Tuesday 2 April 2019

Home Cooked Stewed Duck With Taro & Steamed Home Grown Eggplant.

We welcomed the rain and the weather here is now much cooler. The day started with a nice cool morning.
 Morning sky at 7:10 am with the moon over the Kledang Range.
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That evening I did some home cooking with the other half of the frozen duck.
 This time, I stewed the duck with taro or yam, using my home grown ginger. It has been a long time since I last tasted this dish.
 Steamed eggplant or brinjals from my garden.
Served with garlic oil and oyster sauce.
 This was our home cooked dinner for 2 people.
Looks rather plain without any garnishing but our tummies are not complaining.
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The following items are from the National Museum, Kuala Lumpur. 
Some of the items displayed above are the ceramic plate, incense burner from China, candle holder of the Ming Dynasty (1506-1521), bronze bowl (14th-15th century). 
 #1 - Copper Ketur - a spittoon by people chewing betel in the old days (est. 100 years old). #2 - a flower vase about 150 years old, shaped like a lotus flower, used during customary Malay ceremonies. #3 - Copper cooking pot.
 One of the cannons in front of the museum. 
 Night sky with the moon partially hidden by cloud - 9:15 pm.
 These were captured using my smartphone camera.
I was passing by a shop at the shopping mall and I saw this yellow sign below.
You're My Sunshine.
To all my dear ones. Family, friends and friends from the blogging world!

If your eye is pure, there will be sunshine in your soul.
But if your eye is clouded with evil thoughts and desires,
you are in deep spiritual darkness.
And oh, how deep that darkness can be!
(Matthew 6:22-23, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Beautiful morning and night sky :)

  2. Awwww, thank you. I have not eaten taro or yam cooked with ginger but when it is about yam, I can just eat that dish on its own as yam to me is like rice.

    1. Thank you, Mun. I am a great fan of yam. Like you, I do not eat rice whenever I cook yam.

  3. Nice exhibits from the museum

  4. Great way to cook the brinjals, I must remeber that. Lovely photos of the skies and the cannon. Enjoy your day, Diane

  5. ...Nancy, such a lovely collection of antiques, I feel like I'm watch The Antiques Roadshow! Thanks for sharing, enjoy your day!

  6. Thank you Nancy. You are a sunshine also. I loved the photo of the Night sky with the moon. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. Me gustan mucho esas tomas nocturno y sobretodo la que tiene la imagen de la luna. Suelo comer en casa menos en algunas ocasiones como hoy que he comido en un Restaurante.


    1. Thank you, dear. These days, I am trying to cook more at home but there are days we do eat out.

  8. What a great homemade meal! Love the delicious and nutritious ginger duck especially!

  9. Oh yummy on the food. I'm coming over for some of that.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  10. Very moody moon shots. Your dishes are so pretty, with the blue flowers.

  11. Nancy, save some for me! ahahaha

  12. A home cooked meal does not need to be fancy to be delicious. The museum pieces are enjoyable as always.

  13. A joy to see the museum exhibits. The evening skies were also a delight.

  14. Interesting photo series.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/04/somethings-squirrely-on-april-fools-day.html

  15. Me encantan las piezas del museo. Besitos.

  16. That meal looks good enough to me!

    1. I enjoyed it very much because duck and taro are my favourites.


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