Friday 24 November 2017

Steamed Prawns & Stir Fry Chinese Mustard For Dinner

One Friday evening, hubby was in the vicinity of the evening market in our area and he happened to pass by the fish stall. He came home with a kilogram of big seawater prawns. I kept half in the freezer and used half to cook for dinner.  I have not been cooking regularly. Not surprising that my mind went blank when I looked at the prawns. In the end, I peeled off the shells, leaving the tails intact.
 This lazy me decided to steam the prawns. I marinated the prawns with salt, sugar, pepper, chopped ginger, chopped garlic, oyster sauce, sesame oil and Chinese cooking wine before I steamed the prawns. Fortunately, the prawns tasted good for both of us, no complaint.
I cooked Chinese mustard (gai choy) with garlic, ginger slices, chicken gizzard and liver and when all is cooked, I add in the egg, stirred and dished out to serve. That lone egg has been sitting in my fridge for some time. We ate these 2 dishes with steamed rice.
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos are for joining Good Fences
Fence photos from Cameron Highlands. 
 Fence #1
 Fence #2
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos are for joining Skywatch Friday.
 Sunrise at 7 am.
Sunset at 7 pm
Sunset at 7.45 am.

But the good man - what a different story!
For the good man - the blameless, the upright,
the man of peace - he has a wonderful future ahead of him.
For him there is a happy ending.
(Psalm 37:37, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. What a delicious meal! Beautiful sunrise shots too, Nancy.

  2. It looks delicious. And you even know how to cook without a recipe! That takes a very good cook!

    1. Thank you, Ginny! Actually, I am not a good cook, that is why I like the simple way of cooking.

  3. Are prawns the same our shrimp? I admit to being intimidated were I to have them presented to me as they were to you! That mix of spices and oil must be the secret of making things taste so good!
    Our sunsets are a couple of hours earlier than yours....

    1. Thank you, Linda! I think there are some differences. The next time I will take a pic to show you our prawns! Lol!

  4. Ohhh, it looks so yum! And the photos are amazing!

    Wishing a happy thanksgiving to you and yours!

  5. I still have a pack of prawns in freezer. Tried steam and stir fry. Still thinking of how to finish up the rest of it. Haha.

    Lovely sunset.

    1. Thank you, Rose! How about prawn curry? Yums!

  6. Umas belas fotografias de que gostei bastante e excelentes pratos.
    Um bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  7. Hello Nancy, gorgeous sunset and sky capture. The prawns look yummy! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  8. You did come up with a very tasty prawn meal!
    Those skies are so lovely!

  9. ...I'd like prawns with that sunset please.

  10. I super love to eat those delicious looking prawns. I like the way you cooked them too. Have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you, Mun! The prawns is very tasty and go well with white rice!

  11. Me encantan las gambas. Buena tarde.

  12. I love both your homecook dishes, especially the steam prawns

  13. I would have loved your dinner. Looks and sounds fabulous.

    Have a wonderful day, Nancy. ☺

  14. My mom sometimes will cook prawns in this way too :)

    Have a good weekend, Nancy!

  15. It looks like a healthy way to cook. Have a great weekend!

  16. I love prawns. They have them where I live, but they still are so expensive. - Margy

  17. I love prawns a lot. That look tasty! #Nomnom

  18. I am suddenly hungry!

    Amen to that verse at the end.

  19. Beautiful glow captured and have a nice weekend

  20. Both dishes look good and a perfect match for each other.


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