Saturday 20 January 2018

Dinner For 4 At Pusing Public Restaurant, Ipoh.

Few Saturdays ago, our friends invited us to Pusing Public restaurant for dinner but found that it was booked for weddings. So we ended up in another restaurant. Our friends again invited us for dinner but this time it was a weekday to avoid the crowd. Weekday was good because there was no crowd and we can choose where we want to sit.
We all agreed on this tasty noodle.
I think we had fried Hakka noodle, the dry version.
We later order 1 bowl of rice to share among us.
Steamed half a chicken with blended ginger.
4 pieces of steamed stuffed tofu - just nice for 4 people.
Baby French beans stir fry with preserved veggie (mui choy).
It was a nice dinner for 4 people. Thanks to the hosts!
We have been missing our morning walk due to the rain and my stubborn cough. Hope to be able to resume our walking exercise by next week.
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos are for joining Saturday's Critters.
It has been raining for the pasts weeks.
This dog must be feeling cold. 
Found this lizard in my bathroom. I never liked lizards. We have tried many methods but still couldn't get rid of them! This one stayed still long enough for me to take a snapshot of it. Then it went out of the window

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so that
there will be food enough in my Temple;
if you do, I will open up the windows of heaven for you and
pour out a blessing so great
you won't have room enough to take it in!
"Try me! Let me prove it to you!"
(Malachi 3:10, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Hope you feel better soon, Nancy!
    THe lizard looks tiny and is a strange colour - I wouldn't want it in my bathroom either!

    1. Thank you, Christine! I am feeling much better with less coughing.

  2. ... stubborn coughs have been common here this year. I had one for two months, I hope that you will feel better soon.

    1. Thank you, Tom! My cough is getting less. This season many are down with bad cough!

  3. Hello Nancy!:) So sorry you have a nasty cough, my hubby has one too,...not nice!:( Once lizards get inside your home, it is difficult to get them out. I'm glad this one went out your window.
    Enjoy your weekend!:)

    1. Thank you, dear! My cough is getting better. The lizard keeps coming in and out of the window!

  4. Hello, Nancy! The food looks delicious. I love the morning walk scene and photo. Cute doggie and lizard or is that a gecko? Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. PS, I hope you feel better. Take care!

    2. Thank you, Eileen! It is the common house lizard. I am not sure but I think it is a gecko.

  5. What mountains are those in the background?

    1. It is the Kledang Hills where many people go for morning and evening hikes.

  6. I would enjoy the fried Hakka noodle. What do they mix in with? Have a great day Nancy. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul! Not sure but there were meat, vegetable and sauces.

  7. I wouldn't like lizards in my house either. Although it is beautiful. Hope your cough improves.

  8. I don't like lizards too. I think the lizard in your photo is just a baby lizard because its body is almost translucent.

  9. I loved the look of the chicken with ginger, a great looking meal.

    1. Thank you, Mamas! The chicken with ginger is a delicious dish to go with white rice.

  10. Love lizards and happy to have them in the house eating the flies and mosquitoes. Take care Diane

    1. Yes, lizards are useful in a way but they do poo a lot too! Lol!

  11. Oh your dinner looks so good. I would have had some of each dish. What delightful meals you and your hubby and friends share.

    The dog does look cold and lonely too.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  12. It certainly was a good dinner and in good company. I would not want to have lizards in the bathroom, although I'm not afraid of them. Regards.

  13. Espero que ya estรฉs recuperada de la tos. La comida se ve muy buena como siempre. Besitos.

  14. The chicken and ginger looks amazing, and so does the noodle dish. But the STAR of your post is this gorgeous shot across the water with the evening lights and the fog settling over the mountains. It is SO gorgeous! You really should frame and display it. The lizard looks tiny. I have seen them run, and they can really go!

  15. Sorry that you haven’t been able to walk and exercise lately, i hope your cough goes and the rain goes away with it!

    1. Thank you, Mimi! My cough is better now. This morning was back on our walking again. At least we are getting more sun now.

  16. Oh gosh, see lizard, first thing run!

    1. Ha ha! I used to do that! Now older, no more! Ha ha!

  17. Hope you are feeling better... Hello dog...

    1. Thank you, Sharon! I am feeling much better now.

  18. I pray for your quick recovery. Going on a weekday is good to avoid the crowd. We are doing the same thing. We go on vacation on weekdays to avoid the crowd

    1. Thank you, Ishmael! Yes, leave the weekends for those who can't make it on weekdays.

  19. Hope you get well soon...And yes most of the time our family also choose weekdays to avoid the crowd.

  20. Lizards are beatiful but not in my bathroom! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

  21. You eat better than any other blogger I know!! I wouldn't appreciate lizards either.
    I hope your cough gets better soon.

  22. As usual very interesting! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  23. Hi Nancy, I enjoyed your food and your critters. I hope you get better soon. I too have cough and it has hung around a long time so I understand why you haven't been walking. Hugs xx

    1. Thank you, dear! The cough has reduced and am feeling much better now.

  24. I hate lizards! If possible I will try to shoo them out from the house. Otherwise I will resort to killing or trapping them. ^^

    I love the dinner. The noodle is good enough.

    1. Thank you, Rose! Me too! Before I went to look for the spray, it disappeared!

  25. Hope you are feeling better. The food looks good.

  26. I like the lizards but not in my bathroom

    1. Lol! Me too! No thanks to lizards anywhere in my house.

  27. Looks like a nice friendly little critter to me! I have actually welcomed them at times when I have stayed in rooms without air conditioning and they sure help to keep the insects under control.

    1. Thank you, David! It has its usefulness, only thing is that it leaves its a lot of its droppings behind.

  28. Agree, that noodle looks like it's made by an expert.


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