Tuesday 2 June 2015

My Garden Guests And Pests

We can have all the healthy and beautiful plants and flowers in our garden but our garden will never be complete without our garden guests and pests. I think they come as a package because naturally all gardens attract these guests and pests.

I have taken photos of my garden guests and pests. Today, I will share some of the photos with you. I will start with my garden guests.
Saw this honey bee enjoying my Japanese rose.

A dainty yellow butterfly/moth fluttering around my Water Jasmine plant, moving from flower to flower. I don't know how to differentiate between a moth and a butterfly.

This one looks like an abstract art piece. I think this looks more like a moth.

Another pretty one settling on my blue plumbago plant.
This one likes to pose - it changed position for me.
This cute, delicate one in white with fine green lines on my blue plumbago plant.

A brown one clinging onto my miniature hibiscus flower.

A bigger one, darker brown and spotted with purple and white.

Posing for my camera.
This is one of the few bird species that frequent my garden but I do not know the name. This is the best photo I can get and so far the only photo that is presentable. The birds are so alert and the slightest movement will put them to flight!
Looks like a big housefly, not exactly the same as the common housefly.

A glowing green fly.

A lady bird on my bird's eye chili plant.

A small glossy black beetle?
One morning after a rainy night, saw these delicate white parasol mushrooms sprouting out from my garden soil.

Can anyone tell me what this is? A worm/caterpillar with a black cap.

Another unknown insect on the mulberry leaf.

Below are the unwelcome guests or pests that I do not want to be in my garden because they do a lot of damage to my plants.

Baby garden snail that can eat up my baby plants especially chili plants overnight.

And this green glutton fella can totally batok or bald my plants.

This nasty hairy thing can cause terrible discomfort, redness, swelling, itch and even pain once it touches our skin.

This tiny black insect can cause harm too. Once I was cutting off some old hyacinth twine and 2 insects fell on my neck. They left behind 2 red spots, very painful, burning sensation and later turned to 2 dark burnt scars on the skin which took quite a while to heal.

Initially I left this alone. I didn't know it can multiply so fast! Later, I found these all over my garden, especially in the soil of my potted plants! Now I am thinking of ways how to get rid of them. They ea and destroy the young roots of my plants.

Once it is touched, it curls up like this - I have seen the big black sized ones in Fraser's Hill which were more than 6 inches long! Scary!
Is this a locust or grasshopper? Saw this on my blue plumbago, sometimes on my orange bauhinia plant. It is not easily frightened away. It is about 3 to 3.5 inches long. I used water to shoo it away but it came back again.

Spotted another one again, or could it be the same one that I saw earlier.

Oh no! One morning when I was watering my plants I saw these tiny grasshoppers on my plant and fence. This is only part of it.

And also on my kaffir lime plant (limau purut). Fortunately they haven't started their work of destruction yet (chewing and balding my plants). The first thing I did was to turn on the tap and hosed them away. Later I saw a few still sticking around and I hosed them again and after that they didn't come back again.

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten
- the great locust and the young locust,
the other locusts and the locust swarm
- my great army that I sent among you.
You will have plenty to eat, until you are full,
and you will praise the name of the LORD your God,
who has worked wonders for you;
never again will my people be shamed.
(Joel 2:25-26, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Interesting post

    1. Thank you Manisha, Wishing you a happy day!

  2. Nice shot. Love your pictures.

  3. Thank you De, Wishing you a fabulous day!

  4. Welcome to your garden guest! I would definitely want to have them in my garden too.

  5. You really have captured a lot of pests and visitors to your garden. I am never that lucky as soon as I pick up the camera they have disappeared.

    1. Oh, these are the lucky few I managed to capture...you should have seen the many unsuccessful attempts I had.

  6. we have terrible grasshoppers here in summer and fall. lovely butterflies and beautiful moth!

    i think your bird might be a mynah.

    1. Thank you, Theresa for providing the bird's name.

  7. Beautiful images of your flowers and plants. I love the butterflies. Wonderful collection of images. Enjoy your day!

  8. Wow - you have some very interesting visitors! and I loooove the little white parasols.

  9. Those tiny black insects must be acidic or poisonous to leave scars on you. Just spraying them with water will remove them for good? That is a good way to do it without using harmful pesticide.

