Tuesday 26 May 2015

Meeting Up For Brunch, Dessert And Fellowship

My life is like a book with many chapters. Once I have retired, I started a new chapter in my life. I can hope and plan for my future and I may have expectation but I know, ultimately in many ways I am not in control of how the course of my will turn out to be. There are many friends in my life, some came and moved on, but there are some that stay and we remain as good friends.

Friendship is a joint effort from both parties and I value and appreciate all my friends who have been with me all these years. I take this opportunity through this post to say "thank you" to my friends for being there for me, through thick and thin. My friends, both old and new, you all know who you are! Thank you once again even though I may not mention your names or have your photos in this post. Okay, now back to my post...

It was an impromptu decision. It all started with a Whatsapp message and it was initially suggested that we meet up for breakfast together, but then on of us could not make it for breakfast. So it was brunch that we met up. We had our brunch in Kedai Kopi Chor Kee, a corner shop at Tingkat Taman Ipoh 6.

My friends recommended the Hakka Herbal Tea Rice (Lui Cha in Cantonese) to me. I ordered a set for myself, whereas my other two friends have not yet decided on what they wanted to eat.
Hakka Herbal Tea Rice - dry ingredients and soup served separately.

Plenty of ingredients served on top of the rice until the rice was totally hidden. I also ordered 2 stuffed ingredients to try.

My way of eating this is to mix the rice and the dry ingredients together. Sometimes I will eat the rice + dry ingredients and the soup alternately but sometimes I will scoop the soup over the rice+dry ingredients and eat it "flooded".

Oh! What did my friends eat? I was too busy enjoying my brunch that I didn't take photos of what my friends were eating.

After brunch, one friend wanted to buy some biscuits and off we went to Pasir Pinji. The freshly made biscuits were not ready and we were told to wait for about 30 minutes, so meanwhile how should we pass our time? We had a round of dessert at Restoran Big Big Tree (near to Restoran Tuck Kee).

We ordered 3 bowls of iced yellow jelly (wan tau long in Cantonese) with ice shaving, topped with squeezed lime and salted plum - very refreshing and thirst quenching.

These are two of my pensioners foodie friends (makan kaki).

Time to go over to the biscuit shop. Name of shop is Konfeksi Ming Yue or Ming Yue Confectionary, Pasir Pinji. Many variety of freshly baked biscuits (tau sar peang) and etc.

A very popular biscuit shop, most times there will be customers queuing up. Our favourite biscuit is the peanut candy, very fresh, crispy and addictive. Once started munching, difficult to stop! I too ended up buying some for myself!

Have you found honey? Eat only what you need,
That you not have it in excess and vomit it.
(Proverbs 25:16, New American Standard Bible-NASB)


  1. That's the way to go for a retiree. Enjoy your retirement life to the fullest. Yeah, I recognise one of your makan kaki. Hi, Reana....The iced yellow jelly looks refreshing, lime & "syn boi" makes this a perfect dessert.

    1. Hi Irene, yes it is Reana....Adding lime & syn boi to the dessert makes a lot of difference.

  2. WOW, such a mouth watering post again, Nancy!!
    Thanks to you to be such a lovely and faithful follower although I am so often on the roads or behind my camera! LOL!!
    I would love to come and visit your area for the fauna and the food but it seems that the property doesn't want us to sell and leave :(
    Enjoy your week and keep well :)

    1. Hi Noushka, you are most welcome, I like to visit your blog for all the beautiful photos and posting. Enjoy your holidays!

  3. Nancy, I have never tried the Hakka Lui Cha. It looks interesting but I find the green soup a bit scary looking hah..hah...

    1. Phong Hong, the first time I tried Lui Cha, I didn't like the green soup but by the 2nd time I have learned to love it!

  4. I recognise one of them. Lol. Really enjoy life and good kaki makan.

    So how the lui cha taste like? It was indeed very generous portion.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Rose, I love the lui cha, it is good!

  5. Looks yummy. Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. Tom, its very, very yummy! Have a great day!

  6. Those biscuits look delightful. A friend should be treasured.

  7. lovely ladies. :) i like the iced desserts.

    1. Hi Theresa, I love them too, very refreshing and nice.

  8. I want to taste your foods:)

    1. Hi Joy, you are most welcome to taste them.

  9. It is so heartwarming to hear that you have such close and good friends. We can never thank these good friends enough. I like to eat Hakka Lui Char a lot and I have been to Pasir Pinji to eat the mua chee, colourful pink ice, and bought moon cakes from Ming Yue.

    1. Hi Mun, looks like you know Ipoh quite well. Thank you for visiting Ipoh and coming to enjoy our food too.

  10. Okay, you have the most fabulous food here. Sharing a meal with family and friends is just the very best.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Hi Sandee, life is more meaningful if we share our meal with family and friends. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Nice to have foodie friends😄

    1. Hi Ola, it is a blessing! Have a fabulous day!

  12. Yes Nancy you right ewach life consists of many chapters bad and good ones.. Love Gosia

    1. Hi Gosia, we leave the bad chapters and look forward to the good ones. Have a great day!

  13. I see Claire there :)

    Yea I love the biscuits from Ming Yue.

    1. If its near festival time eg. mooncakes festival, etc....even with booking there is no guarantee u can get the biscuits.

  14. Hi Nancy,

    I'm alaways a big fan of traditional confectionery shop... Everything looks very freshly made in the one that you visited :D

    Hope that you had a great time with your makan kaki :D


    1. Hi Zoe, this place guarantees very freshly baked biscuits (esp. those they made in the shop)....I had a great time with my makan kaki.

  15. if i go to the biscuit shop, i will be out of control, sure buy something and will not come out empty handed... haha...

    1. Ha ha..Sharon, I am like that too, sure must buy something! Lol!

  16. Friendship is indeed a wonderful thing. Hope blogger friends count :-)

    1. Hi Amalia, Yes, blogger friends count too! You all are my precious blogger friends!

  17. Hello Nancy, your food post always look delicious. The biscuit shop looks awesome, yum! Lovely ladies! Have a happy day!

    1. Eileen, thank you. You are so kind. God bless you!

  18. Fellowship with food actually gives the brethren more connection and strong relationship. So, it' s very ideal in a fellowship to have a food on the table. :)

    1. Thank you, Steve. you said it so well! When brethren come together in fellowship and have a meal, our relationship is strengthen. Its a great way to strengthen each other. God bless you!

  19. Back in my time, Ipoh wasn't so interesting.... then again my dad wouldn't have gone to Pasar Pinji coz considered another town already. Oh those freshly baked biscuits look awesome.

    1. Stacy, Ipoh has gone through many changes. How long have you left Ipoh?

    2. Oo about 25 years now!

    3. Oo about 25 years now!

  20. Ooo..I love Hakka Lui Cha. Very nice to eat and extremely proud of the dish because my mom's a Hakka...lol..! ;)

  21. I am not Hakka but I have acquired the taste for Hakka food...I like a lot of Hakka food!


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