Thursday 25 April 2019

Neen Koh Fritters For Lunch & Spicy Dishes For Dinner

There was a heavy downpour yesterday afternoon and looks like it will be the same today. Dark clouds are now looming outside and I can hear raindrops on the awning roof. Hoping for another heavy downpour to cool down the temperature.
The day started with this morning sky at 7:00 am.
Later at midday, our friends invited us to join them for lunch.
We went to Pasir Pinji to look for the deep fried neen koh snack.
We need to place order for the "neen koh" (deep fried sticky glutinous cake) first and return to collect in about an hour's time. Meanwhile we went to the nearby food court "tai shu keok" (under the big tree) for a light lunch.
At the food court, we bought some deep fried crunchy snack "kacang putih" from a stall.
This is how the neen koh looks like. The center is the sticky glutinous rice cake (melted), sandwiched between a piece of sweet potato and taro (yam). These are then dipped into flour batter and deep fried. These are very addictive and I can eat a few pieces at a time.
Small purple flowers from my garden.
*     *     *     *     *
We had an early dinner to avoid the crowd at Restaurant Mun Ji in Menglembu. Hubby wanted the fish head curry again.
Since there were only two of us, we thought of ordering just one small pot of fish head curry.
But when hubby heard that they had stinky beans, he couldn't resist ordering a small plate. In the end, we finished the stinky beans and packed home the remaining fish head curry for next day's dinner.
Evening sky after we returned from our dinner at 7:14 pm.
The evening was still warm even after the heavy downpour.
Low metal fence.
Linking to Good Fences.

Those who let themselves be controlled by their lower natures
live only to please themselves,
but those who follow after the Holy Spirit
find themselves doing those things that please God.
(Romans 8:5, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. We've been having some heavy showers in KL too.

  2. You are right, the snack looks very addictive, i will like since it is sweet.

    1. This is one sweet snack I can never resist.

  3. I can imagine the yummylicious neen koe dripping out!! Salivating over your post and PH! hahahaa..

  4. I love to eat deep fried nian kao and petai too. couldn't resist them.

  5. ...IU'm afraid that I will never get over the term stinky beans!

    1. "Stinky beans" put me off from enjoying them for a long time. They are not stinky when eaten.

  6. I love those neen koh fritters. I also can eat many pieces LOL!

  7. Great sky shots. The neen koh looks interesting. Keep well Diane

  8. Love your sky shots. Beautiful. So is all the snacks and your dinner. Yummy.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  9. Oh very cute darling, the food looks delicious

  10. Your evening sky pictures are beautiful! I have never heard of neen koh, wish I could try it.

    1. If you like sweet snacks, this is definitely for you. Happy weekend.

  11. fish head curry is one of my favorites...yummy

  12. Those fried rice cakes look good, and i like the design on that fence.

  13. To the average westerner fish head and stinky beans don't seem especially appealing, but I am sure they were delicious!

    1. Thank you, David. Even some local people don't find fish head and stinky beans appealing. Happy weekend!

  14. Curry normally tastes good when kept longer.


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