Friday 29 April 2016

Witnesses At Land Office Batu Gajah.

I received a phone call last Sunday night requesting my hubby and I to stand as witnesses for a friend. We agreed to help her and we needed to present ourselves at the Batu Gajah Land Office last Monday morning at 10.15 am.
 Since our Penang trip, I was still tired and didn't go for the morning exercise.
 We decided to sleep in and woke up late on Monday morning.
 After watering my garden, we went for a quick breakfast.
Passed by here on our way to Batu Gajah. We used the Ipoh-Lumut highway.
A short excerpt from Wikipedia on Batu Gajah:
"The name Batu Gajah ('batu' is stone and 'gajah' is elephant in the Malay language), is presumably derived from two large boulders that resembled elephants found along the Kinta River. Folklore claims that hugh elephants figures were made of stones to scare away the elephants that destroyed the villages' sugar cane crops."
This is Batu Gajah courthouse.
 My first time stepping into the compound of the courthouse.
 The land office is in the same compound as the court house.
We were on time but our friends were late. While waiting for them, I occupied myself looking for things to photograph.
Found these giant tin bars (imitations???) 
 A dredge bucket next to the shady tree where we waited for our friends.
 Side view....
 An anchor.....
\It was a hot, humid morning and I was sweating profusely. 
 My friends were more than half an hour late. After 2 phone calls, they were still no where to be seen. Surprisingly, as I grow older my patience also seems to grow. It was not so when I was younger.

"May God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement
help you to live in complete harmony with each other -
each with the attitude of Christ toward the other.
And then all of us can praise the Lord together with one voice,
giving glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
(Romans 15:5-6, TLB)
 As it was our first time here, I looked around and found the waiting room on the 1st floor where we can sit under the fan. 
 Those that came earlier or were on time have submitted their forms to the clerk at the counter. Our friends were late in submitting their forms and they got a bigger number. For being late, we all have to wait for almost 4 hours in the warm waiting room before we can go home.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~
The below flower pics from my garden are for joining Today's Flowers.
White Fairy Lily or Rain Lily flowers.
Flower from my papaya tree.
Dwarf  Purple Mexican Petunia Flower.
Orangey Red Bauhinia Flowers.


  1. Hello, pretty sky and beautiful buildings. The flowers are lovely too. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. It is a blessing to enjoy the beautiful things around us.

  2. Your friends are blessed to have both of you....

  3. this post is so lovely and the pics are so mesmerizing..

  4. Stunning photos! Enjoy your weekend! xoxo

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

    1. Thank you, Vildana. Enjoy your weekend too!

  5. I don't think these friends were all that nice. You do as they ask and the person they want you to witness for are late? Not nice one bit. Apparently it wasn't that important to them. Shame on them.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. There are some people who are always taking things too easy. Good thing it was a one off event. Have a beautiful day, Sandee.

  6. Wonderful shots"

  7. Did they have a good reason for being late?

    1. I would say this person is always a slow coach.

  8. Really lovely photos and do have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you, Blogoratti. Have a nice weekend too!

  9. Such beautiful photos!!! :)

  10. The courthouse appeals to me, Nancy!

  11. A wonderful post Nancy, wonderful photos and thank you for sharing them and those beautiful flowers with Today's Flowers.

    1. Thank you, Denise. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Great photos. They are so beautiful. I love the flower from your papaya tree.

    1. Thank you, Jedidja. Have a beautiful weekend!

  13. Nothing annoys me more than people who cannot arrive on time (unless they have an iron cast reason for not doing so), even more so when you are doing them a favour!!!!
    Great photos. Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. If this happened when I was younger, I probably would have lost my temper. Thank God, I have grown more gracious.

  14. Gostei de ver estas belas e magnificas flores.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

    1. Thank you, Francisco. Hugs and have a great weekend!

  15. Very nice grounds where you were. So sorry your friends were late because then you had to wait and extra long time for service. You are good friends. xx

    1. Thank you, Joyful. Finally, I had to explain to this person why she has to be extra early to avoid waiting and wasting everyone's time at the office.

  16. Looks to be a lovely building and grounds.
    One should leave on time to be there on time and allow for delays. That was a long time to wait in total, especially in the heat of just a fan.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. It was a good thing that none of us waiting there grumbled or make a fuss over the waiting.

  17. You are such a patient friend, Nancy. Bless you for your kind heart. Have a great weekend. xx ^.^

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I used to be a very impatient person. Ha ha I have been praying for more patience. Have a great weekend!

  18. Stunning looking buildings, rather grand. Beautiful flowers too.

    1. Thank you, Mamas. The buildings look impressive. Have a happy weekend!

  19. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sharon. Flowers are pleasing to the eyes.

  20. Thank you, Felicia. Sometimes, things do not turn out as smoothly as we hoped. Have a happy day!

  21. Funny, my patience level seems to have gone down as I age! Hehehee.

    Pretty flowers, as always.

  22. That is good news, Stacy. Better to grow gracefully than be an old hot tempered person. Have a beautiful day!


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