Thursday 13 August 2015

Growing Blue Pea Or Bunga Telang In My Garden

While visiting a friend at her house, I saw this blue flower vine growing wild outside her house. I managed to find a few dried seed pods and brought them home, meaning to plant them.
This is the single layered petal Blue Pea flower.

Before I have time to sow the seeds that I have brought home, another friend gave me some seeds of the less common double layered petals flowers.
(pic below)
 I chose to sow the double layered petals flower seeds.
It is a very beautiful deep blue flower.
It started off as a thin creeper. I cut off a long stem off my Japanese Bamboo Plant to guide the creeping plant up the wall.
Some of its common names are Blue Pea, Butterfly Pea or Bunga Telang
in Malay. Its scientific name is Clitoria Ternatea.
This Blue Pea plant grows well in moist, well-drained garden soil.
It is quite a hardy plant and can be exposed to full sun or partial sun.
The Blue Pea creeper's branches grow long and can be untidy.
The flowers are used as natural dye in Nyonya kueh e.g. Pulut Inti, Nyonya Chang or Pulut Tai Tai and also the Kelantanese Nasi Kerabu, etc.
This plant can be grown as an ornamental plant for its flowers.
It needs very little care.
The flowers can be harvest and sun-dried and kept for a long time.
The flower is single flower, dark blue or deep blue with some yellow on the petals.
Some claimed that the seed pods are edible when young and tender.
The seed pod is flat, can grow up to 10 cm long.
One seed pod contains about 5 to 8 seeds.
The flowers can be used to make refreshing drink.
Place 2-3 flowers in boiling water or steep them in hot water until the water turns blue. Before drinking, squeeze a few drops of calamansi juice into the drink. The colour will change from blue to purple. Sweetener or honey and ice can be added to the drink. 
It is claimed that Blue Pea Plants have medicinal uses:

Medicinal uses:
  • It can be used as anti depressant and sedative agent.
  • It is also claimed for treating infertility and to control menstrual discharge.
  • for treating ulcer, fever, urinating problem.
  • for treating hair loss, premature graying of hair.

Linked to Good Fences.

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He,
I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
(Isaiah 46:4, NIV)


  1. Good...Nan, I can come and pick from you when I want to make kueh :p and for hair loss hehehe

    1. Ha ha..Elin, you are most welcome if you don't mind the distance. You try first and see if it works for the hair loss hahaa...

  2. Replies
    1. You can pluck when fresh and then sun-dried them to keep.

  3. Hello, what a pretty colored bloom. I would love to grow this in my garden, pretty images. Enjoy your day!

    1. Hi Eileen, I grow this more for the pretty blooms, not so much as cooking ingredient.

  4. Can spare me some of the double layer telmg seeds pls?

    1. Sure! I will let the seeds dry and keep aside for you. And also the white lilies are still waiting for you to collect.

    2. Thanks a million. :)

      Gotta find a day go Ipoh. Waiting for school holiday :)

    3. Just msg us whenever you are coming. If I am not available, I can always pass to Claire to pass them to you.

  5. Namcy, do you know I can grow it in Europe. Fantastic

    1. Wow! Gosia, how wonderful! We seldom get flowers of this colour!

  6. Wow really beautiful garden.

  7. WOW, what a blue flower, there aren't that many flowers this color. Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. Hi Tom, this is the only plant with blue flowers in my garden.

  8. It is beautiful...and wow, has a lot of uses. I would never have guessed how it was/is used.

    1. Hi Rose, I think I may try out the drink. Have a beautiful day!

  9. I always learn so much about plants on your blog. The blue blossom is very noticeable. You grow the most interesting plants. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Thank you, Julia. This is the only blue flowering plant in my garden.

  10. My late grandma was a nyonya and she used to make delicious nyonya kuihs with bunga telang. nowadays it's hard to find the authentic tastes I enjoyed in my younger days.

