Wednesday 29 January 2020

A Pink Hibiscus From A Yellow Hibiscus Plant!

This morning I had a very pleasant surprise! Something happened to my yellow hibiscus plant. I had this yellow hibiscus plant in my garden for many years and all these years, it has bloomed yellow hibiscus only.
 This yellow hibiscus has multi layer petals.
 This morning I was astonished to find this pink flowers on a branch of the same yellow hibiscus plant. It has never happened before since I planted the yellow hibiscus which should be more than 7 years ago.
It is really strange but I am happy to see this pink hibiscus. I hope from now on, I will see both yellow and pink flowers from this plant.
This morning I was blessed with abundant long beans harvested from my garden. On the left are snake long beans and the right are the dwarf long beans.

"I am the Vine, you are the branches.
When you're joined with me and I with you,
the relation intimate and organic,
the harvest is sure to be abundant.
Separated, you can't produce a thing.
Anyone who separates from me is deadwood,
gathered up and thrown on the bonfire.
But if you make yourselves at home with me
and my words are at home in you,
you can be sure that whatever you ask
will be listened to and acted upon.
This is how my Father shows who he is -
when you produce grapes,
when  you mature as my disciples.
(John 15:5-8, The Message-MSG)


  1. Seems a sign of a luckiness!
    Now, you have one tree with different flowers :)
    Both flowers are beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Evi. I hope to see more of the pink hibiscus.

  2. How pretty to have the pink flower amongst the yellow flowers.
    I have a chrysanthemum in the garden that has grown quite big over the years and covered in deep reddish maroon flowers, but every year one single flower appears half red and half yellow. I think I will feel disappointed the year that doesn't happen.

    1. Oh yes, we look forward to see that special flowers.

  3. Very pretty, love hibiscus tea☺

  4. Pink Hibiscus 😊 loved it... Thanks for your sharing 😊

  5. This is like a miracle. pink and yellow hibiscus from the same plant.

    1. Yes, I have to check to make sure it came from the same plant.

  6. That is an amazing hibiscus plant! And to have both colors on one bush is even more amazing.

    1. It is amazing. Now I am hoping to see more of the pink flowers.

  7. Beautiful pink hibiscus. I wonder how that happened.

  8. Oh the flowers are most beautiful and wow on the fresh from the garden beans. Nothing better than fresh from the garden.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

  9. It is a sign of good luck that red hibiscus appeared on a yellow hibiscus plant.

    1. Thank you, Libby. Now I have red and yellow, meaning both "ang" and "ong".

  10. I love flowers! These are very beautifull!

  11. Wow, how can this be? And it is gorgeous, with many petals. I have heard that colors of blooms will change depending on the soil they are in. But in your case, this is not so.

    1. Yes, it is very surprising. I didn't change the soil. Recently, I moved it to a place with more sunlight.

  12. Wonderful and miraculous and so beautiful! Both the pink hibiscus and the lovely beans. Life is full of surprises. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Jenny. I love pleasant surprises.

  13. What a gorgeous surprise! Nature is so interesting :)

    Thanks for making 'My Corner of the World' a success this week!

    My Corner of the World

  14. What a wonderful surprise! I wonder how that happened?

  15. mmmmmm Fresh veggies. I love em'. I can't wait for Spring so I can plant my garden too! mmmmmmm Have a great day!

  16. That is so cool with the hibiscus..with the yellow and pink blooms on the same plant.

  17. Now i'm going to wonder how that happened. Lovely beans, i'll bet they tasted as good as they looked, too.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. I love these beans more than normal long beans.

  18. Amazing to have two colours on the one plant..I found this on the internet..We all know that fall leaves change color in response to weather conditions, and this is the hallmark of anthocyanin pigments. Anthocyanins are plentiful in hibiscus, giving the flowers their many showy bands of color, as well as their tendency to bloom with different colors depending on many different variables

    1. Thank you, Margaret for sharing the information. I hope to see more pinks now.

  19. wow this sounds miraculous dear Nancy !

    how strange that after so long plant is growing flower with different color ,never saw or heard such thing ,beautiful images
    and thank you for touching pray ,made my eyes teary !

  20. How unusual but a lovely thing to happen! It must have something to do with genetics.

    1. Its like a new year present or an angpao. Ha ha.

  21. Hello, your hibiscus is beautiful. It is odd to see another color blooming. Great bean harvest, they look delicious. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

  22. Such a wonderful surprise to have both colours.

  23. Una bonita sorpresa. Besitos.

  24. That is lovely and so nice to have a change. Keep well Diane

  25. Both colours are beautiful! Such a nice surprise.


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