Friday 27 March 2020

Stewed Chicken Feet With Shiitake Mushroom & Cloud Ears Fungus

Today is 10th day MCO. I had a good sleep and woke up early this morning at about 7:00 am. First thing on my mind after washing up was to go out to check whether there is a beautiful sunrise waiting for me.
Sunrise @ 7:35 am.
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Last week hubby's sister called to inform us that she will be forwarding a package for our family through the courier service. Thank God for her thoughtfulness and concern. Upon receiving the order, she quickly forwarded to us.
We received this package yesterday morning.
Very timely arrival, we need this urgently because we need to wear mask before entering stores to buy our provision and hand sanitizer to disinfect our hands after holding the shopping cart, etc. Will be forwarding these items to my sons as supply is limited everywhere. Hope these will last until MCO is over.
A bottle of hand sanitizer abt 600 ml.
2 packs of facial masks and 6 nos. of small sized hand sanitizer.
These will come in very useful to keep us safe.
The day before yesterday, I bought 2 pairs of rubber gloves and a box of disposal plastic gloves from the local mini mart. These will come in useful when we need to go out to get our essentials and when filling up of petrol. For now, we are staying home and keeping ourselves occupied. My friend also shared with me about disinfectant cleaning services that are becoming more popular nowadays due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
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8th day MCO (Wed)
Stewed chicken feet
I stewed chicken feet with dried shiitake mushrooms and dried cloud ear fungus for 2 meals. I kept the 2nd portion for next day's dinner.
Blanched home grown baby choy sum (green veggie), drizzled with olive oil and soy sauce.
This was our dinner on the 8th day MCO.
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9th day MCO (Thurs)
These Malabar Spinach getting overcrowded.
I harvested Malabar Spinach, 2 long beans and 2 chilies from my garden.
2nd portion of stewed chicken feet.
Blanched home grown Malabar Spinach, drizzled with olive oil and soy sauce.
Now why I go and fry these 2 eggs?
The stewed chicken feet and vegetable were more than enough for us.
This was our dinner on the 9th day MCO.
Maybe I was hungry because I skipped lunch. We finished everything except for some left over stewed chicken feet which I kept for hubby's next day simple lunch.

Your words are what sustain me; they are food to my hungry soul.
They bring joy to my sorrowing heart and delight me.
How proud I am to bear your name, O Lord.
(Jeremiah 15:16, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. That's really thoughtful of her sending that care package!
    A wonderful meal, Nancy :-)

  2. Great package. It's so important.
    Stay safe :)

  3. It is staying at home here also, me and my husband go only grocery shopping early in the morning. 7-8 o'clock is reserved for risk groups. Helsinki region / the whole Uusimaa province is now separated from the rest of the country in order to stop the virus spreading to the rest of the country.. I am happy that I have my garden and solitary nature paths near by. Take care Nancy.

    1. I am also glad that I have my little garden. Take care too.

  4. Soap, Desinfication and Handwashing - it's so important in this time, stay healthy and Greetings from Germany

  5. I used to not touching chicken feet in the past till few years ago. Now I dont mind it.

  6. The food looks so healthy and delicious. Glad you have sanitizer, face masks etc. Here I cannot buy any because they are in short supply. In fact I haven't been able to find certain things I need. Hopefully they will have appropriate stock soon. They keep saying that there is abundant supply and not to hoard but so far I still see gaps on the shelves. I'm not worried as I have enough for awhile and just get a little here and there when I can. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Supply everywhere is limited. Many have to book and queue up to buy facial masks. Hope the manufacturers will be able to meet the urgent needs.

  7. Cheer up everyone though the situation is very grave right now, everything is so uncertain and nobody knows what lies ahead.

    So nice of your hubby's sister to send you this package. It is very timely.

  8. Very important; glove,disinfectat... Thanks for your sharing, stayhome stayhealty 😊

  9. Now you have given me an idea what to cook next-chicken feet! LOL! Very timely package from your sis-in-law. Now we are required to wear mask before entering shops and supermarkets.

    1. With limited supply, we only go out when necessary.

  10. ...I haven't seen a bottle of hand sanitizer in months!

  11. Hello, love your sky image. What a thoughtful care package. Your food looks yummy! Stay safe, healthy and happy. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Cool review and lovely photos )))

  13. That is a beautiful sunrise. So glad you got some much needed supplies.

  14. good, they managed to buy masks. now shortage of masks every where. your food are all so tasty!

  15. I am very glad you are staying safe out there Nancy. And those fresh greens will sure to give you an immunity boost! Be well and safe there!

    Greetings from the Philippines!

    Cavite Daily Photo
    Stevenson Que Blog

  16. What a wonderful package to receive. Good for you.

    Yummy on the food. Your meals are just lovely.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Nancy. Stay safe. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Very thankful for the package.

  17. These are difficult times for everyone. Unfortunately many people are unable to obtain items such as masks and hand sanitizers. I am sure these issues will be with us for months to come.

    1. Hope that the virus will be curbed from spreading and those sick will recover soon.

  18. Por aquí las mascarillas y desinfectantes son difíciles de conseguir. Besitos.

  19. I've given up trying to find hand sanitizer, gloves and masks. Very scary times. Stay healthy!

    1. All the shelves are empty. Thankful for that timely package.

  20. These supplies are so hard to come by here. There has been no sanitizer available for weeks. Glad to hear you are doing alright.

    1. Thank God for the timely supplies. Stay safe and healthy.

  21. You hit the jackpot with that package. Lovely meal!

  22. That was a very thoughtful package you received. Those items will come in handy. What a nightmare that we are living in.

    Great sky shot, food, and of course a verse.

    Stay safe and enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thank you, Yogi. Its a nightmare but we can still hope for situation to improve.

  23. So nice of your SIL.. now both of us have the essentials to keeping safe.. The petrol is so cheap now but I guess we never use much these days!

    1. These days we hardly go anywhere except to the nearby shop to get our essential items.

  24. Things that are in high demand right now,stay safe,stay home.

  25. These personal care items are hot items these days!

    Wow you grow baby choy sum too.


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