Wednesday 29 April 2020

Home Grown Chives Fritters With Peanut Sauce

Yesterday was 42nd day under MCO. It was still drizzling when I woke up in the morning. 
I went out to look for sunrise at 7:22 am.
Bauhiana Kockiana blooms.
Pink Showers or Pink Mexican Petunia Ruellia
Red Okra plants.
Round Dark Purple Eggplant
Simple breakfast for 2 people
Coffee, 2 half-boiled eggs, wholemeal bread with kaya and strawberry jam.
Vegetable fritters using home grown chives and dried prawns.
Dipping sauce: peanut sauce and chili sauce.
I used the peanut mixture from this packet.
My neighbour bought honey melon and gave half to us.
Everyone who passes by couldn't help but notice these beautiful blooms.

O LORD, what are human beings that you should notice them,
mere mortals that you should think about them?
For they are like a breath of air; their days are like passing shadow.
(Psalm 144:3-4, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Love the flowers and it's good to see you eating well during this lock-down. I didn't have a doubt.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. Stay well. ♥

  2. Delicious foods, wonderful photos 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. It rained over night and when I got up out of bed at 5:30am, the rain stopped. I can't seem to sleep longer anymore. Oh well, I'll rest later on.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. It is raining now. Its rainy season over here. At our age, sleep is luxury.

  4. ...thanks Nancy for the splash of color on this overcast day!

  5. It's so nice to see and read your blog. Beautiful flowers and delisious food.

  6. You have such a beautiful garden. I should make fritters, too. I enjoy eating them.

  7. Mmmm il cibo sembra ottimo come sempre =)

  8. We love chives. The pink blooms are beautiful! I dare not try to spell the name!

  9. Yo también me he enamorado de la planta de la segunda y último fotografía.

    Las berenjenas, es una verdura que me encanta. En córdoba hay un plato muy típico, que es berenjenas a la miel.

    Te pongo la receta, por si te interesa.

    Ingredientes para hacer Berenjenas Fritas con Miel de Caña (para 4 personas):

    2 berenjenas
    Miel de Caña
    Harina de Trigo (unas 4 cucharadas)
    Aceite para freír (con medio litro tienes bastante)
    Receta para hacer Berenjenas Fritas con Miel de Caña (para cuatro personas):

    Prepara un cuenco grande con un litro y medio de agua y 1 cucharada de sal.
    Corta la berenjena sin pelar en rodajas no muy gruesas (de medio centímetro más o menos). Echa las rodajas de berenjena en el bol de agua salada que hemos preparado y deja 30 minutos.
    Luego escurre bien y pasa las rodajas de berenjenas por la harina.
    Pon a calentar el aceite (puedes usar aceite de oliva o de girasol) y cuando esté bien caliente fríe las berenjenas por tandas.
    Deja un minuto por cada lado y luego déjalas sobre papel absorbente.
    Cuando tengas fritas todas las berenjenas pásalas a un plato limpio y sirve con un poco de miel de caña por encima. Riquísimas.


    1. Thank you for the recipe. Sounds delicious.

  10. Your whole garden is charming!

  11. Lovely flowers and tasty food. Are those strawberries jam from Claire home made ones or you made them yourself? I love to eat strawberry anything so I would love to eat the strawberry jam.

    1. Thank you, Mun. Yes, you got it right. The strawberry jam is from Claire. My kaya for her strawberry jam!

  12. Çiçekler çok güzeller. İyi komşu her zaman candır. Sebzeli börek güzelmiş. Afiyet olsun.

  13. Such beautiful flowers, a stunning array of colour.

  14. Bauhiana Kockiana are gorgeous...... in fact perfect showstoppers. All the blooms are so cheerful and I too love catching a beautiful sunrise when its so peaceful all around. The fritters look yum! Have a happy week ahead

  15. What gorgeous blooms! I love the okra plant and sometimes grow it just for the bloom. The okra is a bonus.

    1. Thank you, Rose. I get satisfaction from both the flowers and the fruit.

  16. It is interesting to eat fritters with peanut sauce, i have not tried it before.

    1. Just like eating satay, similar peanut sauce.

  17. Gorgeous flowers and a lovely sunrise. Your food always looks delicious!

    Thanks for taking part at 'My Corner of the World' this week! It's good to see you.

    1. Thank you, Betty for hosting. Have a wonderful day.

  18. lovely selection of flowers and the veggie fritters look delicious!

  19. Las flores se ven preciosas y la comida buena como siempre. Un beso.

  20. We are eating way too much for our breakfasts and dinners. At least we are skipping lunch. - Margy

    1. I agree with you, Margy. Have a great weekend.

  21. I'm a fan of peanut sauce, thanks for sharing. I like dipping toast into them.

    1. I used to order peanut mixture from my ex-colleague. Since I retired, I have to buy commercially packed from the stores.


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