Saturday 23 January 2016

My Failed Fish Project

Last year I thought of a idea - I wanted to keep a few fishes in a glass container on a small side table in my living hall. I started off by getting a glass container.
I found a glass container.
I dug out a bunch of small plants from my garden. It looks like Chlorophytum and washed them clean and place them over the mouth of the glass container.
 Then I bought  2 pairs of bright orange fishes.
 I then placed all the four fishes into this container.
I was just testing it out to see if the fishes will survive in this container without an oxygen pump. A few hours later, I was surprised to see only 3 fishes in the container.
What happened to the 4th fish? The next morning when I was sweeping my floor I found the missing fish dead on the floor. It committed suicide!
 The Chlorophytum plants were not doing well, so I changed to another plants that look like the Pegaga plants. I think they are the Centella Asiatica. Then I added some black & white pebbles.
I kept a watchful eye over the fishes and noticed that this male fish was a big bully. It chased the other fishes around and to escape they jumped out of the water. Out of 4 fishes, only this one bully remained and the other 3 all committed suicide!
Finally, after about a month I found the last fish dead in the container. It died a lonely fish!
Now I have replaced the Pegaga plants with Pothos plants.
I am still contemplating whether this time I should buy a fighting fish?
It will costs me about RM3.50 for a beautiful fighting fish. 
Caught sight of 2 pigeons perched on the power cable behind my garden.
My mobile camera has its limitation so have to be contented with this shot.
A prowling tabby cat / tiger going after a bird.
A crouching black cat / black panther.

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

"You will be accepted if you do what is right.
But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out!
Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you.
But you must subdue it and be its master."
(Genesis 4:7, NLT)


  1. Great photos, Nancy, and sorry to hear about your failed fish project.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Maybe I should just settle for the plants & the container.

  2. Hello Nancy!:)The fish were a nice idea. It's a shame they all died.:(

    1. Thank you, Breathtaking. I think maybe the container is too small for the fishes.

  3. Nancy, I also bought a glass container for my fishes but I didn't put plants or stones. The fishes didn't live long too. Those fishes you bought are beautiful. What fish is that? The cat looks scary,somemore black in colour.

    1. Hi Irene, I do not know the name of the fishes. I also tried with peacock fishes but they too do not last long. The black cat looks ready to pounce.

  4. The bowl is much to small for fish so NO more suicide attempts PLEASE! Thebowl looks pretty with water, pebbles and the plants without fish.Like the cat. Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi Margaret, yes I too realized that the container is too small for the fishes. I think I should just settle for the project without the fish. Have a great weekend too.

  5. Such a shame about the poor fish project, I agree with Margaret I think the bowl was too small. It does look so pretty with the plants and pebbles and makes a lovely feature without the fish. Take care.

    1. Yes, it could be the container is too small for the 4 fishes to live together. So, I think I will just keep the project without the fish.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, poor fishes....that is why I didn't buy some more fishes.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, Sharon, I think it is because the bowl too small for the fishes.

  8. Looks like a Swordtail to me. They (likewise with Guppies) are one of the easiest tropical fish to keep, although I do think the container is a bit too small for 4 of them.

    1. That was what the lady who sold me the fishes said that these fishes are easy to keep...the swordtail fishes. I also tried the guppies but same thing also happened due to the bully. Probably the bowl is too small.

  9. A sad story indeed ! Maybe you are meant to be pet-free. You have beautiful plants.

    1. Hi Sallie, maybe you are right about being pet-free. I better be happy with my garden project. Safer for the fishes too. Lol!

  10. Replies
    1. Hi Tom, the small sea too crowded with 4 fishes. Lol!

  11. Hello Nancy, sorry about the fish. Some fish just do get along with others. I think the container looks good with a nice plant. I like the kitties and pigeons on the wire. Thank you forlinking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Even though the project failed, I have learned some valuable lessons about fishes. Have a happy weekend too!

  12. Sorry to read about your fish. I have fish, but in a large pond! Love the cat. Happy Critter Day!

    1. Hi Snap, I think the container too small for the fishes. Have a happy Critter Day too!

  13. The poor fish. I think you need a bigger container, and an air pump! I have a 60 gallon tank, and about 10 goldfish! They go outside in summer.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

    1. Hi Jennifer. I guess the fish project is not for me. I better stick to my garden project where the fishes need not commit suicide. Pity the fishes.

  14. I agree with the others that your container is too small for fish. I have a fish aquarium at home but we do have an air pump so that the fishes get enough oxygen and we change the water partially periodically to remove nitrate so that the fishes do not die.

    1. Hi Mun, we used to have an aquarium but it was given away. Too troublesome. I think I better concentrate on my garden project for now. Pity the fishes!

  15. Hi Nancy,
    Oh! I had such 'failed fish projects' many many years ago when my kids were very young. They wanted some pretty fishes ... didn't survived when they were overfed, changed of clear water etc.. hee ..hee! Ok, no more pet fish.
    A crouching black cat ... looks mysterious.

