Monday 2 April 2018

Gala Cocktail Party & Birthday Celebration On The SuperStar Libra Cruise Ship

After getting back on board the cruise ship after our short excursion on Phuket island, we had some time for a short rest, and then we got ready for the Gala Cocktail Party dinner.
Being entertained with songs and music while resting.
Getting seated at our table in the restaurant.
Taking some snapshots for sweet memories.
And then it was time to enjoy our dinner on this special evening.
These were served first.
This aunty only recognised the one on the left - some kind of butter.
I am not able to give you the description, so I will just show the picture.
Hubby's salad which included lychee, grapes, etc.
My salad - which included grilled chicken, cheese, etc.
Hubby's soup - I think it was some kind of mushroom soup.
My soup - with onions, a piece of bread, etc.
Both hubby and I ordered this main course - grilled lamb
Some of our friends ordered this seafood main course.
Our dessert
Nice yummy cake.
Presentation by the crew members
And this aunty got a special surprise!
Presentation of her birthday cake and birthday song by some of the crew members.
And this was signed by the Captain of the SuperStar Libra!
A big thank you to every member of the cruise ship that made this happened!
Cutting of the birthday cake with hubby.
Thank you to SuperStar Libra for making this birthday a very memorable one. I had never expected such a wonderful birthday celebration on my first cruise holiday!
Sunset shot taken from our dining table.
Here ends our last dinner on board the cruise ship.
As the sun sets for another night, this will be our last night on board the ship.

As you read over what I have written to you,
you'll be able to see for yourselves into the mystery of Christ.
None of our ancestors understood this.
Only in our time has it been made clear by God's Spirit through his holy apostles
and prophets of this new order.
The mystery is that people who have never heard of God
and those who have heard of him all their lives
(what I've been calling outsiders and insiders)
stand on the same ground before God.
They get the same offer, same help, same promises in Christ Jesus.
The Message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the board.
(Ephesians 3:4-6, The Message-MSG)


  1. I am so happy for you, Nancy!!!!!!! Happy Birthday, my friend. You are such a pretty lady!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Mia! Thank you for your kind compliment too!

  2. ...such a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday, Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday to you! what a pleasant surprise for you!

  4. Oh my. A gala cocktail party on a cruise. That is fun.

    Happy birthday to you. That is a surprise celebration.

    1. Thank you, Rose! It was a wonderful surprise!

  5. Happy Birthday! How glamorous to celebrate on a cruise ship:)

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong! It was a wonderful experience!

  6. Wow that is a memorable birthday! And happy belated birthday to you.

  7. Lovely! It is a memorable birthday for you. Happy birthday Nancy. I like the soups of the day and the cakes.

    1. Thank you, Libby! I enjoyed the whole dinner! Lol!

  8. What a pretty line up of desserts.

  9. Wow, wow, wow. What a wonderful dinner and birthday celebration. Happy Birthday. See ya my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  10. What an amazing adventure you had!! I am so looking forward to my first cruise this September!

    1. Thank you, Linda! I hope you will also have a great cruise holiday too!

  11. Belated birthday greetings Nancy:) Stay blessed:)

  12. ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Nancy,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    What a lovely way to spend your birthday. You were treated most special. It's a good feeling.

    You are also beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! It was a very special surprise. Thank you for your kind compliment!

  13. Una bonita celebraciĆ³n de cumpleaƱos. Muchas felicidades y besitos.

  14. Such a happy celebration, i wish you many, many happy returns of the day!

  15. Wondeful celebration. Happy Birthday. Cheers Diane

  16. What a wonderful time was had by the sound of it, hope your birthday was amazing

    1. Thank you, Jo-Anne! It was one amazing birthday!

  17. Belated Birthday greetings, sweet Nancy! How fun to celebrate on a cruise :D Wishing you many joyous moments this year and forevermore.

    1. Thank you, Sharon! The cruise was fun and will be well remembered!

  18. A wonderful way to mark a birthday, Nancy!

  19. Gala Cocktail Party & Birthday Celebrations looks stunning. I loved the venue a lot. The food and its presentation look outstanding. I would love to visit this place. Actually was just finding the perfect event venue for my moms’ surprise birthday bash and this one looks perfect.

    1. Good! I am sure your mom will be very happy!


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