Thursday 4 February 2016

Getting Ready For Chinese New Year 2016.

When we installed the new fencing in our side garden, we also installed iron grille onto our windows. When the contractor installed the grilles, he took off our existing curtain railings. Before we started our spring cleaning for the Chinese New Year celebration, hubby had to fix back the curtain railings to hang the curtains in both my sons' room.
He used an electric drill to drill holes for the fixing of railing in both the rooms.
Both the railings have been fixed and the curtains hung up.
I sewed the curtains with my sewing machine.
Few months ago, we installed the "Heat Shield" sheets below both the roof tiles and the awning to reduce the heat temperature in our house. It did makes a great difference and the temperature has definitely been lowered. Even in the hot season, our home is much cooler now.
We also use these extra sheets to "heat shield" our car's front & back glass screen whenever it is parked under hot sun.
I remembered the 2 packets of prawn crackers that we bought from Sekichan few months ago.
Took them out under the hot sun before frying them as snacks for the festive season. 
 During one of our breakfast outing, dropped by a crockery shop to buy these 3 items.
I needed to get a new whistling kettle. It is more economical than using an electric kettle. 
Bought a new saucepan because due to my forgetfulness, I burnt my old one.
A new knives holder to replace the very old one.
Between the dark blue and brown rubber slipper, my friend and I bought the blue ones for our bathroom/toilet.
Took a break from the spring cleaning job, we came to this restaurant for lunch.
I like the name - Coming Restaurant! They are open for breakfast and lunch.
 Hubby took "economy rice" (chap fun) and I shared these fruits with him.
I was too tired to have any appetite for rice or noodle.
I saw this dual purpose Christmas tree. The Christmas decoration has been removed and replaced with Chinese New Year decoration. 
Lighted oranges on a Christmas tree!
If I had seen this earlier, I wouldn't have kept my Christmas tree so early.
Hope I can remember this for next year. Lol!
 After I came home from my hairdresser, it is time for hubby's hair cut.
And I am the barber!
 Hubby bought this hair clipper for me to cut his hair. He gets free barber service!
 A friend gave me this bundle of orchid plants and due to the change of environment, the leaves started to drop. I then moved it to a more shadier place and new leaves are growing back.
While watering the orchid, I noticed 2 flower buds on the bare stem.
I am feeling excited and looking forward to see the flowers.
One on the left and 2 on the right. Hope to see more buds appearing.

Now, here is a lesson from a fig tree.
When its buds become tender and its leaves begin to sprout,
you know that spring has come.
(Mark 13:28, TLB)


  1. Gostei de ver, excelente postagem.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  2. I love that your home is cooler now. Insulation is a good thing.

    I love all your food posts. Now I'm hungry.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

  3. Really interesting post...thx for sharing! xx

  4. Very interesting post! I must admit that I enjoyed reading it! xx

    If you want please visit my blogs, it means so much to me:
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  5. Happy new year, wishing you everything you wish for yourself.

  6. Wow, so many things happened)
    We also use the heat shield for the car in summer time so I agree this thing works!
    I really love the oranges decoration and I saw that some people buy Orange trees for a Chinese New Year and loved it! I mean it is so pretty and the smell must be amazing!


    1. Thank you, Tanya. The oranges have auspicious meaning for the new year.

  7. nice!! after seeing all the pictures I'll ask my hubby to take us to see the decorations in
    Chinatown near by.. and by the way my hubby also gets the free barber service,.. ha ha ha..
    And Happy new year!!

    1. Thank you, Krishna. I hope you enjoy the Chinatown decorations. Ha ha..the free barber service can only be obtained at home.

  8. what an interesting celebration.

  9. Yay! great post!
    thx for comment my blog dear
    i follow u now, follow me soon <3
    have a nice day :)

    1. Thank you, PandoraGlam. I will follow you and have a nice day too!

  10. I bet the heat sheets save you a bomb in electricity bills too.

    1. Oh yes, it definitely it. Now my air-cons need not have to work so hard. Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. You have done a beautiful sewing with those curtains.
    Your sons? (not his sons?)

