Thursday 19 April 2018

Dinner With Friends At Restoran Hao Hao, Menglembu.

Last Saturday was a busy day for us. Thank God for friends and ex-colleagues with whom we enjoyed great company for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We started with a dim sum breakfast with friends, followed with a lunch gathering with ex-colleagues and ended the day with a dinner with friends at Restoran Hao Hao in Menglembu. The dinner was booked in advance to cut down on the waiting time.
 Fish slices from the Snakehead fish or Ikan Haruan. Stir fried with onions and spring onions.
 The bony part of the fish used to cook this drunken herbal soup.
We used to drive all the way to Lawan Kuda, Gopeng just for the above dishes.
 Pig leg stewed in black vinegar.
 Pork rib stewed with taro or yam.
 The day started with a beautiful morning - 8.15 am.
Can you see the moon in the form of the tiny white round dot?
*     *     *     *     *
O God, help the king to judge as you would, and help his son to walk in godliness.
Help him to give justice to your people, even to the poor.
May the mountains and hills flourish in prosperity because of his good reign.
Help him to defend the poor and needy and to crush their oppressors.
May the poor and needy revere you constantly,
as long as the sun and moon continue in the skies! Yes, forever!
(Psalm 72:1-5, The Living Bible-TLB)
Linking to Good Fences.


  1. Good morning Nancy. I'm not sure if I could enjoy this lunch. Sorry.
    Maybe a sandwich.

    Cruisin Paul

  2. A hearty and very delicious meal! Thanks for sharing, Nancy.

  3. What a feast, Nancy. I would love to try each dish. Starting with the fish and veggies.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! I am sure you will enjoy the fish and veggies!

  4. What a busy day, meeting up and eating with friends, wonderful fellowship.

  5. Yum yum. Love the sky shot. Take care Diane

  6. Muy buen almuerzo, aunque las costillas no suelo comerlas, por no soportar las ternillas.


  7. Great post as usual! Have a nice weekend)

  8. look delicious...

  9. Yes, I can see the moon. Beautiful sky!

  10. great white fence. Love from Poland

  11. times together with friends!

  12. Un surtido muy bueno de comidas. Besos.

  13. It’s always a surprise to me when i see the moon out in the day.

  14. Menglembu isn't that near Ipoh either haha.

    Your moon picture reminds me... I need to google to answer the kids why the moon is there in the morning.

    1. Menglembu is just next to where we stay. Good that the kids are interested to find out why!


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