Wednesday 22 July 2020

Buy Farm Fresh Top Grade Durians Online

This afternoon, I drove out to buy some grocery and I passed by a roadside stall selling durians. Durian? Did my eyes really see durians? Feeling excited, I quickly look at the side mirror to double check. Yes, they were durians! Yay, durian season is back!

You see, I am a big fan of durians. Usually my husband is the one who buys the durian and I am the one who is good at prying open the thorny husks for us to enjoy the creamy flesh. Whatever we cannot finish, I will pack the durian flesh in plastic container to chill in the fridge. Chilled durians taste like delicious creamy ice creams and we love to eat them as chilled desserts.

During the partial lockdown of the pandemic, durian lovers can purchase durians via online and have them delivered to their doorstep. They get to enjoy the different brands of durians in the comfort and safety of their home. Before the pandemic, many Singaporeans crossed over to Malaysia during the durian seasons to satisfy their durian craving. These days, Singaporeans can rely on to supply the best durians to their doorstep through online delivery.
Why choose
They have their own private plantation equipped with advanced irrigation system to provide efficient hydration which is essential to good durian growth. Their durian trees are not overcrowded and only organic fertilizer are used to produce wholesome fruit. To protect the fallen fruits from impact, durable nets are installed. Their vision is to produce top quality durians and harvesting and delivering the fresh durians at top speed.

The freshly plucked durians arrive daily before noon from the plantation. They are de-husked and hygienically heat sealed in boxes to ensure ultimate freshness, before being delivered to the customers on the day of arrival. is known for delivering freshly plucked durians from the plantations to the customer’s home in less than 12 hours.
To order fresh durians or frozen durians, just pick your choice from the premium durians e.g. Mao Shan Wang, Black Gold, Musang King, or Red Prawn. Customers get to enjoy free delivery island-wide for orders $100 and above. Once you have completed the steps of your online purchase, the durians will be delivered to you within an hour. You can get free replacement or refund for all late deliveries or unsatisfactory orders.

Operating Hours for Delivery:
Mondays to Sundays, 10 am to 11 pm

You can contact the following for more details or to purchase:
General Enquiries E-mail:
General Enquiries WhatsApp Only: +65 84399788
Wholesale Durian Purchase: