Wednesday 9 December 2015

Growing Frangipani Or Plumeria In My Garden

There were many Frangipani trees in my primary school's compound and my classmates and I used to pick up the white flowers from the ground. We used to tie them together like shuttlecocks and had fun kicking them as a game. At that time, there were only white flowers.
Frangipani is the common name of this fragrant flowering plant.
Its scientific name is Plumeria.
A gardening expert told that this is called Bali Hai Gold Flower.
Few months ago, a church friend told me that she had some Frangipani stem cuttings and asked me whether I wanted any. Out of the few cuttings of 2 different colours, only 1 survived. Due to over watering, the other stem cuttings rotted. I learned that Frangipani does not like too much water.
I then transferred the small plant into this pot with good drainage soil
With only 1 left, I was hoping that it would be my favourite colour.
After a few months it has grown to about 3 feet tall.
Then it showed sign of flowering. I was very excited.
The flower stalk began to grow longer.
Currently, Plumeria flowers come in many different colours.
Some flowers are bicolour and some tricolours of many shades.
The plant is now about 4 feet tall.
The leaf from the end of its stalk to the tip of leaf is about 1.5 feet.
Frangipani or Plumeria are low maintenance plants.
The flower buds are growing bigger.
The main flower stalk is about a foot long.
6 smaller flower stalks branching from the main stalk.
They look like candles on a multi tier candle holder.
By now the colour of the flowers is obvious.
It is yellow!
It is yellow with cream border. 
This beautiful sight brightens up my mornings.
Thanks and praises to my Lord for this beauty!
 This photo was taken a year ago in the Herbal Garden I visited with my friends.
Different shades of pink with yellow centre.
Giant seed pods of the Frangipani tree in the Herbal Garden.
 And this picture was taken in my sister's garden.
Aren't they stunning and gorgeous?
I am hoping for some stem cuttings from her garden. Lol!
Okay, now back to my own garden.
I noticed 2 new branches growing from the base of the flower stalk.
It is really amazing that it can bloom so beautifully growing from a pot.
A word of caution: The milky sap is poisonous!
For the time being, these striking yellow flowers and the sweet fragrance holds centre stage in my garden.

As far as God is concerned there is a sweet,
wholesome fragrance in our lives.
It is the fragrance of Christ within us,
an aroma to both the saved and the unsaved all around us.
(2 Corinthians 2:15, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Nancy, your garden thrives with your loving care! Just gorgeous!

  2. Nancy, I adore the yellow color... it makes for a very pretty flower. I hope you are having a really great week xox ♡

  3. The plumerias are beautiful. My mom's neighbor has a plumeria tree in her front yard. The fragrance is very sweet. When I go to mom's house I usually pick some flower from the tree and keep on a plate to decorate the dinning table. :)

    1. Thank you, Krishna. The flowers would look pretty on your dining table. Have a beautiful day!

  4. Talking about Frangipani, once somebody told me that the white colour one is known as "silent plant". I was curious & ask why it is called like tthat. She jokingly told me because it is usually planted in Malay graveyard. No offence to anyone. I really love all the colours you show here. I have one plant of deep maroon colour but it hasn't bloom yet.

    1. Thank you, Irene for sharing the bit about the silent plant. This is the first time I heard about the silent plant. Next time I will be more observant when passing by the graveyard to see if what your friend said is true or not. Lol! I think maroon will be very beautiful.

  5. They are a lovely plant/tree which also grown in many areas of Australia.
    You did well to get one to grow.

  6. I love frangipani because of the colour (yellow white) and its scent.

  7. very beautiful flower..all my plants in the house looking dry and have good hands in gardening. I wonder if you are born in the months of spring and summer when all the flowers bloom.

    1. Thank you, Agnes. I only can say I love gardening and enjoy the blooms. Have a beautiful day!

  8. Nancy,these Frangipani flowers are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong. I am beginning to love frangipani. Have a fantastic day!

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sharon. I love them too. Have a lovely day!

  10. Beautiful, the yellow flower is a real delight.

    1. Thank you, Mamas. I think so too. Have a beautiful day!

  11. Fantásticas estas flores.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  12. I love the flowers of frangipani. There used to be a frangipani tree in my front yard (I bought the tree RM80) with deep red flowers (it lived for 3 years). Unfortunately it died. I am so sad. Your frangipani with its yellow cream flowers look beautiful. Have a lovely evening!

    1. Thank you, Mun. The frangipani plants are not cheap. Deep red is a gorgeous colour. I would be sad too if my plants died. Have a fabulous week!

  13. Petals of this flower are beautifully arranged. I like your yellow, but other colors are admirable. Regards.

  14. Beautiful flowers,haven't seen this plant before

    1. These flowering plants are getting very popular over here. Have a happy day!

  15. Hi Nancy, Your flowers are gorgeous. You have a green thumb as your plants look so lush and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this beauty. xo

  16. The Frangipani are such pretty blossoms! I wish I could smell their aroma.

    1. Thank you, EG. Love the sweet aroma. Have a fantastic day!

  17. Oh my, your Frangipani is absolutely gorgeous. It's very humbling seeing such beauty coming out of a live plant. The Creator has created such unimaginable beauty and diversity. It just takes my breath away.

    Enjoy your new blossoms.

  18. My friend gave me a little plant long time ago. But the unpredictable hot cold weather deterred its growth. What beauty its flower shows! I love the verse you chose to end this post. How wonderful if we always remember to carry Christ's aroma to this dying place. Blessings to you.

    1. Thank you, rcubes. Blessings to you too. Have a happy day!

  19. They're gorgeous! I think I have a new favorite flower. How fun to watch them grow and bloom! I wonder if they'd do well in central Florida.

    1. Thank you, Crystal. It is always fun to watch them grow and bloom. Have a lovely day!

  20. Beautiful! I have never seen one of these in person. I would love to smell the fragrance.

    1. Thank you, Mildred. You will love the fragrance. Have a beautiful day!

  21. I am so excited & pleased for you Nancy! It is a beautiful & delicate flower! Gods gifts in these plants are wonderful!
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you, Christine. Have a wonderful day! Enjoy your day too!

  22. wow..such pretty flowers and your photos are awesome...xoxo

  23. Your garden is most impressive. So few really have a green thumb. You are most fortunate.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

  24. It am amazed on how you shown pictures of the evolution of the flowers! very cool! hahahhhaa. Frangipani is cool! you have those gifted hands for plants! :)

    1. Thank you, Steve. All praise and thanks to our Creator. Have a beautiful day!

  25. These flowers are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing :)

  26. Nancy the yellow flower looks nice

  27. Nancy do you know if frangipanis are poisonous? I seem to recall a similar a plant in my grandmother's backyard and we were always told to be careful and wash our hands well after playing around it and to avoid putting our hands anywhere near our mouths. I wonder if it was the same plant or something different.

    1. Hi Monica, I think the milky sap of frangipani is poisonous. Need to educate the young children. As far as possible, I will try not to touch the sap of plants or to wash my hands properly as soon as possible. Thanks for bringing to attention about the poison. Have a happy day!

  28. Oh, wow, Nancy, this is a beautiful plant. I had heard of Frangipani before but had never thought to look it up. I am so glad to see your photos of it.

  29. so beautiful. I tried to grow one but it failed :( Love your images.

    1. Thank you, NatureFootstep. I also lost all except for this one. Have a beautiful day!

  30. I have always love this plant. It is gorgeous, Nancy!

  31. Agree that these beautiful yellow flowers holds centre stage in your garden ... lovely!

  32. Stunning blooms! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Gunilla. Have a great weekend too!


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