Saturday 22 July 2017

Plantago Major Herbal Drink & Tiny Critters From The Garden

Recently I noticed that the Plantago Major plants in my garden are growing very well and healthy. They can be found growing in flower pots and on the ground. Here, we called the plants "Teen Koon Choe" in Cantonese and we use the plants as a herb for cleansing the urinary track and bladder. I had previously done a post on Plantago Major and its medicinal uses. If you are interested, you can click here for more information on the plants, its many uses and how to boil the herbal drink.
 I harvested the bigger plants and left the smaller ones for a later harvest. A herbal drink boiled from this herb will be good for the body during this hot weather. I shook all the dirt from the roots in the garden before taking them into my kitchen.
The harvested plants were then soaked in water in a basin to further loosen any dirt from the roots. The herb is usually boiled whole together with the roots with parboiled barley. I used raw barley because that was what I had in the fridge.
We drink this herbal drink for cleansing of urinary bladder, urinary track and kidney of impurities and stones.
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The following photos are for joining Saturday's Critters.
While harvesting the Plantago Major herb from my garden, I noticed this tiny insect on the Eggplant or Brinjal leaf.
 It is a pretty tiny insect with wings that looks like a pretty moth.
 It was then that I noticed that my green eggplant has turned yellow. It was well hidden from my sight behind a leaf.
 As I was going through the Critters folder, I found something similar to the pretty winged insect. These photos were taken in our friends' garden. They found this joined couple in their garden and they got them safely out of their dogs' way.
 According to our friends, this couple has been joined together since the previous day.
 Do you think these two insects are similar to the one I saw in my garden?
 If anyone can identify these insects, please do kindly share it with me.
 There is so much to learn about nature, God's beautiful creation.
Linking to Saturday's Critters.

For from the very first he made man and woman

to be joined together permanently in marriage;

therefore a man is to leave his father and mother,

and he and his wife are united so that they are no longer two, but one.

(Mark 10:6-8, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Yup, these look like the same as the ones in your garden. They are pretty, but are they damaging the plants? so you drink this does it taste? I am now going to look for this bug on the computer.

    1. Thank you, Ginny. I don't know whether this insect is a friend or an enemy to my garden plants. This Plantago drink is quite nice to drink and it is not bitter. Have a beautiful day!

  2. Nancy, a BIG thank you for sharing about this herbal plant. It was very helpful for me...we have this growing in our garden everywhere...I didn't know their use and I just pull them up because I thought they were that you shared this knowledge, I will also make use of it:) It will be very beneficial - specially for me:) Blessings to you and your family!

    1. Thank you, Annie. I know there are other good plants growing in my garden but I am not sure of their uses. Blessings to you and family too.

  3. Have never had plantago...did they taste like spinach? The insect couple look pretty cool.

    1. Thank you, Angie. The drink tastes like watercress drink. Have a wonderful day!

  4. Looks like a healthy plant, thanks for sharing that. And lovely photos indeed.

  5. Great shots from the garden.

  6. Very interesting to learn about the medicinal uses for this plant. The insects look the same. Sorry, I do not know what it is.

  7. The moth in your garden is from the Tiger Moth family, but I do not know the the moths in your area to identify further. The ones in your friend's garden are not the same, the wing markings are totally different though the bodies are similar. Check tiger moths on the internet in your area and you may have an answer. Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. I have googled and yes, you are right. It is a tiger moth. I also noticed that the wings markings are different. Have a beautiful day!

  8. ...I don't know their name, but they sure are colorful.

  9. You have a very well-kept garden to the which is not lacking visitors as these insects that they mate

    Interesting plant with good medicinal purposes.

    Have a good weekend

    1. Thank you, Ventana. Have a wonderful day!

  10. Hello, it is great to grow plants for medicinal use. The insects are pretty, I like their patterns and colors. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thank you, Eileen for hosting. Have a happy day!

  11. It's good to know about herbs and their healing powers. This is being lost on many.

    I have no idea what kind of insect this is, but they sure are colorful.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. I only know of a few herbs and confident to use them but there are many which I am not sure about. Have a fantastic day!

  12. Thanks for sharing about this plantago plant.

  13. During how weather one needs all the liquids you can drink.

    1. The weather is very hot these few days, no rain at all.

  14. The insects are quite unusual to my eyes.

    1. Thank you, William. I have only spotted a few of them in my garden. Have a beautiful day!

  15. So good you can harvest the plants and drink fresh herbal drink for your health

    1. Thank you, Libby. This is one of my favourite herbal drink. Have a good day!

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you, Gosia. They are pretty too. Have a great day!

  17. Fascinating looking insects, we have bugs here that join together and stay, we call them love bugs. They are black with a red spot, not nearly so pretty as yours.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. Ha I will refer to them as Tiger Love Moths. Have a wonderful day!

  18. Wonderful photos of these beautiful insects, Nancy!

    1. Thank you, Linda. We happened to be there at the right time to snap the photos. Have a wonderful day!

  19. Yes, I think it is the same...I just saw one of them on another blog a few days ago but I don't remember the name of it.

    1. Thank you, Rose. With Diane's help it is a Tiger Moth but the wings markings are a bit different. Have a great day!

  20. Plantago is really very good for our health!
    Such lovely images.

  21. That sounds healthy herb and looks alike we have used them.
    The insect is so pretty and interesting how they stick together!

  22. I never saw this plant.. can I get it Chinese grocery shop here is the USA?

    1. I really don't know. You can try to find out. You might get them in dried form. Have a great day!

  23. As usual interesting post! Thanks a lot)

  24. Pretty moth.

    Never seen this herbal plant before. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Lovely photos Nancy. The plants do look very healthy and the critter close ups turned out nicely.

  26. La planta la tengo en mi jardín, con hojas más grandes y vara de semillas. Los insectos creo que son los mismos. Besitos y buena semana.

    1. Thank you, Teresa. Maybe the plants are of the same specie. Have a beautiful day!

  27. Those roast meats sure look tempting.

    1. Thank you, dear. I love the roast duck and bbq pork. Have a happy day!

  28. Erm... it's a prolonged mating session?

    1. According to my friends, they were joined for more than 24 hours. Have a great day!


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