Thursday 22 December 2016

Our Dinner At Prima Cafe, Taiping.

On our first day at our friends' house, we had home cooked lunch and for dinner, we drove to Taiping town. Our friends suggested going to Prima Cafe which we have not been before and we were keen to try out the food there.
We parked our cars in front of the Post Office in Taiping.
While we were waiting for our food, I went outside to take some snapshots.
That is our state "Perak" flag - black, yellow and white.
Government offices.
The District And Land Office (1897).
Taiping Municipal House.
Back to Prima Cafe at the main road (Jalan Taming Sari).
This place serves Halal food (non-pork).
We were the only customers at that time and we need not have to wait long for our food. 
Fried Flat noodle (char koay teow)
Sandwich for her hubby.  (No pic to show).
My hubby and our hosts ordered the same item.
Nasi Lemak with Rendang Chicken.
Our hosts recommended this coffee to me.
Orange White Coffee. Very special.
As for me, I ordered Nasi Indonesia.
Thank you, friends for a wonderful dinner.
A closer photo from another angle.
Even before we finished our dinner, there was talk about ice-cream. Since we were full to the brim, someone suggested that we should do some walking first.
  We then visited the newly opened Tesco supermarket and ended up buying 2 tubs of ice-cream home. When we reached home, we were ready to enjoy the ice-creams.
 Our host bought a tub of green tea ice-cream.
And a tub of 3 in 1 Neapolitan ice-cream.
We chatted as we sat and ate the ice-cream till past mid-night!

"Keep a sharp lookout! For you do not know when I will come,
at evening, at midnight, early dawn or late daybreak.
Don't let me find out sleeping. Watch for my return!
This is my message to you and to everyone else."
(Mark 13:35-37, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Pratos deliciosos e muito bem apresentados.
    Um Santo e Feliz Natal.

    1. Thank you, Francisco. Have a beautiful Christmas with love ones!

  2. The food looked good especially that Nasi Indonesia. They used brown rice??

    Very old government office. The colonial look.

    1. I think it is red rice, not the plain brown rice. I like the red rice.

  3. ...wishing you a Merry Christmas, Nancy!

    1. Thank you, Tom. Wishing you a Merry & Blessed Christmas to you and family too!

  4. Interesting post and beautiful photos. I'm your new GFC follower. Hug ♥

    1. Thank you, T.M. Merry Christmas & Happy holiday!

  5. I like the Nasi Indonesia but I would prefer white rice than brown rice cos I am not acquired to the taste of brown rice

    1. Many prefer white rice. I am fine with brown or red rice.

  6. Looks like a great selection of food. I can't wait to get to Asia in February so that I can sample many delights! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Nancy - and to all your family and friends.

    1. Thank you, David. Wishing you a wonderful stay in Asia and enjoy your food sampling too! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and family too!

  7. Replies
    1. Me too! But I got tempted by the Nasi Indonesia! Lol!

  8. I love your trips and I love that you share where you are along with all the wonderful food. I always leave your blog hungry.

    Of all the ice cream one of my favorites in green tea ice cream. Most yummy.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. I love ice cream and the green tea ice cream is very nice! Have a beautiful day!

  9. Your shot of the government offices is beautiful! There is even a big red heart in front! The district and Land Offices with the yellow banners is beautiful, such pretty architecture! The municipal house looks like a ship! How is this orange White coffee made? It sounds wonderful! I got peppermint ice-cream for Christmas day.

    1. I like the big red heart. The Orange white coffee is very nice. Oh yes, I love peppermint ice cream too! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and family!

  10. Architecture is really interesting. You are welcome to my fences..

  11. Great post! Happy Christmas and New Year you too!:)


    1. Thank you, Basia. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you too!

  12. I'm yet to visit Taiping but I hear great things about the local food.

    1. Taiping is a nice quiet place and the food is good!

  13. Ice cream to end the day - just the way I like it. Happy Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Once in a while, it is okay to indulge in ice cream. Lol! Merry Christmas to you and family too!

  14. I doubt you'd ever find green tea ice cream here.

    1. Surprisingly, green tea ice cream is quite common here. Merry Christmas!


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