Wednesday 11 November 2015

Beautiful Art Work On Fountain Wall, Ipoh Railway Station

Few weeks ago, I needed to go to the main post office which is next to the Ipoh Railway Station to post a letter to a friend who is staying in the capital city. On that particular day, I couldn't find a parking space nearby. I have to park at the far end of the railway station, and walked all the way to the post office, passing by the railway station.
My car was parked opposite near the parking space allocated to tourist buses.
I got out of my car, making sure I locked the car and started to walk across the park by passing by this cenotaph.
A monument built as a memorial in honour of the dead.
I have to walk across the park in front of the railway station. I saw a tourist bus stopped in front of the railway station and a group of tourists walked to the fountain area that was in front of the Ipoh tree.
The fountain was not on at that time. I could see the tourist photographing the wall facing the fountain. I was curious and I too went near to see what was the attraction. This was what they were photographing and I too got interested too!
I too took out my mobile phone and started to take these snapshots.
These are art work on the Tin Mining activities.
Female worker called the Dulang washers.
The art work was on the whole piece of wall.
These are beautiful art work and I enjoyed them very much.
Even in the hot morning sun, I continued to take these photos.
Behind the wall is the Ipoh tree. Ipoh city is named after this Ipoh tree.
And in front, there is the grand Ipoh town hall building.
Sometimes I get to pass by this way in the night but I have never stopped to enjoy the fountains and its colourful lights which will be on during special occasions.

Those who believe Him discover that God is a fountain of truth.
For this One - sent by God - speaks God's words,
for God's Spirit is upon Him without measure or limit.
(John 3:33-34, TLB)


  1. Nancy, the artwork on the wall is so finely done and so detailed. I think it is beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong. The art work is very beautifully done. I didn't know it was there until I saw the tourists taking snapshots of it. Have a lovely day!

  2. It is beautiful artwork. I can't see the trees that clearly but they look nice too especially against the bright, white building in the background.

    1. Thank you, Joyful. I should have taken a closer picture of the Ipoh tree but I never thought of it then. Have a great day!

  3. So, this is the railway station, if i were to take train from Woodland to Ipoh

    1. Yes, Sharon. This is Ipoh Railway Station and this art piece is right in front of the station. Have a beautiful day!

  4. Está fantástico este belo trabalho, gostei bastante.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  5. Beautiful wall art. I would love to look at them at close range. Oh. Ipoh tree. I never see one.

    1. Thank you, Rose. It is much better to see this art up close to appreciate its beauty. Have a fabulous day!

  6. wahhhh... very nice, now only I know there are such beautiful art outside the train station!

    1. Thank you, Claire. I only found it out and thanks to the tourist. Have been passing by but didn't know about the art piece. Have a happy day!

  7. Not an easy job to do the art work on that whole stretch of wall. So beautifully done. If you had not mentioned that is Ipoh tree, I would have thought it was any other ordinary trees.

    1. Thank you, Irene. The Ipoh tree looks like any ordinary tree but it is the sap that is poisonous. The natives used the sap on their darts for hunting. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Beautiful and amazing artwork, Nancy!

  9. That wall art is amazing Nancy. What is it made up of? Very interesting. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. I am not sure what it is made of. Looks like a stone wall.

  10. What a great work of art to record history. Beautiful... I too would like to know what it's made of. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Julia. I am not sure what it is made off. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Thank you for showing us the beautiful art work. It is good to park further away and walk for some exercise. Hope you have a good night sleep.

    1. Thank you, Mun. I usually don't mind walking but not on a sunny day! These few nights we are unable to get good night sleep because of the fireworks or fire crackers.

  12. That is indeed wonderful art...I am so glad you took pics to show us. And that town hall building is a beauty.

    1. Thank you, Rose. It is my pleasure to be able to share these photos with you. Have a lovely day!

  13. Beautiful artwork Nancy. You live in a beautiful place. The one thing I always notice about your photographs is how clean everything is. No litter all over the place. That's what we see here.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Some places are very clean and tidy but we do have places which have litter all over the place.

  14. Gorgeous wall art! You see so many interesting things!

    1. Thank you, Erika. Keeping my eyes open! Have a wonderful day!

  15. wow, that is really fine art. So interesting and beautifully done :)

    1. Thank you. I fully agree with you. Have a beautiful day!

  16. I have passby there before but eyes tarak buka besar besar. Next time must really see

    1. Thanks to the tourist who drew my attention to this wall, or else I wouldn't know anything about this art on this wall. Have a happy day!

  17. Beautiful shots! I have never been to Ipoh and hope I can visit more places in Malaysia. I will definitely look out for these murals and monuments when I'm there.

    1. Thank you, Lian. List Ipoh, Malaysia as your next holiday destination. Have a fabulous day!

  18. Hi Nancy,
    Thanks for sharing and showing us this marvellous wall art. Beautiful artwork indeed !
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

    1. Thank you, Karen. The art work is really beautiful. Have a beautiful day!

  19. I agree, that's a stunning wall art. So, it's the first time you noticed them, Nancy?

    1. Thank you, Lina. Yes, this is the first time I noticed the art work on the wall. Have a lovely day!

  20. Thank you, De. Have a happy day!

  21. A wonderful mural of artwork to remember all those who worked so hard for the country.
    The railway station is a beautiful building also! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Christine. This is really a beautiful art piece! Have a lovely day!

  22. A fitting cenotaph, and I do like those bas relief walls.

    1. Thank you, William. Have a wonderful Friday!

  23. Hope they will keep it clean... seems like quite a lot of watermarks already?

    1. Stacy, the art work is facing the fountain, the reason for the watermarks. Have a happy weekend!


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