Monday 8 July 2019

Curry Noodles & Beef Noodles In Bercham

Our friends wanted to try the curry noodles in Bercham. So one weekend, we made an early breakfast appointment with our friends.
 Sunrise at 7:00 am.
Getting ready to go out for breakfast.
 Blue sky on the opposite side 7:00 am.
 Joining the queue to order the curry noodles at about 7:40 am.
 After you have ordered your food and received a number, all you have to do is to sit and wait for the number to be called.
 The next door shop selling pan mee.
 A short distance away is this coffeeshop.
 2 or 3 shops away from the curry noodle stall is this stall selling beef noodles. Since hubby and I had tasted the curry noodle on our previous visit, this time we ordered beef noodles to try. They have no problem sending the food over to the curry noodle stall where we were seated with our friends.
 Ordered some beef meat balls and beef tendon balls to try.
 We also ordered 2 bowls of beef soup noodles.
The beef soup is worth returning for.
Back in our garden, I spotted this fruit fly attacking my white bitter gourd.
That morning I harvested 4 white bitter gourds. 
 For lunch, we drove to Bercham again because our friends wanted to taste the cendol. Much to our friends' disappointment, the cendol stall was not there.
 So we ended up ordering 4 fresh green coconuts to quench our thirst.

I reach out for you.
I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain.
Come quickly, Lord, and answer me, for my depression deepens;
don't turn away from me or I shall die.
Let me see your kindness to me in the morning,
for I am trusting you.
Show me where to walk, for my prayer is sincere.
(Psalm 143:6-8, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. My favorite picture is the first one. It is beautiful!

  2. I am glad we are not the only ones that go out to eat every day....

    1. Good to know that there are others beside us.

  3. I love curry noodles and I like the place with the red chairs, it has such lovely atmosphere. Enjoy your day, dear Nancy.

  4. A beef soup noodles look delicious :)

  5. I would love to try those beef balls! So yummy!

    1. I love beef balls but these were not bouncy enough.

  6. Hi, thanks for leaving comment on my blog^^ The meat ball is called bakso in Indonesian language, I wonder if it's the same in your place. but I realllllly love those! I'd crave for bakso so bad when every time I'm away from Indonesia. Gotta learn how to make it xD

    1. Thank you, Kim. This is my first try and I will have to keep on trying.

  7. ...thanks for the beautiful start to the day!

  8. This food seems interesting 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  9. I often see such flies in my garden too!

    1. The flies are the culprit causing some of edibles to rot and aborted from the plant before they are fully matured.

  10. Muy buenos y agradables los tonos de ese amanecer. Es la recompensa que has tenido al madrugar.

    A la comida del plato de la toma 8, se le llama aquí albóndigas. Las ahí de caldo, como esa y también en salsa. La mayoría de las veces cuando las hago en casa, las suelo pioner en salsa.


  11. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  12. I need coconut juice! Weather so hot, I don't think I can take curry or anything spicy for time being.hehe

  13. Nice photos for a great review :))

  14. I like the first picture of the sky shot with a tinge of pink

  15. The skies were beautiful, such a lovely start to the day.

  16. Love the sky shots. Your garden never ceases to amaze me! Have a good week, Diane

  17. Nothing better than watching the sunrise. My favorite time of day.

    I love all your food. I want some of each dish.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Watching the sunrise is what encourages me to get up early.

  18. The curry noodles stall seems to be operating from a house instead of a shop.

  19. It is disappointing the place you wanted at lunch was not there, but it looks like otherwise you had a very nice day!

    1. Thank you, Mimi. We made up for the disappointment.

  20. El cielo se ve precioso. Un beso.

  21. I love you you really enjoy your food and put a lot of thought into it.

    1. Yes, we love to eat and we enjoy our food.

  22. That first shop looks like a house.


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