Saturday 22 December 2018

The Colour Changing Flower Of Hibiscus Mutabilis

There is one flower that I like very much and that is the colour changing flower of the Hibiscus Mutabilis aka Cotton Rosemallow.
Another name for this flower is the Confederate Rose.
In the morning, the new flower will appear in white.
I took this snapshot after a light shower.
The sad thing about this flower is that it is very prone to pests.
I wonder if others have the same problem concerning this plant.
Twice I have grown this plant in my garden.
And both times, my plants were destroyed by the pests.
By midday, the white started turning pink.
These snapshots were taken before the pests attacked my plant.
From light pink to deeper pink.
Before the plant was destroyed, I managed to propagate some for a friend.
I might consider growing this again sometime in the future.
Just have to wait and see.
*     *     *     *     *
The following pictures are for joining Saturday's Critters.
During our walking tour in Ipoh old town, we came across these pets waiting to be adopted.
Cute puppies are so adorable.
We saw this cat resting under the shade of the car.
To avoid being stepped on, the cat went further under the car.

Linking to Feline FridaySaturday's Critters 

Under this new plan we have been forgiven and
made clean by Christ's dying for us once and for all
(Hebrews 10:10, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I have never seen such a thing as this flower. It is magic!!! Well, I always said you could make your plants do anything...

    1. Thank you, Ginny for your kind comments. Its not me, its God's amazing creation. All praise and glory to God.

  2. The hibiscus is delicate and a beautiful flower. I'm glad you were able to save a new plant to give to your friend.

    1. I hope my friend's plant will grow well. May need to get some cuttings from her in the future.

  3. Lovely colour changing flower

  4. The flowers are just gorgeous! That's a very skinny kitty...hope she gets enough of food!

    1. Thank you, Angie. She could be one of the strays.

  5. Hello Nancy, I love the beautiful hibiscus flowers. They are all lovely images. Cute doggies, I hope they all find loving homes. I hope the kitty is safe around the cars. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. I want to thank for all the visits and comments on my blog this past year. I am looking forward to visiting your blog in 2019.

  6. ...I see several of those double hibiscus, but not the pink. Merry Christmas, Nancy.

    1. Thank you, Tom! Merry Christmas to you and love ones!

  7. Oh, I love that flower! It is sad that some plants are so prone to attacks by pests. My cleome is always attacked by caterpillars.

    1. Whenever I see this flower, I wanted to grow it again.

  8. That’s wonderful to see it transform from pretty white to pink blossoms! Thanks for sharing its progress and sorry for the pests attack on this plant.

    Adorable pups but not caged.

    1. Thank you, Jeevan! I too don't like to see animals caged.

  9. Lindas as flores e gostei dos gatos, aproveito para desejar um Santo e Feliz Natal. 🎄

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  10. I learn such amazing things from the people I follow. A flower that changes colors during the day. Amazing!! So sorry for it getting attacked by pests.
    We have five pets and they are all rescue animals.

    1. Thank you, Yogi! I love pets but for the being, not keeping one yet.

  11. You certainly have a green thumb and a tender love for flora and fauna!
    Beautiful flowers and sweet looking critters!

  12. Hermosas fotos Nancy, el Hibisco es espectacular. Besos.

  13. Beautiful flowers, but that cat is my favourite.

  14. Great post dear! Photos are amazing!!!

  15. Beautiful flowers.

    Love the pups and kitties. I linked this post to Feline Friday.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  16. Such pretty flowers, i had no idea there were flowers that changed colors on the same day.

    1. I have come across 2 types of hibiscus flowers that change colors on the same day.

  17. I haven't seen any colours changing flowers in real life with my own eyes. must be an amazing feeling seeing a different colour in the same day.

    1. Yes, you will have to see it with your own eyes, really amazing! So far I have seen 2 types of hibiscus flowers that can change colours.

  18. I remember this hibuscus from your previous blog post. :) Yeah hate those pests!

  19. Las flores son preciosas y los perritos también. Abrazos y felices fiestas.

  20. Puppies are always cute and what a lovely flower


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