Saturday 21 December 2019

Dim Sum Breakfast At Restoran You Qian Zhan, Bercham

I like to eat dim sum once in a while but we have friends who can eat dim sum almost everyday. I can't imagine myself eating dim sum that often. One morning our friend suggested that we try the dim sum at this new dim sum restaurant. This new place is Restoran You Qian Zhan in Bercham.
Chinese tea cups
 Vegetable dumplings. 
 Siew Mai dumplings
 Another type of siew mai dumplings
 2 fish balls cut into halves.
 Crispy prawn in bean curd rolls.
 Taro or yam puffs with filling.
 Deep fried prawn dumplings.
 Steamed fish paste
 Breakfast for 4 people.
We shared the food and we shared the bill too.
 You Qian Zhan Dim Sum Restaurant
*     *     *     *     *
After breakfast, we visited Concubine Lane.
 We passed by this place where the puppies are offered for adoption.
This is a cute puppy. "Please take me home with you"
 One can't help but love these puppies.
 I hope these puppies will be adopted by people who will love and take good care of them.
These 2 must be very tired of waiting.
We are brothers, we keep each other warm.

How wonderful it is, how pleasant,
when brothers live in harmony!
(Psalm 133:1, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I dont mind dim sum once in a while. Not every day. My man was just talking aboit dim sum this morning, we have it once a month. So far we havent gone to our dim sum place this month.

    1. There are now many dim sum restaurants in Ipoh.

  2. My favorite foods, I can eat all of those:)
    Cute puppies.

  3. The dim sum looks delicious. I can eat dim sum everyday, just eat different items each day.

    1. My friends eat almost the same items everyday.

  4. poor sweet puppy, i think it's terrible hopefully they will get a place with dear people!!

    1. I was told these people pick up strays, get them spayed, feed and prepare them for adoption.

  5. Great dishes look like yummy.

    Thanks for the post and thanks for drawing attention to the animal issue.

  6. To dla mnie nieznane potrawy ale wyglądają pysznie. Mam nadzieje ,że pieski znajdą dom i kochających je ludzi.

  7. Nancy, I loved all of these dishes that you have shown but for me it would be my dinner. Yum, yum. See ya for now.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Over here, we usually have dim sum for breakfast.

  8. Sweet little puppies! The food is amazing.

  9. I eat dim sum only once in a while. The puppies are adorable, hope they will land in loving homes.

  10. The food looks appetizing...and those puppies are so cute. I, too, hope they find a good home.

  11. Poor cute puppies. Thera are so many homeless dogs in the world... Delicious dishes. Have a Merry Christmas Nancy.

    1. I have seen how some puppies were adopted and then let go as strays to fend for themselves when the owners didn't want to take care of them anymore.

  12. I have never eaten something like this but it looks tasty

  13. Los perritos se ven muy lindos. Besitos.

  14. Awwww the puppies are so cute! I hope they get homes for Christmas. I am reminded of the day many, many years ago when I read and was fascinated by an article about dim sum. I've never had it but it looks interesting and delicious. Merry Christmas, Nanacy! xoxo

    1. Thank you, Jenny. Merry Christmas to you too!

  15. Yeah while I like dim sum, wouldn't want to eat it too often also.

    Puppies are adorable.

  16. Hello, the puppies are so cute. So much yummy food, time for dinner. Great photos. Sorry I am late commenting. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks also for the comment and visit.

    1. Thank you, Eileen for hosting. Wishing you and love ones Happy New Year!


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