  12. Hello 亲, Thank you for comment on my blog ^^

    I'm following you on GFC and become your #100 friends! Hope you follow me back like you said :) Waiting for you ♥

    Btw, You already prepare your new stuff ^^ Have a great Chinese New Year :)

    Love xx
    Official Seol ♥

    1. Thank you, Erika. I am already your follower.

  13. Looks like you're all ready, Nancy. Happy CNY!

  14. Wow, salute you.... can sew curtain & cut hair. Interesting tree, oranges on a Christmas tree. Next time you help me to sew my curtain, can? Hahahah

    1. Thank you, Irene. Can sew for you but I hope you won't mind the lousy workmanship. Hahaha!

  15. 3 more days to go and it's CNY... Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family...

  16. Very interesting post! You have a great blog!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comment!<3 Of course, I want to follow each other)) I'm following you on GFC now, hope you follow back :)
    Wish you all the best!

  17. Many blessings for the new year to you and your family Nancy! 祝大家新年快乐,身体健康,阖家幸福、万事如意, 猴年行大运!

    1. Thank you, Annie. Happy & Blessed Chinese New Year to you and family too!

  18. Love the heat shield sheet in the house. Quite a work done to your house.

    Look like you are ready for CNY! Happy CNY to you and family. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

    1. Thank you, Rose. Happy CNY to you and family too!

  19. Grilles and fencing remind me of our previous life in South Africa! Here we do not worry. We also have a whistling kettle and yes I have been cutting my husbands hair for the past 35 years :-) Happy CNY to you all Diane

  20. Wow, you have a lot going on at your house with lots of new things. I LOVE that big whistling kettle. It's fun getting everything renewed and clean. Have a great Chinese New year celebration. Great idea to install heat shield in your windows and in the parked car.
    Have a rest.

    1. Thank you, Julia. Have a beautiful day and hugs!

  21. I'm looking forward to seeing a lion dance here on Maui.

    1. Hello Tom, enjoy the lion dance and have a blessed day!

  22. Nancy, its tiring work getting ready for CNY! Wow, you give your hubby his haircut :)

    1. Hello Phong Hong, it is very, very tiring. Every year is the same! Lol!

  23. Hi Nancy, good to see that you are well prepared for CNY. I am looking forward to see the flowers on your orchid plant.

    Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

    1. Happy CNY to you, Mun and family too. Will be looking out for the orchid flowers. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  24. This is an interesting post. You did a real nice job in making the curtains! I hope you take pictures of the orchid when it blooms. That will be fun to watch it grow and bloom.

    1. Thank you, Rose. I will be keeping both my eyes on the orchid flowers.

  25. I'll bet your boys are happy to have their privacy back. I have to make curtains for my three kitchen windows. What a cute idea for the Christmas tree. In the last few years, people here have been decorating bare branch trees with Easter decorations. I haven't joined in as decorating for Christmas is quite enough ;) Enjoy your week! Thanks for stopping by mine.

    1. Thank you, Wendy. I love all the creative ways of decorating a tree!

  26. lovely sharing and awesome photos ,hope in summer you enjoy the cooling of your house dear,curtains are beautiful and food is yummy,have a wonderful weekend dear

    1. Thank you, Baili. Have a wonderful weekend too!

  27. Thank you, De. Have a wonderful day!

  28. I love your christmas tree :D

  29. I love seeing all your preparation for the New Year. The curtains came out beautifully and how cool to have a new year tree! :)

    1. Thank you, Erika. This new year tree belongs to my hairdresser. Maybe next year I will put up my own new year tree also. Lol!

  30. Liked those stainless steel utensils, especially that kettle.

    1. Thank you, Molly. Initially I wanted an electric kettle but later changed my mind.


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