Thursday 11 February 2016

Blooming Japanese Roses On The Fence.

Good morning, everyone! It is time to show off my blooming Japanese roses. Some are in plastic pots hanging from my new garden fence. And some are in clay pots on the ground.
They love the hot sun.  After feeding them with fertilizer, they are blooming beautifully.
Red Japanese roses with single layer petals.
Orange Japanese roses, multi layer petals.
Bright red Japanese roses, multi layer petals.
Extra large, deep red Japanese roses, single layer petals.
Multi coloured, single layer petals Japanese roses planted in pot on the ground.
Multi coloured, multi layer petals Japanese roses planted in pot on the ground.
Pink and orange Japanese roses, single layered petals in pots, on the ground.
Behind the Ipoh Railway Station.
Fencing in front of some government offices.
Saw this on our way back from breakfast last Friday morning. A car crashed into the fence and fell into the river. I didn't catch the news but only heard from a friend that the driver was not seriously hurt.
An elderly gardener pruning and shaping the trees outside a condominium building.

Linking to Good Fences

He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nations will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.
Come, descendants of Jacob,
let us walk in the light of the LORD.
(Isaiah 2:4-5, NIV)


  1. Nancy, I love Japanese roses! They are so easy to maintain and are always flowering. Your Japanese roses are growing very well and the blooms are lovely!

  2. These are so pretty! Such bright colors. So glad the driver wasn't hurt going through the fence. Hope you are having a lovely week, Nancy. xx Karen

  3. Such a BEAUTIFUL post!!!!! Love seeing what YOU see!!!

  4. All your Japanese roses are blooming well. So beautiful with bright colours. That elderly gardener is doing a good job. The plants are well pruned & shape. Have a nice day.

  5. Hi Nancy, long time no see you! hahahaha... Missing our girls' outing already.. Lovely blooms in your garden, I must come and take some pictures one day!!

    1. No worries, our outing will resume very soon after CNY. Anytime you can come over to visit, you are most welcome!

  6. Hello Nancy!:) I must say that your new fence looks beautifully decorated with all the lovely blooms. The Japanese Roses are beautiful, in all their different forms, and give a wonderful splash of colour to your garden fence. Neat images of the other fences, but yours is the best one!:)

    1. Thank you, Breathtaking. Have a beautiful day!

  7. Love the beautiful colours of the blossoms!

  8. You have a beautiful garden Nancy! We call it Vietnam Roses here and "Alembong" in Filipino.

    1. Thank you for providing the names of the flowers. Have a great day!

  9. This flower, is it bloom in the morning and close at night?

  10. Excellent post (as always)!...thx for sharing!

  11. Your roses look like succulents. Very pretty and I do like what the man is pruning and i wonder what it will be when he's finished.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I think the man is shaping the trees like little mushroom tops.

  12. wow, your place is looking great! really nice! i like the sculpted shrubs, too. such work!

  13. Your Japanese roses are beautiful and are doing very well in the hot sun. They looks like what we call Portulaca here I grew some from seeds at one time when I had more room in my flower beds. Your grass is so nice and green.

    Have a great day.

    1. Thank you, Julia. I think the Japanese roses and your Portulaca are the same. They are beautiful and they love the hot sun. Have a beautiful day!

  14. Beautiful flowers and your photography is super. Nice new fence. Over from Good Fences.

  15. Your Japanese roses are vibrant & lovely & you have showered them with love no doubt!

  16. Good use of fence. Love the blooms.

  17. I've never heard of Japanese Roses, thanks for showing.

  18. I love all your flowers. You've a wonderful green thumb.

    I love the gardener pruning the trees. Beautiful. Such an art.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

  19. Those Japanese roses sure are beautiful hanging on your fence...I like that sculpted tree, too.

  20. Glorious floral photos and neat fences too ~

    Happy Weekend to you ^_^

  21. Hi Nancy, I have thoroughly enjoyed all your photos, and love the flowers. I would like to invite you to join us at Today's Flowers, which is a meme I have. You can find it on my blog and there is a button on the top right of my page which will take you to it. I update the link when it opens each Friday. No pressure as I always tell people that just to look is great. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving me a comment. I am following now. Thank you also for the invite :)

    1. Thank you, Denise for your invitation to Today's Flowers meme. I will be on the lookout for its opening. Thank you for following.

  22. i want to "decorate" my new fence this year.....i have lots of ideas swirling around in my head!!!

    1. Hello Debbie, I am looking forward to see your new fence. Have a great day!

  23. I really like how you decorated the fence, looks so pretty now!


  24. Your flowers are so pretty and they look so healthy, you have a magic touch. Diane

  25. Your Japanese roses on the fence (and the ground) are so pretty and colorful. They look very much like what we call, Moss Roses here. - Wow crashing through the fence and into the river. Bet that was scary! - The gardener has good balance up there on that fence.

  26. Very nice flowers and I like how you have hung them from the fence. Your fence is useful in several ways. xx

  27. So pretty and colorful! It's so dreary here, this was refreshing to see.

    1. Thank you, Stephanie. Have a fabulous weekend!

  28. Hi nancy, i love japaneses roses also. Its easy for mainatened and always flowering. I love your multi coloured multi layer petals japaneses roses.

  29. beautiful pictures.. I knew those flowers as "9 O'clock".. I didn't know the actual name is Japanese rose..:).. thanks for sharing ..

    1. Thank you, Krishna. 9 o'clock is a new name. Have a great weekend!

  30. Hello, the roses look pretty hanging on your fence. A great idea. Beautiful flowers and lovely images. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Have a beautiful weekend!

  31. I love the photos! Great post! Have a great weekend! xx

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  32. It is very very cold here right now and I love the green and the blooms. I'v never seen Japanese roses and they are really pretty! Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Erika. Hope spring will come soon for you. We are now having very hot weather here. Hugs!

  33. What a great way to brighten up a fence. Also, love how you tied in verses from the bible at the end of the post/

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    1. Thank you, Payanie. I am already following you on GFC. Have a lovely day!

  34. I love Japanese roses! They are so dainty and beautiful! I salute the elderly gardener for being so hardworking but it is dangerous to be up so high without any safety equipments on.

    1. Thank you, Mun. Probably the elderly gardener is used to the high wall.

  35. ah, that´s beautiful, so very springlike in apperance :)

  36. How may I find out more about the single-layered multi-colored japanese roses? Love the way you retire with the use of plants :)


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