Thursday 16 August 2018

Home Cooked Dinner with White Brinjal Harvested From The Garden.

Hubby wanted to eat the wonton noodle but found the shop closed, so the nearest is Restoran Tet Shin.
  It took a while for hubby to decide and he finally ended up ordering the Mee Jawa.
  I didn't want noodle so I ordered some fried stuffs, a stuffed tofu and a meat ball.
My lunch - 5 small apricots and 1 peach.
I bought a packet of small sized apricots and a packet of peaches shaped like doughnuts from a nearby supermarket. The peaches were very juicy and sweet.
 That morning, I harvested 6 white brinjals (eggplants) and 3 white bitter gourds or bitter melons.
That evening, I used 5 white brinjals or eggplants to cook for dinner. My friends gave me some of her home grown Hyacinth beans to cook soup.
Using the white brinjals to try out a Korean eggplant dish recipe.
Steamed eggplant mixed with a mixture of chopped garlic, onions and sauces.
Soup made from boiling Hyacinth beans, pork ribs, carrot, red dates and wolf berries.
Spicy dried prawns paste.
Dinner for 2 - These dishes eaten with white rice.
*     *     *     *     *
The following 2 fences are for joining Good Fences.
 Tall fence in one part of town.
 Orange chain link fence along the highway.

Linking to Good Fences.

And a main road will go through the once-deserted land;
it will be named "The Holy Highway."
No evil-hearted men may walk upon it.
God will walk there with you;
even the most stupid cannot miss the way.
No lion will lurk along its course,
nor will there be any other dangers;
only the redeemed will travel there.
(Isaiah 35:8-9, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. dear Nancy your photos are mouthwatering i must say!

    loved the fruit most though
    white gourd and brinjal are totally new a here we find them in green and purple color

    1. Thank you, Baili! The white gourd and brinjal is also very new here. Some people brought the seeds from Taiwan.

  2. We call mee jawa mee reebus here in sg, i like to eat mee jawa, very flavourful and tasty, your hubby is blessed to have you cook delicious meals for him

    1. Some of us also call it Mee Rebus and I think they mean the same. He is blessed if the dishes suit his taste! Lol!

  3. Bitter gourd and white brinjals are my favourites! Love your home cooked meals.

    1. Thank you, Angie! Now that I am growing these in my garden, we get to eat them regularly.

  4. I like to eat steamed brinjal. mee jawa is nice to eat too.

  5. Home cooked and home grown are the best!

    1. Yes, so true. But have to be diligent to grow them in the garden.

  6. ...nothing beats fresh from the garden.

  7. THat looks so good and fresh and healthy too.
    I love eggplants... I eat any dish with eggplants.


  8. I always like your home cooked food Nancy:) You chain link fence reminds me of our chicken pen area. We use that sort of fence to keep them in certain area of the garden as it is easy to move to another area - on condition that - you have another helper to help, otherwise, once the links get tangled - it turns into nightmare!

    1. Thank you, Annie! We used to rear chickens in my garden space. Now with the plants and edible, there is not enough space for chicken pen.

  9. You make wonderful meals! Nice fences.

  10. Las berenjenas me encantan. Un beso.

  11. Your dinner looked mighty good. You have a green thumb with your garden and you're and excellent cook too.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  12. The dinner you made looks so beautiful and delicious! We have those peaches here; they are called donut peaches!

    1. Thank you, Ginny! We seldom get to enjoy these imported donut peaches.

  13. your food always looks so interesing and yummy. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you, Margaret! Have a wonderful weekend too!

  14. As usual very interesting! Have a nice weekend)

  15. Me gustan mucho los albaricoques y el melocotón. Me gusta la fruta en general y pocas son las que no me gustan. Por decir alguna, esta sería los higos chumbos, en cambio me gustan los higos normales y las brevas.


  16. An amazing looking dinner, looks good.

  17. Congrats on your wonderful brinjal, I struggle to grow them here in any colour? Happy weekend Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane! I am looking forward to grow the purple ones. Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. Aiyoooo... I am loving your white harvest! It is beautiful. You have green fingers, Nancy. God bless you x


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