    1. My friends and I too feel the same way. Those were the good old days.

  11. I have that plant near the fencing so it can creep upwards. It can be quite messy when the plant is big & start to bloom. Usually, I pick the flowers & dried them for future use.

    1. Hi Irene, that is what I am intending to do, pick the flowers and dried them. Have you tried the drink.

  12. it's really beautiful. neat color. glad you have a trellis place for it to climb.

    1. Thank you, Theresa. I just have to find and make space for it to climb.

  13. So beautiful! You have a green thumb, Nancy.

  14. I love your garden Nancy. You have a wonderful green thumb.

    It's amazing that our plant-life has so many health purposes. Amazing in fact.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Since I started gardening and blogging, I have learned many new things about plants and its usefulness.

  15. Just beautiful. You've done a good job with it....

  16. How beautiful, Nancy! You have an amazing talent with plants and flowers! :)

    1. Thank you, Linda. I am still learning day by day. Have a beautiful day!

  17. Such a pretty blue flower and one I've never seen before. It seems to grow well vining in the fence and goes so pretty with the pink flowers in your photos too.

    1. Thank you, Ida. This blue flower is quite common here and the pink flower is the bougainvillea flower.

  18. A beautiful bloom the colour is stunning.

  19. That shade of blue is very vivid!

  20. Can this be planted indoor? because i want to plant an indoor one! :)

    1. Hi Steve, this is not suitable for indoor. It is a creeper and can get bushy.

  21. I love this ultramarine blue - beautifully captured!

    1. Thank you, Jeannette. Have a beautiful day!

  22. Nice flower,haven't seen it for quite a long while.

    1. Thank you, Thomas. It is usually found in homes that make use of the flowers in their cooking. No longer a common sight in towns and cities.

  23. When i get to meet you in person, u share tips with me how to grow plants ya...

    1. Hi Sharon, I will surely persuade you to start your own garden...hahaaa!

  24. Nancy, this is a very pretty flower that reminds me of nasi kerabu, nonya chang and pulut tai tai hee..hee...

    1. Hi Phong Hong, you are making me hungry especially for nasi kerabu!

  25. Oh this double-petaled version is so pretty!

    I used to have the normal version. But it crept wild all over. And produced pods with seeds with very high rate of germination. Faced with the prospect of it taking over the whole garden, I pulled it out. Some more how often would I make kuih with this? (Never hehe)

    Now only I know can juice with it. Sigh. Should have kept some seeds.

    1. Hi Stacy, I won't be making kueh for sure but may try the drink. I placed the pot in a tiled area so the seeds germinating won't be a problem for me. I grow this especially for its beautiful flowers.

  26. Gorgeous garden and I loove the way the flowers are entwined round the fences

    1. Thank you, Margaret. Have a gorgeous weekend!

  27. I an confused. Are both flowers single layer and the one with more layers both used for making nyonya kuih?

    1. Hi Mun, they are the same except one is single layer and the other double layer. Both can be used for making nyonya kuih.

  28. Lovely! Congrats for your successful gardening!

  29. Oh my, this is beautiful. It looks like a blue rose! I had no idea there's a double layer one. I have in my garden the single layer bunga telang. Happy gardening, Nancy. Looking forward to reading more about your garden. It's so interesting!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I too have the single layer bunga telang but prefer this double layer, more pretty!

  30. Hi Nancy. I passed by this Hse with a huge bloom of this flower & decided to ask the owner for some seeds. It was given but was reluctant to answer me when I inquired on how to plant it.
    So, may I know can I do it on a flower pot & do I cover the seeds with soils or just throw them on top ? Would very much appreciated your reply. TQ

    1. Hello Wai Sik Mui, actually it is very easy to plant this. Yes, you can use a small flower pot, fill it with normal garden soil, push the seeds about half or three quarter inch into the soil. When the seedlings are about a few inches tall, you can then transfer them into the ground or into a bigger pot. Wish you success! Have a lovely day!

    2. TQ for your prompt feedback Nancy. I never did succeed in seedling plants but will still give it a try tho. Good day & God Bless !

