Wednesday 17 January 2018

Growing Pineapple In My Garden

This is the first time I harvest a pineapple from my garden. Pineapple is easy to grow but it takes a long time to fruit. From my own experience, it took two years to harvest the first pineapple fruit from my own garden. I used normal garden soil and normal fertilizer. I watered the pineapple plants almost daily except when it rains.
This is my first time seeing a pineapple this beautiful with its purple flowers.
After cutting a pineapple, I used the crown of the pineapple to grow in a pot.
From one crown, it multiple into four shoots.
I dug out the four shoots and plant into separate pots.
The shoot has grown this big after 6 months.
I used a small pot to grow this and left it there.
Because of the spiky leaves, I didn't transform it to a bigger pot.
After 19 months, I happened to notice the centre of the plant turning red while I was watering it one day. I saw a tiny bud growing out from the centre. I began to monitor its growth.
Finally my pineapple is fruiting after 19 to 20 months!
I felt so excited and encouraged by this sight!
About a month later, the baby pineapple started to grow above the leaves.
(Approx. 21 months)
Growing pineapple is easy, with very little care. I fertilizer it about twice a month.
Daily it is exposed to a minimum of a few hours of direct sunlight
About a week later, little purple flowers or flowerets appeared.
(Approx. 22 months)
The crown has grown taller and the flowerests have dropped off.
(Approx. 23 months)
The fruit has turned from pink to dark green.
(Approx 24 months)
The fruit got too heavy and has to be supported.
I used raffia strings to pull it both ways to make it upright.
(Approx. 24 months)
Ahhh! It is starting to ripen! It is turning yellowish!
I left the fruit on the plant to ripen naturally, hoping that it will taste sweeter.
(Approx. after 25 months)
I finally harvested the first pineapple fruit from my own garden.
Feeling excited again because another pineapple plant is starting to fruit!
I am quite satisfied and happy with the fruit.
It was quite sweet and very juicy!
I used the cut off crown to grow a new pineapple plant.
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos are for joining Floral Bliss
Dwarf Allamanda
 same as above
Yellow Bells or Tecoma Stan
These are very common flowers found in my neighbourhood.

Linking to Floral Bliss

When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness,
for I want to bring the weak to Christ.
Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone,
doing everything I can to save some.
(1 Corinthians 9:22, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. This is amazing, like a miracle. I have never seen the baby ones looking purple like this. Such a series of pictures, I almost cannot believe my eyes! I always said you can grow anything!

    1. Thank you, Ginny! This was a pleasant surprise for me too!

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow! Thanks for all the photos that you have patiently captured over 25 months. Reading your posts encourages all of us here to try our hands at growing our own vegetables and fruits. You are such an inspiration!

    1. Thank you, Mun! Keeping track on the progress is my hobby.

  3. This is really an amazing blog.Thanks a lot for sharing with us
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  4. I have been growing such pineapple for years. So far my sole pineapple plant bears me 2 fruits and I have it cut and replant. Now 2 pots of this decorative pineapples in my garden. The last time it bore fruit was last CNY.

    1. I have a few pineapple plants and a new one is fruiting now.

  5. How wonderful to see the pineapple growing in your garden! I enjoyed seeing your photos - so interesting! x Karen

    1. Thank you, Beatrice! It was really wonderful!

  6. It was amazing to see the development of your pine apple Nancy - and your photos are so great! I think my son has sometimes tried, but not succeeded - our climate is not appropriate... Thank you for the yellow blooms as well, they are like the sun.

    1. Thank you, Riitta for hosting. Yes, pineapple needs the sun.

  7. Nancy this is amazing! Reading your blog brought me as much excitement as you had:) Isn't it amazing how we can see God's multiplication business in all His goodness to mankind? I like how your pineapple brought fruit for your family to enjoy, at the same time, it gave you a multiplication of plants to replant again so there's even more fruits to enjoy in the coming days:)

    1. Thank you, Annie! Pineapple is easy to grown but it takes such a long time to fruit!

  8. Amazing! Didn't know that you can grow pineapples at your own garden!

    1. Thank you, Angie! And I did get a fruit even it was grown in a small pot!

  9. Wow that is great. I used to grow them when in Africa but it is far too cold here. Well done. Keep well Diane

  10. Wah! So nice that you grew your own pineapple. I have never seen one on a plant before. Perhaps one day I can try growing it since it appears quite easy.

  11. ...Nancy, you grow just about everything!

  12. Fruit is always best when ripened on the plant. Happy Wednesday!

    1. Thank you, Mimi! Yes, they will taste sweeter!

  13. I am so impressed you are one talented gardener, hat a great achievement.

  14. This is amazing as I've never seen one growing and didn't know they were pink/purple at the start! so glad you enjoyed!

    1. Thank you, Christine! It was a very pleasant surprise for me too!

  15. Very beautiful yellow flowers and wow at the pineapple fruit

    1. Thank you, Libby! Yes, wow at the beautiful fruit!

  16. Que suerte has tenido con la piña. Besitos.

  17. Beautiful. Pineapple is my favorite fruit.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  18. Wish I have a garden, I stay in a pigeon hole, sobssss...

    1. Save you the hard work, just buy and enjoy the fruit.

  19. I recently welcomed my first home-grown pineapple fruit too! And yes looking back I think it was about 2 years. If I were a farmer I'd have gone bankrupt long ago!

    1. Maybe the farmers used some kind of booster or else really go bankrupt!


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