Wednesday 2 March 2016

Growing My First Orchid Plant In My Garden.

I have been interested in growing orchids for a long time. It all started when I saw my brother-in-law growing so many varieties of orchids in his garden. I know there is a lot of time and work involved in keeping the orchid plants healthy and blooming well. But what attracts me most is the beautiful and long lasting flowers of the different varieties of orchid.
One day a church friend asked me whether I would like to adopt this wild orchid plant from her garden. Initially I was hesitant about it because I do not know how to care for orchid plants. Once someone gave me 2 pots of "dancing ladies" but they died after some time due to neglect. Since then, I have not tried growing orchids again. In the end, I accepted the plant after much encouragement from my friend.

2 to 3 days later, I found the leaves turning yellow and started to drop off. This could be due to a few reasons that I could think of. 1st, it was exposed to direct sunlight, from morning to midday sun. 2nd, not enough water and 3rd, it could be due to sudden change of environment. I quickly shifted the orchid plant to a more shaded and cooler place, hoping it could be restored to health.
I continue to water it thoroughly once a day. New leaves then started to grow. One morning, I was excited to see 3 flower buds appearing on the bare stalks.
This is how the flower buds looked like.
A close up look of the flower bud.
 2 newly, but not yet fully opened orchid flowers. I do not know the name of this orchid plant. Hoping for someone to come up with the name of this orchid plant.

(4 March, 2016 - 2 days after this post was published 2 readers contacted me to give me the names of this orchid plant. Thank you, dear readers for providing the names. Scientific name is Dendrobium Anosmum. Common name is Sanggumay. The lighter colour flower is called the Pigeon Orchid and its scientific name is Dendrobium Crumenatum).
This orchid plant is now under semi shade with some exposure to the morning sun.
So far, I have not fed it with any fertilizer yet. 
I will have to go to the nearby plant nursery to seek some advice on the right fertilizer for this orchid.
I love the different shades of purple on the flowers. This round, it blooms 3 flowers. Hope for more flowers in the near future.
Can you see the fine tiny hairs on the center petal?
The flower looks like a hungry chick with its mouth wide open, wanting to be fed.

For it was I, Jehovah your God,
who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
Only test me! Open your mouth wide and see if I won't fill it.
You will receive every blessing you can use!
(Psalm 81:10, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sharon. I am happy I adopted this plant.

    2. I am always amazed by Orchid flowers. I guess the name of your orchid is Dendrobium Anosmum...

    3. Thank you, dear for helping me out with the name of the orchids.

  2. Me too no experience in growing orchid but heard ppl say cannot too hot cannot too wet .

    1. I have to get some tips from the experts or else the plant will say goodbye to me. Lol!

    2. have green fingers...the orchid will bloom and grow well :)

    3. Lol! Thank you, Elin for your confidence in me. I do need to learn more to take good care of this pretty orchid.

    4. #Small Kucing
      You are right. Orchids just need the moist...

  3. Orchids are special flowers, you have done very well. Love the colour.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I am now interested in orchid plants.

  4. Replies
    1. Their flowers come in different shapes, sizes and colours.

  5. It is very beautiful! I hope it continues to thrive with your very good care. x Karen

  6. I love orchids but never try planting it as I heard it involves a lot of work & effort. Some wild orchids are beautiful & gives out fragrant smell. Glad that your orchids are blooming well. Good job done, Nancy.

    1. Thank you, Irene. Looking at the beautiful blooms increases my confidence.

  7. This is beautiful, Nancy. I love orchids because it's long lasting. I got three last year ..but you wouldn't believe what happened. Will 'cerita' later! ^.^

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Oh, you are getting me curious and wanting to know your orchid story!

  8. My mum grows orchid. I admire her orchid garden. But not me; not yet into orchid. Haha.

    Lovely flower Nancy. You could add some egg shell to it. I understand the egg shell helps in its growing.

    1. Thank you, Rose. Thank you for the egg shell tip. I will apply your tip to my orchid!

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, Claire. Looking forward for more blooms.

  10. Nancy, you are successful with this orchid you adopted. The flowers are very pretty and I like the color. That means you can now embark on planting more beautiful orchids!

    1. Phong Hong, that is exactly what I am thinking about but have to go slowly.

  11. You have certainly had success with growing the beautiful flower, the colour is stunning. Well done.

    1. Thank you, Mamas. Now I am hoping to multiply the plant.

  12. I have several orchids and I water them once a week and the water just runs through and out the bottom. They do not stand in it. I would be afraid of rotting id=f I watered too often. Yours seems to be doing well though and the flowers are beautiful, it is obviously happy with how you are treating it. Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. I too watered it thoroughly once a day, allowing the water to run through. I am keeping my eyes on it because of the hot days we are having now.

  13. Hello nancy, what a beautiful orchid. I love the pretty color, beautiful collection of photos. Have a happy day!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I am very happy with the plant and the flowers. Love the purple colour.

  14. The flowers have such a beautiful colour. May it grow healthily and have more flowers. Well done on saving it. :)

    1. Thank you, Mun. I hope the plant will grow and multiply.

  15. You have an amazing green thumb Nancy. You really do.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a fabulous day too.

  16. orchids are such pretty things

  17. Oh, Nancy, it has beautiful flowers. I am glad it is living for you.

    1. Thank you, Rose. I am glad too. Have a beautiful day!

  18. you were well rewarded for your work :)

  19. beautiful...once, one of my friends gifted me an orchid, but, unfortunately, I couldn't keep it alive.....

    1. Thank you, Krishna. The same thing happened to me too with my previous orchid plants.

  20. O, it is so are doing a great job and I bet it will put on more blooms as time goes by. I've never, ever tried to grow one...always heard they were hard to grown but you surely are growing one. xoxo

    1. Thank you, BJ. I too refrain from growing orchid because of the work involved in caring for them. I am glad my friend gave me this plant and hopefully it will stay healthy.

  21. Thank you, Vildana. Have a great day too!

  22. Umas belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    1. Thank you, Francisco. Have a beautiful day. Hugs.

  23. love purple flowers

  24. Replies
    1. Thank you, Thomas. I am very happy with the flowers.

  25. That is a beautiful orchid. I have a few tied to the trees but I haven't really cared for them like this. Unlike other plants, I haven't devoted that much time to orchids.
    Thank you for following me. I'm following you too!!

    1. Thank you, Kanak Hagjer. I am learning more about orchids. Have a lovely day!

  26. What a lovely purple. Ahhh it's a 'wild' variety that's why I haven't seen the flower before heh. Used to orchid-watch and orchid-shop last time. These 'wild' ones fetch higher prices at nurseries.

    1. Oh Stacy, I didn't know that wild orchids fetch higher prices. I have lots to learn.


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