Tuesday 10 April 2018

Dinner With Old Friends At Kopitiam Mun Soon, Taman Pinji Wani, Ipoh.

It was Easter Sunday and it happened to fall on 1st April, also April Fools day! The day went pretty smoothly with no April Fools pranks played on anyone of us. That evening, we had a dinner date with an old friend who wanted to give us a treat. We planned a Sunday dinner to accommodate a friend who works late on other days. Altogether there were 5 of us and we looked forward to tasting the food at this new place. Our earlier attempt was unsuccessful because the whole place was packed and many customers were waiting to be seated. This is a common scenario at newly opened eateries here in our country.

This time we went a bit earlier, making sure we reached the place before 6.30 pm to beat the dinner crowd. We arrived just in time to find a table available. Looking around we saw that every table was occupied. Before we even get seated, someone came to take orders and we left the ordering to the boss. Service was fast. In spite of the crowd, our dinner was served in a short while.
Appetizing sweet sour stewed pig's leg.
This alone will tempt you to eat extra rice.
Steamed salted free range chicken (half chicken).
Stir fried crunchy Romaine lettuce with fermented bean curd.
Deep fried tofu topped with deep fried shrimps, etc.
Stir fried 4 combination with spicy prawn paste
(long beans, stinky beans, winged bean, ladies fingers)
side view
front view
Kopitiam Mun Soon (same row as Restoran Pulau Sembilan).
In Chinese it is called Xin Shun Min
Thanks to our friend for this wonderful dinner.
Contact numbers and address on calling card.
Opening hours from 4.30 pm to 10.30 pm.
*     *     *     *     *
The following picture is for joining Tuesday's Treasure and Image-in-ing. 
Found this antique portrait in the dim sum Restaurant Sun Kim Aik, Falim.

He (Jesus) saw through their trickery and said, "Show me a coin.
Whose portrait is this on it? And whose name?"
They replied, "Caesar's - the Roman emperor's."
He said, "Then give the emperor all that is his - and give to God all that is his!"
Thus their attempt to outwit him before the people failed;
and marveling at his answer, they were silent.
(Luke 20:23-26, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Sounds great! It must be a wonderful time with your friends all around and yummy dishes in front of you:)

    1. Always wonderful to enjoy dinner with good friends!

  2. My first time eating cooked lettuce was in Malaysia.

    1. I think most of us here prefer cooked lettuce! I don't mind eating lettuce raw as in salad or used to wrap food.

  3. Looks delicious! I’ve never ever even thought about cooking lettuce! Now maybe I will!

    1. Yes, and let me know what you think of cooked lettuce!

  4. It all looks so wonderful! YUm yum! Glad you were able to get seats and have a good time with friends.

    1. Yes, Kelleyn! Or else we will have to wait to be seated!

  5. Good that they open for dinner at 4.30pm for those who eat dinner early like me! :D

    1. We have taken dinner as early as 5.30 pm on days we skip lunch but normal time is around 6 to 6.30 pm.

  6. So much wonderful food and always a joy to share a meal with friends.

  7. It all looks fabulous though I am not over fond of Tufu. Love that last photo, obviousy an advert I guess for cigarettes :-) Enjoy your week, Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane! Tofu is tasteless and will depend on the sauce to make it tasty!

  8. Sweet sour trotter? Hmm. Not sure I would enjoy that, never taste that before. Braised in soy sauce, I have. But steamed chicken for me.

    1. I am sure once you tasted the sweet sour trotter, you will change your mind. Lol!

  9. I am drooling at the sight of the sweet and sour pork trotters!

  10. The food looks tasty and I do love the portrait. Happy Tuesday!

  11. ...it's interesting that years ago smoking was associated with pretty women. How times have changed and need to change. Thanks Nancy for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  12. I love the picture of two women. Very beautiful. See ya Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. Precioso el retrato. Buena tarde.

  14. What a lovely meal. I'm guessing everyone is having dinner out like they do here on Easter. We always stay home. Too many people and the waits are too long. You were lucky to find a table and get waiting on so quickly.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. People here usually eat out during weekends and public holidays! We try out best to avoid popular places during weekends and public holidays.

  15. Yummy photos!
    Thanks so much for sharing athttps://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/04/bedtime-at-biltmore.html

  16. So much food. I like the portrait.

  17. As usual, i like that steam salted chicken

  18. I love the Stir fried 4 combination with spicy prawn paste.. it looks so yummy!

  19. You have wonderful friends and great meals with them!

  20. Wahhh..another new shop to try out!

    1. A new place, yes! But I heard the cook from another restaurant is Pasir Pinji which we have been to.

  21. Glad you enjoyed the dinner and like u said it’s really packed restaurant and looks u went for an early dinner as there was enough light outside.

    I really liked the portrait which is lovely!

  22. I am not a fan of April fool pranks!

    Good thing service is fast, the restaurant can serve a lot more people during the short makan times.

    1. You are right. More people get to enjoy their dinner.


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