Thursday 18 January 2018

Simple And Easy Home Cooked Dinners For 2

There are days when I am not lazy to cook. Whenever I cook for only 2 people, I usually cook simple dishes. Sometimes, I find eating outside much more convenient and cheaper than cooking for 2 people. But once in a while, I cook whenever I miss some home cook food. I have here two sets of dinner which I cooked.

Dinner One - Chicken Red Wine Soup With Noodle
I used half a free range chicken, slices of old ginger and some home made red yeast wine to cook this dish. My red yeast wine didn't turned out red because I used less red yeast.
We ate the chicken red wine soup with noodles.
I stir fried a plate of amaranth green with garlic.
This is simple dinner #1
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Dinner 2 - Black vinegar pig's trotter with rice.
I used half a pig's trotter, old ginger, black wood fungus and black vinegar to cook this. This is only half of the amount, the other half went into the freezer for another day's dinner.
Bitter gourd slices and carrot strips fried with egg.
We ate the above 2 dishes with rice.
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The following photos are for joining Good Fences.
Fence next to railway track.
Fence next to railway track

Linking to Good Fences.

Now Christ has gone to heaven.
He is seated in the place of honor next to God,
and all the angels and authorities and powers accept his authority.
(1 Peter 3:22, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. What delicious meals! Miss bitter gourd!

  2. Your simple home cooked dishes are no less tasty than what you eat outside. I enjoy simple food like this and I like to have to have a condiment of sliced chilies, soya sauce and vinegar.

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong! Sometimes, I will cut chili padi to put in soy sauce as my condiment.

  3. Hello Nancy!:) They all look so tempting, home made food done with loving care is the best. The amaranth green looks similar to our "grelos", " turnip greens" rather bitter in taste, but delicious.

    1. Thank you, dear! I am not sure whether we have grelos here.

  4. not simple at all because you need to make the red yeast wine for dinner 1 and cooking pork trotters takes lot of effort to clean the skin of the pork trotters. both are tasty dinners!

    1. Thank you, Mun! Maybe the cleaning of the pork trotter will take time.

  5. Wow! Hungry looking at the dishes. Delicious.

  6. They both look delicious meals. I would be interested to know how to prepare the pigs trotter for cooking.

    1. Thank you, Mamas! You can easily get the recipe from youtube video. Just search for black vinegar pig's or pork trotter recipe.

  7. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  8. I like meal one. They don't look simple to me as they take a lot of efforts, your partner is a blessed man to be able to enjoy these dishes

  9. Muy buena comida. Buena tarde.

  10. Lovely home cooked meals. I love going out, but I love to eat at home too. Quieter.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  11. You are blessed to have the best of both worlds as eating out here is quite expensive!

  12. Red yeast wine is a new term to me. I will have to google it and see exactly what it is. You made a fine dinner, Nancy.

  13. Looks really interesting! Have a nice evening)

  14. That last shot particularly appeals to me.

  15. Now you have me really confused Nancy. What the heck is a pig's trotter? I my mind is laughing of what my Think it is but NO, it really can't be that. Ha,ha,ha. See you my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Hi Paul, its the pig's leg. Sorry for getting you confused! Lol!

  16. You are a good cook! The fences are so very different, i guess one is in the front and to be seen by everyone, the other in the back and not supposed to be noticed as much.

  17. Parece-me delicioso Nancy. Boa semana.

  18. Replies
    1. Thank you, Monica! Its one of my comfort food!

  19. Love your fences, especially the picture with all the lovely green!

  20. Food looke yummy and I love both your fences especially the first one. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Margaret! Have a great weekend too!


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