Wednesday 31 January 2018

Growing Guzmania Plants In My Garden.

We were visiting a friend one morning and before we left, my friend passed some plants cuttings to me. Among the plants cuttings were 2 small Guzmania plants. I was very happy to receive the cuttings, especially the Guzmania plants. My Guzmania plants were planted in 2 separate pots.
 Flower of a Guzmania plant.
Guzmania twins, Plant A & B at Day 1 in my garden.
When I brought the 2 plants home, I temporary planted them in recycled polystyrene cups. 
Plant A & B at 4th months
The plants seemed to be growing very slowly even after being transferred to bigger pots.
9th months
Plant A growing more leaves.
9th month
Plant B starting to bloom!
Plant B at 9th month + 4 days later.
Plant B at 9th month + 11 days
Plant B at 10th month
The colour of the flower deepened to orangey red.
Plant B at 11th month
Plant A at 12th month
Plant A took exactly 1 year to show off its 1st bloom!
Plant A at 12th month + 14 days
The flower of Plant A is red.
This photo was taken under the shade of an umbrella! Lol!
Plant B at 12th month
The fading flower.
Plant B at about 14th month.
I found plant B growing baby plants from its sides at about 12th month.
After re-positioning some of the plants in my garden, I shifted the Guzmania plants to a more shady place. Now their leaves are greener. I noticed they look healthier and happier under the shade.
I saw this plant in the plant nursery and the leaves were so green and healthy.
Found this unique flower in the same nursery.

Linking to Floral Bliss.

No one has ever seen God.
But the unique One, who is himself God,
is near to the Father's heart. He has revealed God to us.
(John 1:18, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Guzmania is a pretty plant, sold in Finland mainly in the autumn & Christmas time. That stunning grey leaved plant is Bromelia fasciata - have a nice day Nancy!

    1. Thank you for providing the id for Bromelia fasciata! Thank you for hosting and have a nice day too!

  2. ...there seem to be no end to what you are able to grow.

    1. Thank you, Tom! I enjoying trying to grow new plants.

  3. Hola Nancy. Se nota que les das mucho amor, están preciosas. Bonitas fotos. Feliz día. Besos.

  4. Amazing...seeing how it flowers in stages... Nice flower!

  5. I have one at my home but yours is more beautiful

  6. Such beautiful plants, love the colour of the bloom. They certainly look a lot happier now they are in the shade, so much greener.

    1. Thank you, Mamas! I hope they will flower again soon!

  7. The flowers are very unique and I love the deep red color. I don't think I have ever seen it before.

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong! So happy to have them in my garden now.

  8. Such a bright red color! Unique flowers!

  9. I love the pink one the best, but then pink is my favorite color.

    You have an amazing green thumb.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  10. The orangey red colour is so vibrant! I like it.

  11. Hello Nancy!:) Very colourful plants! You will soon have dozens of these attractive plants now that the babies have shown up. Thanks for sharing their development over twelve months time. The pink one is very pretty.

    1. Thank you, Breathtaking! I hope the babies will grow well too!

  12. Gardeners certainly do have patience, and a reward for it!

    1. Yes, gardening needs lots of patience. But the reward is worth it!

  13. It looks like a kind of Bromeliad. It sure loves you!!

  14. Not a plant I know but it very pretty. You certainly have green fingers you seem to manage to grow anything well. Have a good day Diane

  15. Excellent capture on the lovely progress of the plants and its petty blossom!

  16. Ah so that's what they're called. You do have green fingers, your plant looks happy and healthy.

    1. Thank you, Stacy! They are happier under the shade.

  17. Thank you for this your broadcast provided bright clear concept.



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