looks yummy.. Sorry about the rain and moody sky.. I love the palm trees. Have a happy weekend!

  6. moody skies. glad you had a nice dinner.

    1. We are glad too, the dinner brightened up our evening.

  7. Hello Nancy, greeting and good wishes.

    Lovely photos of delicious food. The restaurant looks popular and crowded.

    Your quote is worth remembering. God is almighty and He can do anything which is impossible for man.

    Best wishes

    1. Thank you, Joseph. Best wishes to you and happy weekend to you.

  8. The only thing better than a good meal like this is enjoying it with friends!

    1. Yes, Ginny, good fellowship with friends make a lot of difference.

  9. I like the dish 1, fish slices, no bones, very easy to eat. In Ipoh, even on Sunday night there is after office peak traffic?

    1. Mun, thanks so much for pointing out my mistake. It was not after office peak traffic, it was some heavy traffic at the main road that my friend wanted to avoid

    2. Lol! No problem, I was just wondering about it so I asked. Thanks for clearing this up. :)

  10. I never had snakehead fish or sweet potato leaves but I love sweet potatoes. I'm sure it was all very tasty. Thanks for showing us new food.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Looks like a nice place, Nancy, and the portions are generous.

    1. Linda, the portions was generous and food tasty.

  12. Looks a delicious meal and good that you got to eat your greens today! The best meals are those share with friends :)
    Wren x

    1. Thank, we did have a very nice meal with our friends.

  13. That top dish really appeals to me. The coconut trees swaying in the breeze look pretty nice too ;-)

  14. All the food looks great. Love the stir fry sweet potatoes leaves.

    1. Hi Irene, so good to have you back, I missed you and I didn't even know it was my mistake in my blog setting. So very sorry.

    2. No worries, Nancy. Am glad to be able to comment in your blog.

  15. If me, i will also take advantage of the free wifi, hehe...

  16. Nancy, the food sure looks good! I'm wondering what is snakehead fish. Is it ikan haruan?

    1. Yes, it is ikan haruan. The soup and fish slices, both dishes very good.

  17. I like everything with fish so I would be probably very satisfied with the menu:)
    I have never tried sweet potato leafs, not available here

    1. Both the fish dishes will be very satisfying for you. Both are yummy!


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