Thursday 16 January 2020

Homemade Walnut Candy

This morning we didn't go for our morning walk because I went out with my friends for breakfast and later to pay our monthly utility bills in town. We went to a friend's place to collect some Chinese New Year biscuits and had breakfast at a nearby coffee shop.
 I ordered the above Mee Jawa while my friends order the kai si hor fun (chicken noodles). This is the best that I have tasted so far. My friends also ordered and packed this Mee Jawa home for their lunch.
 After having settled our bills and errands, we stopped to buy some walnuts. I bought 500 gm of walnuts to try this recipe for making candied walnuts. I am sure this will be a healthier snack for Chinese New Year celebration.
First, I have to rinse the walnuts and blanched the walnuts in boiling water and some salt. Then I cooked the walnuts with 2 tbsp of maltose and half cup water over medium-low heat until almost dry. Finally, fried the walnuts in warm oil over medium-low heat for about 5 to 6 minutes, stirring continuously with a pair of chopsticks. The walnuts were removed and left to cool before storing in an air-tight container. Next, I want to try the baked version to see which is tastier.

Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see -
how good GOD is. Blessed are you who run to him.
(Psalm 34:8, The Message-MSG)


  1. Mee jawa is one of my favoutites.

  2. İnteresting food 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. The mee jawa looks so tasty. Candied walnuts are tasty but it is healthier without the sugar.

    1. Thank you, Mun. I didn't use any sugar, just 2 tbsp of maltose. Maltose is a natural sweetener, and doesn't contain any fructose.

  4. Nancy,

    All I can say is Chinese biscuits look different from American biscuits. :) The candied Walnuts sound good. I don't buy sweetened nuts but I do like having them on occasion. I prefer eating lightly salted roasted nuts. Raw is healthier for sure but the unhealthy version is tastier. :D Have a good day/evening!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I normally eat the nuts raw but just for the occasion, I tried this candied version. Not sweet with just the maltose but much tastier.

  5. Last night I went to have dinner at the " Mandarin "
    a wonderful eatery for Chinese food. Our Chinese friend Meilin took us with Al's daughter and husband. Al is in the Nursing home with Parkinson's and they came to visit him. They live in Vancouver, BC, a long way. We had a wonderful dinner and I had so many different types of shrimp in the Mandarin. I stuffed myself but I loved them. See ya Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. I am glad you enjoyed your dinner at the Chinese restaurant. I love shrimps too.

  6. Yum, I would love to try the walnuts.

    1. The candied walnuts make very addictive snack.

  7. Not sure we can get Maltose here, they sound delicious. Have a good day Diane

    1. Maltose is a more healthier alternative as it is an all natural sweetener without any fructose.

  8. Yummy on the meal and the candy. Looks fabulous.

    Have a wonderful day, Nancy. ♥

  9. Around here, walnuts are expensive. I like the yellow spoon and chopsticks!

    1. Walnuts are expensive here too because they are imported nuts.

  10. Pyszna przekÄ…ska , lubiÄ™ orzechy. Smacznego :)

  11. This looks absolutely delicious! I tried something similar recently but yours looks much better haha.

    Have a good week! :)

    Amy x Wandering Everywhere

  12. It looks really delicious! I would like taste it :)

  13. Las nueces me gustan mucho. Besitos.

  14. Your candied walnuts sound interesting! Very nice as a snack to serve during CNY.

  15. Walnuts are so good for you. I haven't eat them in so long.
    I just followed your lovely blog.

    1. Thank you, dear. Will follow your blog too.

  16. Making your own candy sounds like fun and looks delicious.

  17. Great post, Thanks for sharing, x

  18. I love mee jawa too. Can't really imagine what those walnuts taste like... sometimes the skin can be bitter-ish.

  19. I can't recall when I last had walnuts.


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