    1. Hi Karen, I too had failed projects when my boys were small too, especially after washing and cleaning the container. Oh the crouching black cat looks scary and mysterious to me too.

  16. Sorry to hear about your fish. It looked nice though.
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Hi Marleen, maybe I can try with just 2 little guppies. Have a nice weekend too!

  17. I don't do well with fish either. Just don't have the knack. I love your post about them though. I hate to admit I laughed in a few spots.

    Have a terrific day Nancy. ☺

    1. Hi Sandee, it is ok to laugh and I am glad my sharing can make you laugh. I always laugh at myself and my mistakes too. Have a terrific day too!

  18. I'm sorry that something did not suit the fish and fell asleep forever. Black cat in August creeps, but I hope that the birds will not do anything. Regards.

    1. Container too small, lack of oxygen or unsuitable plants could all be contributing factor to the failed project. There is something mysterious and creepy about black cats. Maybe the birds were just enjoying my garden view. Lol!

  19. I've never had fish around the place. I do like these kitties!

    1. Hi William, I kind of like an aquarium swimming with fishes but there will be too much work for me. Have a beautiful day!

  20. My daughter in Scotland has fish that she names and she knows a lot about them. She tells me all she does to keep them healthy and how she treat them when sick. It sounds like a lot of work but she love those fish like we love our kids, lol.

    She tells me that fish gets stress when their bowl is crowded and only uses the small fish bowl as a hospital to treat sick or ailing fish also not all plants are suitable for fish tank.

    Better luck next time. I hope you don't give up on having fish as pets. There are a lot of tutorials on youtube.


    1. Hi Julia, so nice to hear about your daughter's fishes and how she looks after and care for them. Thank you for your encouragement. I might try a pair of guppies or maybe just one fighting fish.

  21. Poor fish! My daughter used to keep a couple fish, and I just hated cleaning the bowl. Then, she let Lorelei have fish, but when she moved, I think she gave them to someone else...she had a regular tank and they were growing.

    1. Hi Rose, it is nice and fun to keep and watch the fishes but I too hate the cleaning the bowl. There is always to good and bad side of our hobbies.

  22. Nancy fish are lovely pets but I personally prefer dogs

    1. Hi Gosia, that is exactly how I feel too. I love dogs too!

  23. Hi Nancy, that's a swordfish. You know what he needs now, but there are fish that can live in a smaller bowl (like a betta).

    Live plants in the water are a good idea for any fish-keeping project.

    1. Oh yes, thank you dear, for the name of the Siamese fighting fish (Betta Spendens). It can live in very small bowl and is kept alone. I think I just need to find the suitable plant.

  24. Err, I meant "Swordtail."

    People try to keep them in 10 gallon tanks, but really even bigger than that is needed for them.

    1. Lol! I noticed Swordtail fishes are fast swimmers and they are quite aggressive. They go after the other fishes. Another lesson learnt is that Swordtail can't be kept in small container.

  25. Oh my goodness! Thanks for sharing you fish story Nancy.

    1. Thank you, Monica. Thanks for visiting and ready my story.

  26. I have a feeling that if I tried to keep a fish, it would suffer the same fate. But your fishbowl looked SO beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie. Ha ha...I am hopeless with fishes, I need to learn more before starting another project.

  27. Nancy, your fish bowl looks very pretty. It is unfortunate that the fishes did not survive. But you can still use that bowl with plants as it looks very elegant. I want to get one too hah..hah...

    1. Thank you so much, Phong Hong. So I guess my project is not a total failure after all. He he..maybe I can go and get just 1 Siamese fighting fish. Lol! Still not willing to give up yet!

  28. Aah...that's sad. Rest in peace, little fish. Try again, Nancy! :)

    1. Hi Sharon, I think I might try one more time with a Siamese fighting fish. Have a great week!

  29. Oh my goodness, the fish committed suicide... I can't have any fish as my cat would eat them at the first chance... :)

    I had a turtle once and I found the cat trying to reach it in the tank... they are persistent xox

    1. Hi Launna, cats can never leave the fishes alone. I hope your turtle will be safe from the cat.

  30. It also applies to fish that co-existence is a must, or else you are left being alone, and eventually die alone. Sad!

    1. Hi LiLi, we are all created to co-exist with one another.

  31. Speaking as a fish keeper... your container is much too small, Nancy. Swordtails need a lot more space. A fighting fish might be ok. But a bigger container would still be better.

    1. Thank you, Stacy. Looks like if I want to keep fish, I will have to invest in a bigger container.

  32. Hope you get your fish tank squared away. Did you decide on whether to stay at 1 fish or get an oxygen pump?

    1. Hi Erika, I am thinking of getting a Siamese fighting fish...just 1 will do.


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