  31. Hello Nancy,
    such nice garden and blog too.
    would it be possible to get some seeds from you.
    i've been looking for the flower plant a very long time.
    i live in ipoh too. i can come to collect.

    1. Hi Megan, I do have some seeds with me. I will get back to you through your email.

    2. Can you please email me your email address so we can arrange for you to have the seeds?

  32. Hi, Nancy. Nice to meet you here.
    You are such a plants lover, and nice person to share with other. Can I manage to get some butterfly pea seeds from you. I am looking for this flower everywhere since long time.

    1. Hello Angeline, I don't mind sharing as long as I have the seeds. I still have some seeds left. You can email me your address and I will send the seeds over to you. Have a good day!

  33. Hi Nancy,i am a celebrity nyonya chef n KL based,i use a lot of bunga telang n have problem soursing it in KL n cant grow fast enough for me to use. I use it for my nyonya kueh orders,nasi ulam n nasi lemak too. If you know of any one selling it in Ipoh ,please let me know. Thank you very much. Chef Ricky Ng

    1. Hi Ricky, I am sorry, so far I do not know of anyone selling bunga telang flowers. If you like, you can email me your email address and if I come across someone selling the flowers, I will let your know. Since you are using it a lot and for long term, my friends might be interested to grow them.

  34. Hello Nancy, what a nice blog. I've been looking for this Bunga Telang for quite long time for my friend. Been to MAHA 2016 also but this one didn't available. Can i have some seeds for my friend? I'll be in KL this 8-11th Jan. If you don't mind, please give me some.

    1. Thank you, dear. I am so sorry that I only saw your comment today. Anyway, I no longer have this plant in my garden and I am not staying in KL. I hope you will get hold of the seeds one day.

  35. Hello Nancy. The double layer blue pea is gorgeous. Can i get some seed from you? I stay in ipoh too

    1. Hello Smei, so sorry I missed your comment and chance upon it only now. I no longer have the plant.

  36. Hi Nancy, i plan 2 plant 2 pots at each end of a metal arc(like those wedding ones) concern is will the bunga telung plant "burn" when i twirl the vine on the metal arc fr bottom 2 the top..since the only place i hv outside my hse 2 put the arc is under direct sun n rain(weather is so hot nowadays in Malaysia)?appreciate ur advice

    1. Hi Liz, This plant is very hardy, I don't think it will burn. U can try. First make sure the plant is big enough n slowly move them into the open...u will need to water them twice a day if the weather is very hot....wish u the best...

    2. Tqvm Nancy 4 ur advice..appreciate it.

  37. Why my plant is tall but no flowers? Appreciate your advice. Thanks

    1. I am not sure why. Maybe you need to feed it with flower booster fertilizer and see if it will flower.

  38. I just planted Blue Ternate a few weeks ago and they have sprouted already... May I ask, how long did it take to flower? I mean after you have planted it from seeds? Thanks... :)

    1. I don't know exactly how long it takes to flower but I remember that it didn't take long to flower.

  39. Hi All,

    I'm looking for the seeds. Anyone has some to spare email me at Tq

  40. Hi Nancy, chanced upon your post while checking how to grow this plant. My plant is in a pot, was healthy but a lot of the leaves started turning yellow. Is it too much water or too little? It only gets partial sunlight from the balcony. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    1. Actually this plant is very hardly and easy to grow even in pot. You only need to water it once a day and make sure that the soil has good drainage. It could be the soil or too much water. Maybe you could try changing the soil.

  41. hi nan what will the flowering period be like?

    1. You don't have to wait long for the flowers and it will flower all the year round.

  42. Hi Nancy, did you ever prune your plant? If yes, does the plant tolerate pruning well? i have a butterfly pea plant which is getting a bit unruly. wondering what will happen if i prune it. thanks!!!

    1. Yes, it is okay to prune the plant. I have done it and it will grow more branches.


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