Thursday 26 April 2018

Minced Pork With Salted Fish & Sauteed Zucchini For Dinner.

On this particular morning, we didn't go for our morning walk because I have to send hubby to the railway station to catch the train to Kuala Lumpur. 
This view (7.30 am) greeted me when I opened the gate to reverse the car.
It was a day trip and I was at the railway station in the evening (6.30 pm) to pick him up.
The train was delayed and I took a walk in the park in front of the station. I walked over to check the Ipoh tree, newly planted to replace the one that was uprooted by a storm.
The tree was planted on the 21st Feb. 2018.
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Hubby came back from K.L. with some "mui heong" salted fish. A friend brought the salted fish all the way from Kuantan as a gift.
I used some of the salted fish to cook the next evening's dinner.
Steamed minced pork with "mui heong" salted fish.
I mixed the minced pork with a little sesame oil, Chinese cooking wine, cornflour, a little water, and a little oyster sauce. I cut the salted fish into small pieces, placed them on the minced pork and topped with ginger strips 
Sauteed yellow zucchini and carrot with dried shrimps and garlic.
This is the first time I have seen and cooked a yellow zucchini.
The zucchini was given by friend who visited a vegetable farm.
When there is a salted fish dish, we need to have rice to go with it.
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The following picture are for joining Good Fences.
We passed by this zinc sheet gate and chain link fences on our way to visit a friend.
Trying to prevent passers-by like us from having a clear view?

Linking to Good Fences.

None of us can hold back our spirit from departing.
None of us has the power to prevent the day of our death.
There is no escaping that obligation, that dark battle.
And in the face of death,
wickedness will certainly not rescue the wicked.
(Ecclesiastes 8:8, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. I look forward to your posts! Like seeing what you see......
    And I love the scriptures you use in every post!

  2. Your food looks so good! The rusted metal fence probably looks worse than what's behind it.

    1. Thank you, Ginny! The owner probably want to keep away intruders from the unused property.

  3. Good shot! Yummy food to welcome your husband! good pictures of fence and gate...

  4. I agree that we must have rice to go with salted fish.

  5. Oh my oh my, i want the salted fish minced meat

  6. Salted fish makes everything taste good!

  7. Lovely meal, and i hope the tree is thriving.

    That gate and fence does block the view quite well, makes me wonder.

  8. This salted fish seems very interesting Nancy. Is it cod fish?
    Have a great day my friend. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul! They do not use cod fish for salted fish because it is too expensive.

  9. I've not had this dish before, but you know I'd sure try it. I love your foodie posts.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  10. Thanks for the interesting post) Have a nice weekend)

  11. Your minced meat looked so good with the salted fish. I can just have it with white rice.

  12. Mui Heong salted fish very nice and fragrant. Cook whole house can smell jor. Yup ...i can eat a big plate of rice with the salted fish alone

  13. Buen fin de semana Nancy. Besitos.

  14. Your food looks fabuous and I am sure tasty just as good. I hope you have a wonderful weekend

  15. It is amazing how you take a few ingredients and cook them in such interesting ways.

  16. Day trip to KL, some more by public transport. Not easy to do!


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