Saturday 29 April 2017

My Friend Is Temporary Housebound With Her Pet Cat.

It was last Saturday evening when I received a whatsapp message from a friend informing me that she was hospitalized and waiting for surgery. She was taking in the clean laundry from the clothes lines and both arms were hugging the big pile of laundry in front of her, She thought she knew her way well but too bad, she mis-judged her steps and her right foot went into the small drain and she went forward still clutching her clothes with both arms.

Instantly, she felt a terrible sharp pain in her right foot but she got up and hobbled in with the clothes. In spite of the terrible pain, she continue to hang out the rest of the laundry to dry. When the husband returned home for lunch later, he insisted on taking the wife to hospital for an x-ray. The x-ray showed 2 fractured bones in the right foot. Since she has taken lunch, the doctor couldn't do the surgery on her foot. The surgery was postponed to the next day after she had fasted.
 Took this sunrise shot on our way out for breakfast after our walking exercise. I had guest over in the morning and I messaged my friend that I could only visit her after lunch.
 She sent this photo of her bound up leg to me after she was discharged from the hospital.
 Her son opened the front door for me. My friend was sitting on her bed folding the clean laundry. She is one very active lady and couldn't sit still. It will be very boring for her, plus she is the only woman in the house to do all the housework. Beside her on the bed, was the family's pet kitty keeping her company.
 This kitty was an abandoned kitty when her husband found her by the roadside.
 Kitty's name is Bagheera. An Indian name meaning Black Panther.
 Kitty came over to me for some pats and tickles. Then Kitty stuck out its tongue and went back to sleep.
 Kitty enjoyed her cat-nap while we chatted.
 It started off as an abandoned baby but now is enjoying all the love and care.
 Kitty is loved and so pampered, enjoying a good life.
I ended my visit and said goodbye. Kitty didn't even opened its eyes, it just stretched and went back to nap again.

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

GOD made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before Him.
When I cleaned up my act, He gave me a fresh start.
Indeed, I've kept alert to GOD's ways; I haven't taken God for granted.
Every day I review the ways He works, I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step.
GOD rewrote the text of my life when
I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.
(2 Samuel 22:21-25, The Message-MSG)


  1. Such a sweet kitty, animals really are our best friends :) Wish your friend a quick recovery!

    1. Thank you, Marta. Kitty is great company to my friend!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Tom. I think Kitty really enjoys my friend's company. Lol!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Francisco. Have a wonderful day!

  4. My prayer is for quick healing for your friend!

    1. Thank you, Mimi on behalf of my friend. Have a great day!

  5. Ahh the life of a cat! Its now very happy!
    Hope your friend recovers well!

  6. I hope your friend heals quickly. I hate breaking bones. It's so difficult to do things.

    The kitty is adorable. I would love to have a cat, but I'm so allergic.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. It will definitely be difficult for my active friend! Have a fantastic day!

  7. Hope your friend recovers quickly. Such a cute cat.

  8. Ouch! At least during the recovery, she'll have good company.

    1. She has good company from her pet cats and pet dog. They will love her company too!

  9. I am so sorry about your friend. It will be hard, with no other women in the house. But she does have Kitty as a loyal companion. Too bad kitty cannot do the cooking and cleaning.

    1. Thank you, Ginny. Kitty will keep her company and she gets her boys to help with the housework as best as they can. Have a lovely day!

  10. Speedy recovery to your friend, I love cats! The cat is so cute

  11. I hope your friend heals quickly and thoroughly, and she has a great cat doctor to help her! Beautiful cat. :)

    1. Thank you, Linda. The cat has been a great comfort to my friend and contributes to the healing. Have a fantastic day!

  12. hope your friend will be ok) Have a nice day!

  13. Owww. Bet the cat is enjoying her company though, Hope it heals quickly. Diane

    1. Oh yes, the cat is enjoying my friend's full attention! Have a beautiful day, Diane!

  14. Kitty is enjoying her new life and being with your friend as she heals. Beautiful Scripture.

    1. Thank you, Terra. Kitty been blessed and it is now blessing my friend by being there for her. Have a great day!

  15. Speedy recovery to your friend. At our age, we really have to be careful not to fall. You too, take care and God bless :)

    1. Thank you, Elin. Yes, we are no longer young. You too need to take care and God bless you too!

  16. Get well wishes to your friend. It's often our day to day activities that cause the greatest injuries - not even anything dangerous!

    1. Thank you, dear on behalf of my friend. It is so true, we tend to be careless in our familiarity with our daily activities.

  17. So sorry for your friend, but oh, she has a beautiful kitty!

    1. Thank you, Rose. She is very pleased with her kitty! Have a great day!

  18. did the doctor put in any screws into your friend's ankle to join the fractured bones together? may she rest well and let her bones heal.

    1. I was told the doctor inserted some wires into the foot to hold the fractured bones connecting to the last 2 toes. She has to wait for the bones to mend themselves. Have a wonderful day, Mun!

  19. oh no...hope your friend will be better soon

    1. Thank you, dear. Hope and pray for speedy recovery. Hope she will be good and not move too much. Lol!

  20. Hope your friend feeling better now...

    1. Thank you, Sharon. She was very cheerful when I visited her. Have a great day!

  21. Poor lady -- that looks painful. Hope she feels better soon (and that she gets some help with the household chores if her husband and son are not able to do them).

    1. Thank you, Sallie. It was very painful but after the surgery, thank God no more pain. Fortunately, her boys are now helping out with whatever they can. Have a beautiful day!

  22. Oh dear,the green cast looks so familiar... very nightmarish when I see that.. hope she will recover much sooner than I did..

    1. Ha ha! When I saw the 1st photo she sent me of her leg in cast, it reminds me of the time you were wearing one! Looked so similar to yours. Pray she will recover soon.

  23. Aw. Sorry to hear that. Looks painful. I wish a speedy recovery.
    I love how our pets can keep us company especially at times like this.

    1. Thank you, Lux. She is not having pain now, just uncomfortable with the cast on. Pets are very patient with us especially in difficult times like this. Have a wonderful day!

  24. Kitty is probably having the time of her life since her owner has lots of time for her now!

    1. You are absolutely right. Kitty loves to snuggle up to its owner!

  25. You are a good friend, Nancy x :)

    1. Thank you, Sharon. She is my good friend. Have a lovely day!


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