Wednesday 1 August 2018

Growing French Beans In My Garden

I have always wanted to try growing French beans in my garden. While I was in the plant nursery one day, I saw some French beans seeds and I bought a packet.
This was my first batch of harvest from my garden.
I sowed the seeds and 5 seedlings sprouted.
5 days later....
I planted 2 seedlings in one pot and the other 3 seedlings into another pot.
5 days later....
Seedlings started to grow and ready to climb.
2 days later......
It looked skinny, probably not enough fertilizer.
Ran out of fertilizer, waiting to get some fertilizer.
3 days later....
9 days later....
The plants are growing but the weather was rather hot.
17 days later....Flowers started to appear...
It took about 40 days for the plant to flower.
Flower buds all over
In spite of the hot weather and lack of fertilizer, it was still flowering.
Beans were forming even though the plants were under nourished.
Somehow I didn't get to buy any fertilizer until much later.
Kept on procrastinating and delaying. If not, my plants would have been more healthy, more fruitful and my harvest more plentiful.
So far, I am still happy with the result.
I was blessed with 2 rounds of harvest, though the beans were rather stunted. I am now looking forward to plant French beans again in my garden. This time, I must make sure I have enough fertilizer at hand for my plants. And I will have to wait for a cooler season to grow them.
Last harvest.
*     *     *     *     *
The following pictures are for joining Floral Bliss.
Wild flowers at the recreational park.
From my garden....
I think this is the White Heath Aster flower.
If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me...thank you.
Bright and attractive Lantana Camara blooms.
Linking to Floral Bliss.

My son, honey whets the appetite and so does wisdom!
When you enjoy becoming wise, there is hope for you!
A bright future lies ahead!
(Proverbs 24:13-14, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Your beans look wonderful! I bet they tasted so good! How did you fix them?

    1. Thank you, Ginny! I was hoping for a longer and bigger sized beans but I am glad I get to harvest these smaller sized beans.

  2. Awesome! Next year I should grow some too. Thanks for sharing, Nancy.

    1. You are most welcomed, Angie! I have just germinated some seeds.

  3. Nancy, your homegrown beans looks so delicious - definitely worth growing because they also produce beautiful flowers before they turn into fruit:) I understand that beans are capable of fixing nitrogen into the soil thru their roots - so we don't feed them extra fertilizer. Keep enjoying your garden:)

    1. Thanks for the info, Annie! So, maybe I should treat the soil first before I start to grow the beans, since I will be reusing the same old soil.

  4. Your bean plants look so healthy and vigorous! Amazing that they grow so quickly there. The white aster looks so refreshing this hot morning. You see Nancy, we Finns are not accustomed with this heat - this is exhausting :)

    1. Thank you, Riitta! I was hoping the beans would be longer. We are starting to have some rainy days and hope to plant some edibles in my garden.

  5. WOW! I enjoyed the step by step picture of the beans plant growth. Beans must be good taste as it is grown without any chemicals.

    1. Thank you, dear! Yes, without any chemicals.

  6. Quite impressive your French beans harvest! This is my first time seeing a French bean plant :)

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong! I am now encouraged to go for a second try.

  7. So nice you can get fresh french beans from your garden, good work nancy, i dont think i can ever get into gardening as i hv a phobia of insects and worms :p

    1. Thank you, Libby! I have gotten used to little insects and earthworms.

  8. Muito interessante esta cultura em casa.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  9. It's fascinating to see the bean plants growing and satisfying to get a crop of beans. We have had a few French and runner beans and also a handful of peas in a pod. They were enough to be part of a few meals for Mr P and I. The peas went into a tomato sauce. You have some pretty flowers in pots.

    1. Thank you, dear! Looking at the harvest, it is worth working in the garden.

  10. well done in growing french beans and getting to harvest them. thanks for showing us how they grow step by step.

    1. Thank you, Mun! I am waiting to plant the next batch of beans soon!

  11. remind me of 'Jack and the Beanstalk.'

    1. Thank you, Tom! Only thing is that my beanstalk didn't grow up to the clouds!

  12. Well done a great harvest, I am a great fan of French beans.

  13. Worth the energy and time when seeing your plants grow. A good harvest. I love French beans too.

    1. Thank you, Rose! Yes, I am very encouraged with the harvest.

  14. Muy bien Nancy, me ha encantado verlas. Besitos.

  15. I love fresh green beans. I'm sure they were delicious. You have a wonderful green thumb.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! They are definitely fresher and sweeter than bought ones.

  16. I believe that's the same kind of bean my parents grew in their gardens from an early time on. Until one year after they were retired up in cottage country and the deer got into the garden and ate the whole crop of beans. Dad said that was the last time he'd ever plant vegetables.

    1. We don't have deer here but sometimes the bugs and pest are very discouraging for me.

  17. Green beans would be nice to have in a garden, yours look delicious. Pretty flowers, no matter the name.

    1. Thank you, Mimi! Feeling very encourage, will want to try again.

  18. The beans look great, we like french beans the best! They seem to have done very well without any fertilizer, the just took off climbing. Pretty flowers, I don't know the names of many of them but I do believe we have the same plant as your last one but ours is all yellow.

    1. Thank you, Connie! We love French beans too. I am now very encouraged to try to grow them again soon.

  19. Our haricot vert do not look quite the same as yours. Ours are slimmer, greener and much longer (up to about 24 cms in length). You have done well though and I hope they taste as good as ours. Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane! Actually they are supposed to be slimmer and longer but mine look stunted. But they do taste fresh and tastier.

  20. Yes, beans need some cool weather and I have seen it growing well in the mountains above 1000 meters high. Nice series on your harvest and good to see how it develops. Pretty flowers

    1. Thank you, Jeevan! These few days, the weather is much cooler and I hope to start another round of French beans.

  21. Nice french beans! Somehow long beans are much more commonly planted here.


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