Saturday 24 February 2018

Robots, Critters & Mish Mash.

We thought there was a promotion by Nam Heong Soho Ipoh but we were told by one of the staffs that there was none. My friends decided not to eat there but before we left, we took some snapshots of the robot servers dressed in red and white.. 
According to the news report, these robots were brought in from China.
They are programmed to speak in English and Cantonese.
They can actually conversed in 36 languages.
They run on rechargeable batteries.
It is reported that they can say "Welcome", "Your food is served, please enjoy", "I'm in operation, please give orders", and "Excuse me".
These robots can travel at a speed of up to 60 km per hour.
I found this space robot in front of the UO Superstore at the Greentown Mall.
The workman is putting some finishing touches to the robot.
Below are some mish mash photos.
This picture was taken in January when we passed by here. Even the tradition style of conducting a Chinese funeral wake has taken a different new style. Great for advertisement purposes.
A pretty drawing from one of the restaurants we visited.
Same as above.
This was at Wan Li Xiang Roasters.
Same as above.
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos are for joining Saturday's Critters.
My friend's dogs with Chinese New Year greeting.
The 3 blessings from 3 siblings. Here are 2 brothers and 1 sister.
 Can you guess which is which?

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

Blessings on all who reverence and
trust the Lord - on all who obey him!
(Psalm 128:1, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. ...they don't seem very personal.

  2. I have never seen robots as waiters before what a novel idea.

  3. Aww. The dogs are so cute and obedient.

    I would like to be served by robot one day. Haha.

    1. Oh yes, the dogs are very obedient! To be served by one of these robots will be a wonderful experience!

  4. ein sehr interessanter Post. Ich bin gespannt ob sich diese Roboter in der Praxis bewähren. Ich selbst arbeite als Beschäftigungstherapeutin und in meinem Betrieb wurde bereits ein Roboter in Form einer Robbe angeschafft. Es reagiert auf Streichenln und gutes Zureden mit Bewegngen von Kopf und Augen, e auch kann es Geräusche von sich geben. Es soll dazu dienen Menschen mit Ängsten zu beruhigen. Aber selbt habe ich noch keine Erfahrungen sammeln können da sich die "Roboter Robbe" noch in der Testphase befindet.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Quite an experience to be working with a robot! So far I haven't been served by these robots....maybe will visit this place one day!

  5. Robots in use is an interesting idea, interesting if it works in the place of people. Cute dogs. Regards.

  6. These robots really used for serving food or for promoting purpose of restaurant? Cool robots to travel at that speed and I really liked the detail on the space robot. Cute dogs to hang over with greetings.

    1. The robots are for both serving and promoting purposes.

  7. Wow! This is a first! I did not know robots were being used as servers!
    The spaceman is amazing! Cute little dogs too!

  8. Hello, the food serving robots are amazing. I like the spaceman robot. I guess robots will be taking jobs from people soon. The three dogs are my favorite, they look so cute and well behaved. They posed nicely for the photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I also appreciate your comment and visit. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

    1. Thank you, Eileen! The dogs are very obedient and well trained! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Robot servers would be fun once in so often, but i would miss the interaction with live servers.

    Such pretty dogs, i wish them and their owners and you a Happy New Year!

    1. This is something new and everyone is curious to take a look at the robots. Somehow I still prefer human servers.

  10. Loved the robots. I'd love to have them serve me.

    Love the pups. I've always had a soft spot for kitties and puppies.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! Have a beautiful weekend!

  11. The robots have nice hour glass figures, i wonder wat will happen if the robots gone haywire lol

    Aiyo the doggies so cute, i like the dog on the far left the most (last photo)

  12. The robot servers are a bit peculiar. The dogs are cuties!

  13. Thank you for your visit.
    Lovely drawings indeed.
    I also like your critter collection, especially the 4-legged ones :)
    Have a Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  14. Wonder how long it will be before one cannot get a job because robots have taken over the world!! Love this post though and all the photos. Enjoy your Sunday, Diane

    1. I suppose these current robots have limitation in what they can do.

  15. The dogs are cute with the greetings. I cannot tell the brothers from the sister. I don't think the robot waiter is better than human.

    1. The sister is in the centre! No way can the robot be better than human!

  16. Los perros son preciosos. Besitos.

  17. Wow!!! I have never seen or heard of such a thing!!! This is amazing; I must show Phil. So they take your order and bring it? It would be such fun to eat here and have a robot server. I bet it is an expensive place though. The fish on the wall are very pretty. This inflated archway is for a funeral...or an ad for one. I like the pastels and it is very pretty.

  18. Robot servers - it won't be too long I suppose until it becomes reality.

  19. These robots are amazing. I don't know if I like the idea in general though. It puts a lot of people out of work in future.

  20. How interesting! I wonder what is it like to be served by those robots.

  21. Wow. I would really love to see a real life robot.
    Cute dogs! Missing my fur babies.

  22. Hope got chance to personally see the robot...

    1. I have seen the robots but have not been served by them!

  23. They look good as well, the way of the future

  24. As usual very interesting) thanks a lot for sharing)

  25. Robots, Oh my. I wonder who's doing the cooking? Robots? See ya Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Ha ha! Robot cooks have not been designed yet!

  26. A chicken rice shop in Ipoh is about the last place I'd think of to have these robots! And yet it's true hehe.

    1. There are many things robots cannot do what humans can do.


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