Tuesday 21 August 2018

An Appetizing Dinner On A Warm Evening At Restoran Ipoh, Ipoh.

For the past few weeks, the weather has been very warm and humid which make us sweaty and uncomfortable. Many were down with sore throat and cough due to the hot weather and haze. Most of us have been taking showers after every few hours to cool down and we cannot sleep without switching on the air condition in our room.
It was a Friday afternoon and this was how the afternoon sky looked like. It looked like it was going to rain. We were looking forward to the rain but it didn't rain at all.
I saw this modified motorcycle when I was in town one day. You just can't miss because of its striking bright yellow colour paint.
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One of us was having sore throat, so no curry or spicy food for dinner.
We couldn't think of a new place, so we went back to Restoran Ipoh. We started with this tofu dish cooked with button mushroom, carrot slices & green peas.
Deep fried chicken with sticky slightly sweet sauce.
Deep fried black pomfret fish with salted vegetables.
The fish was crispy fried and salted vegetables with sweet, sour sauce poured over it. Just this dish alone is enough to eat a bowl of rice.
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This photo below was taken at the Qing Xin Ling cultural village.
Old fashioned aluminium kettle and a gas stove.
We have one kettle just like this one at home.
It was passed down from hubby's mother.

Listen, dear friends, to God's truth, bend your ears to what I tell you.
I'm chewing on the morsel of a proverb; I'll let you in on the sweet old truths,
Stories we heard from our fathers, counsel we learned at our mother's knee.
We're not keeping this to ourselves, we're passing it along to the next generation -
God's fame and fortune, the marvelous things he has done.
(Psalm 78:2-4, The Message-MSG)


  1. People sweat too much so they get cold and cough during this weather!
    Attractive bike color which attracts everyone attraction!
    Yummy and variety of food!

  2. now i feel like eating mui chou... nice leh. very appetising

    1. Mui choy and hum choy are both very appetizing.

  3. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  4. Such an appetizing meal! That fish with preserved veggies is my favourite.

  5. That is a very cheery colour for a motorbike.

  6. The meal looked delicious. It was a joy to see the old kettle and gas stove.

  7. I like the bright yellow colour of the modified motorcycle, i also fell sick recently

  8. I like the tofu dish! The kettle setup is so antique looking.

  9. ...that kettle and gas stove sure have been around for a while. Thanks Nancy for stopping by, enjoy your day.

  10. Sounds too hot there! It was a hot day for us too; though clouds formed in afternoon it failed to rain alike there. That bike should belong to a bike lover… and about the aluminium kettle my grandmother still owns one from her former tea shop.

  11. Yum, yum Nancy. Looks good. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. Whoever has the sore throat I hope it goes away quickly. When it's hot it's not good to be sick.

    The food looks fabulous as always.

    Have a terrific day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! He is very much better now!

  13. Those dishes look so delish
    and I'm sure they taste good too.


  14. Are you having the sore throat? Hoping for improvement soon! A very unusual motorcycle!

    1. Thank you, Ginny! No I am not the one, its our friend! But he is feeling better now

  15. Looks good to me, hope it is not you with the sore throat. Take care Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane! It was our friend having the sore throat!

  16. El calor, hace reducir el apetito y apetece beber más líquidos.

    En Córdoba, en donde en verano, la temperatura suele sobrepasar los 40 grados, tenemos un plato frío que se llama salmorejo, que es ideal para estos días de calor.


  17. rain could cause hungry, thus a good time to eat.

  18. We sometimes get days like that, lots of clouds that look like they will deliver rain, but they do not.

    Good food, and a nice old-fashioned tea kettle!

    1. At this moment, it is drizzling outside. Hope the rain will get heavier.

  19. Yummy. Can I get those dishes . It really look yummy .

    1. Thank you, Aditya! You will have to visit Ipoh!

  20. That fish looks very appetising!

    The weather seems to be easing up now. Although that seems to be towards the other extreme of strong winds and rain.


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