Monday 18 May 2020

Fish Noodle And Mint Basmathi Rice With Mutton Kurma

It started raining on Saturday evening and continued the whole night. It was still drizzling when we woke up on Sunday morning (yesterday, 61st day MCO).
 Morning sky at 7:10 am.
By the time I took the above snapshot, the rain had stopped in time for our morning walk.
After our morning walk, hubby went out on his motorbike to buy breakfast.
 He bought 1 pax of fish noodle with Shaoxing wine added.
Big portion, enough for 2 people.
 Hubby's bowl with 4 pieces of fish and 1 fish cake.
 My bowl with 4 pieces of fish and 1 fish cake.
I like to soak the cut chili padi in the hot soup.
 We came to know about the above lunch promotion by Martin Food Caterer. A friend wanted 1 pax, so hubby ordered 2 pax. Hubby and I shared 1 pax. Food delivery service is provided but hubby went to collect on his own.
 Lunch set - 1 pax.
 Boneless mutton kurma.
 Red chicken or ayam masak merah.
 Mixed vegetable.
 Mint Basmathi rice or nasi pudina.
Overall, it was a delicious lunch.
There is another promotion this Sunday, 24th May.
Are we ordering this? We have not decided yet.
Sweet mangoes for dessert
 When my friend came to collect her lunch set, she gave us the above cookies (hup toh soh).
 We were blessed with 2 big papayas by our neighbour.
Sweet Porridge
I boiled sweet porridge (tong sui) with barley, gingko nuts and bean curd sheet. 
 The bean curd sheets break up into tiny pieces after boiling.
 I like the soft barley and of course, my favourite is the ginkgo nuts.
My neighbour returned home from work and she bought for us salted chickens.
 There were 2 salted chickens inside this paper bag and the chickens were still warm.
Since there were salted chickens, I decided not to cook dinner.
I kept 1 salted chicken in the fridge, and we had 1 chicken for dinner.
I didn't cook any rice so we ate the salted chicken with barley and ginkgo sweet porridge.

God's laws are perfect.
They protect us, make us wise, and give us joy and light.
God's laws are pure, eternal, just.
They are more desirable than gold.
They are sweeter than honey dripping from a honeycomb.
For they warn us away from harm
and give success to those who obey them.
(Psalm 19:7-11, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Oh the food. I'm so hungry this morning. You two do eat so very well.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Nancy. ♥

    1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

  2. Again, I am glad I have eaten. So glad you guys can still enjoy your food. Hope that one of these days we will all get back to normal and be able to go out with our friends.

    1. Yes, looking forward but it will take some time to get back to normal.

  3. Wow you are lucky, I wish we could get take away meals. Nothing is open here, I have cooked every single meal we have eaten since March. I have run totally out of new ideas! Keep well Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. I am glad I didn't have to cook all the meals every day.

  4. The chicken and cookies look so good!

  5. Im getting hungry just by looking at it :)

  6. Siempre una comida estupenda. Besos.

  7. Super super delicious food! You are truly blessed to receive food from your neighbours and friends. The fish noodles is such a big pack. How much is the price?

  8. Such nice meals, and i am glad you have friends with whom to share and who share with you.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. We love to share with our friends and neighbour and vice versa.

  9. Love the set meal at a good price rm19 with mutton kurma - so delicious. Rm17 with fish curry is not as interesting as mutton kurma so will you order?

    1. That was what hubby said, the 2nd set is not so interesting. Still haven't decided yet.

  10. Ginkgo is my favourite in the barley beancurd sheet tongsui. Very tasty when the beancurd sheets break up. What type of sugar did you use for this tong sui?

    1. I finished all the brown sugar and rock sugar, so I have no choice but to use a small amount of white sugar.

  11. Salted chicken with tong sui is an interesting combination. :)

    1. Ha ha...yup anything as long as our taste buds can accept.

  12. I like tong sui with beancurd sheets. Must be very shiok and nice to eat the fish noodles with the chili padi added inside the soup.

    1. The chili padi in the soup makes the soup extra delicious.


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