    1. Hi Mun, I always try with water first. Most times it works.

  10. A very interesting post Nancy. I thought the insects that get around here were bad. You have some really nice looking ones but some very dangerous insects that I thank God aren't even in Canada. Good luck.
    One flower that my wife & I enjoy a great deal are roses. We have about 12 different types but the one that I'm looking for is a green rose and no one can seems to find around here. I'll keep on looking.
    Have a wonderful Tuesday. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Hi Paul, I love roses too but I do not have much success with roses. I too have not seen the green rose before. I hope you will find the green rose. I can imagine you having a beautiful garden with all those roses!

  11. What a lovely post today with some beautiful creatures, even if some of them are pests or dangerous. I particularly love the moth in photo, No.3, the markings are stunning.

    1. Thank you Rolina. No. 3 is the most unique one.

  12. This was a lot of work getting all these shots. I'm impressed.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Hi Sandee, I agree it is not easy. I had many unsuccessful attempts especially with those that move about.

  13. I love butterfly and grasshopper . In Poland we have most of your pests

    1. We all welcome our garden guests but we dread the pests!

  14. Beautiful nature photos!!! :)

  15. Beautiful photos. You have such a variety of garden pests.

    1. Hi Joyful, the pests are my unwelcomed guests.

  16. Yes, a garden comes with guests and pests. Fortunately I have a lot of birds who eat lots of insects, so part of the problem has been taken care of.

    1. Fortunately, the pest problem is still under control and not that serious!

  17. You surely lots of flower guest out there:) But they are important in nature or else God would not created them:)

    1. The guests are a blessing but the pests do create problems

  18. Suuuper lovely photos! Following you on here, follow me on my blog as well? ^_^


  19. But some worms make good fertilizer I heard... Am I wrong? Hahhaaa...

    1. Yes, the earthworms are our best garden friends...I have not post about the worms yet.

  20. What a lovely garden and I adored the "pests" as well! Thrilled to see no snake photos. :) LOL! T. http://tickledpinkwoman.blogspot.com

  21. You have a stunning garden and all the pests are fantastic, they love your garden! Butterflies are my favourite. x


  22. Oo, first time seeing a parasol mushroom. It looks lovely. You have a beautiful garden, Nancy. it is home to many! ^.^

  23. Hi Nancy,

    I love these lovely shots! Funny that pests can look interesting and beautiful too :p


    1. Hi Zoe, And they can b a nuisance too...lol!

  24. Hi Morgan, thank you for visting. Visited your blog and will follow you.

  25. I never have fate taking pictures of butterfly as it's always fly away before i could take picture ofit...

    1. Sharon, frankly I have lots of disappointment also...the butterflies never stay still and by the time I focus the camera, the butterflies went off....hahaha!

  26. Salute to you, how did you manage to capture all those pictures of the insects? Butterflies, grasshoppers, birdps etc....all fly away with the slightest movement towards them. Hate all the garden guests or pests. Oh, scary, the grasshoppers all in a row. Phwettttt!!!!

    1. Irene, the slow moving ones are easy. But the butterflies are not so easy...many, many attempts...the birds worst...langsung cannot except that single one, but too far away...

  27. Some pests can be annoying but some are beautiful!!! Nice shots of your garden and pests.

    1. That's why sometimes no heart to destroy them lo....ha ha...

  28. Very nice post on an unusual topic!

  29. The garden pests are such a big headache. They eat up and destroy all plants. That’s the reason I always use services of Pest control Port Macquarie provider. You know their organic techniques don’t harm plants at all.

    1. Hi Chris, I do not know whether we have the organic techniques here, I will have to check it out. Thank you for sharing.

  30. Lovely series of photos......they all look so interesting close up.....

    Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you for your visit and comment. Have a beautiful weekend!

  31. Hello Nancy, I hope you chased away those garden post. Awesome captures of all the insects. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

    1. Eileen, after a while the pest will be back again. Some of my plants could not be saved. Have a great weekend!

  32. Such a selection of interesting critters in your garden but photo 3 is stunning. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. Have a beautiful weekend!

  33. What a cache of critters! I love them.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. Have a beautiful weekend!

  34. Quite a collection of garden critters. The worst I had this year was aphids, but I bought some insecticidal soap and after two applications I got them under control. - Margy

    1. Thank you, Margy for sharing about the insecticidal soap. I will have to shop for one and try it out.

  35. What a wonderful selection of garden guests and pests! Love that Japanese rose too and the parasol mushrooms. Wonderful post!

  36. Replies
    1. Thank you for your visit. Have a great day!


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