Tuesday 28 August 2018

Lor Mee, Prawn Mee, Kai Si Hor Fun & Fried Mee At Pusat Makanan Ye Sing, Ipoh.

There is a new stall at this coffee shop named Pusat Makanan Ye Sing which is near to the Paragon Hotel in Ipoh. There is a standing banner with pictures of different types of noodles and all of them look so inviting and delicious.

That day, each of us ordered different types of noodles for our breakfast. As for me, I haven't eaten Lor Mee for a long, long time.
 My bowl of Lor Mee served with sambal paste.
I request for the gravy not to be too thick.
 Hubby ordered a bowl of Prawn Mee from the same stall.
 A friend ordered this bowl of Kai Si Hor Fun, also from the same stall. This friend doesn't eat chives, so all the chives ended up in my bowl.
 Another ordered this plate of fried Loh Shu Fun or short rice noodle from a different stall.
 That morning, we can still see the moon at 7 am.
 Sunrise at 7.00 am.
An antique ice shaver made from wood.

If anyone builds on this foundation using gold,
silver, wood, hay or straw,
their work will be shown for what it is,
because the Day will bring it to light.
It will be revealed with fire,
and the fire will test the quality of each person's work.
(1 Corinthians 3:12-13, New International Version-NIV)


  1. ...I looks like an old cabbage cutter that my grandmother had to slaw. Thanks Nancy for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  2. I've not eaten yet today and that looks ever so delicious.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  3. This Lor Me looks very good. Some kind of stew or soup? Beautiful pink sky and moon!

    1. This is some kind of thick soup with stewed meat.

  4. I love and miss my Lor Mee, thought of going to eat it today, opposite to you, I like the gravy of my Lor Mee to be thick :)

    1. I used to request for my lor mee to mix with the prawn soup so as not to be too thick. Lol!

  5. Beautiful shot of the moon and a fascinating ice shaver. Hope all is well Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane! All is well and hope you are well too! Take care!

  6. Hoy hemos comido fuera de casa y también me he pedido un plato de gambas, unas croquetas y un salpicón de mariscos. Después tomamos un helado.


  7. Blessings......
    its always good to see your cuisine, none of which i've ever had.

    1. Thank you, dear! We have different ways of cooking our own food.

  8. Lovely skies, and that antique ice shaver is really fascinating. It looks like an enviable breakfast.

  9. I love your food pictures, everything looked so yummy!

  10. I skipped dinner after a hefty buffet today but I am starting to feel hungry after this post LOL!

  11. Wow. Haven't seen that ice shaver for a long time.

    Lovely shot of the moon in the morning sky.

    1. We still get to see some cendul sellers using this ancient ice shavers.

  12. Interesting plates to see. Oh by the way Nancy, I may not be able to write my blog anymore. This thing called widget took over my blog and many people have tried to help me but to no avail. But I'll still be checking in on your blog. You can't get rid of me that easy. LOL See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Oh, I am so sorry. I wonder why the widget thing wants to take over your blog!

  13. Kai Si Hor Fun looks so tasty! Yums!

  14. Sounds very interesting! Thanks a lot for sharing dear)

  15. Looks like this new place passed your test.

    1. Yes, looks like I have a few choices to choose from.

  16. How lucky to have a friend that doesn't eat chives … as I love them too. BTW I'm looking for a that doesn't eat chocolate too!
    Wren x

    1. Thank you, Wren! My hubby doesn't eat much chocolates so I get to eat most of them! Ha ha ha!

  17. See the prawn mee makes me feel like eating it now, hehe...


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